Wednesday, August 04, 2004

today's mood in school not really good barx... cos inthe morning i went to buy ice cream for home econs practical...we only need about 2 to 3 scoobs of ice cream but i went to bought a 1 litre (or maybe 2 litre) ice cream... the flavour is cookies and cream nice...i got good taste right?...hehe... then during home econs... i made the main dish and the drink (which is macaroni bolognese and ice cocoa) while sarah do the muffins and mariam do the cookies... i cook finish all the stuff and it was quite delicious i think...hehe... but the cookies and the muffins didn't cos it was very messy and we didn't know how to do...hehe... even though sarah and mariam say that they know how to make cookies but i still dun believe them cos in the end it turn out so ermmm... how shall i say... disgusting...hehe :P...and it was so watery (i meant the mixture)... i put ice cream on top of the muffin and it made it worse but...who cares lor...after we cook all the food liao... it was time for Ms Seah to check and grade us... she is so damn f*cking lor... when she was grading the groups, she skip my group and siying's group lor... and it was recess time when she finally come and grade my group and siying's group... she graded siying's group first then grade mine... by the time she grade finish my group the sec 1s had already come into the kitchen to have their lesson... then she call us to wash the dishes after she grade finish but we haven't even started washing the sec 1s came and she called us to get out then she scolded us very slow... she herslef graded us so slow...she dun say herself then come and blame us... i would rather get out of the kitchen and let her wash all the dishes herself lor... and after recess is math exam lor... i haven't even buy graph paper for the exam.... after we wash finish all the dishes, i and siying was scolding her very loudly outside the kitchen...actually we delibrately scolded very loudly want cos we want her to know that we are angry and we dun like her... very mean right?...hehe... after that, i went to buy graph paper... i didn't even eat for recess lor... hmmph... and then go back to class to take the math exam...i didn't finish the paper lor...haix... i think i am going to fail for this exam man... after the math exam... we have to go and see Ms Seah...then i and siying was like... i think Ms Seah want to see us (those ppl who had taken the practical today) cos we scolded her behind the back and very loud... then we were like scold then scold lor... like we cannot say bad things about teachers behind their backs like that... its our mouth what... but in the end... Ms Seah want to see us b'cos some of my classmate made a mess in the rubbish bin... and she called us to clean up for her... chey...
Then after school, i had NAFA the 5 items thingy... hehe... the first station for my group was the IPU lor... then when i was doing about 8 IPU already,one of the sec 1s stop me halfway and tell me that i was doing it wrongly when it was correct... she told me to straighten my hand when doing the IPU... then i told her if i straighten my hand then my butt will touch the floor... then she was lke so gulity to stop me but she never say sorry to me... then the teacher in charge of the station thought the time is up and i only do 8 IPU then she wrote 8 IPU on my paper... luckily Shao Fang help me explain to the teacher or i will surely going to kill that sec 1 man... make me do 8 IPU for nothing... dunno then dun say lah... so angry.... then i have to do IPU again lucky i got an A for that arh... or the sec 1 girl will get it from me arh... oh yar and my sit and reach deprove so much leh... i got a B for sit and reach lor... so sad :(... from last time 47 cm to 45 cm...haix... maybe i old liao... not flexible liao... hehe :P ...
i think i shall stop here cos i want to bath hehe.... later i shall continue what i want to write after i bath or the person sitting beside me (who is my sis, Teng) will nag until like siao... haix... ok later then come back and continue...bye! :P


At 9:58 AM, Blogger the queen said...

hey yo, can see this anot? i'm like, supposed to be doing my 900 word essay but i've not started and it's almost one. i'm dead. anyway, thanks for being such a great sis (especially when it comes to cooking food) haahaha., or else yesterday i would have died feeling so bad. anyway, i hate that mrs seah already. so blardy ignorant. guess this is what a girls' school is about.


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