Monday, August 09, 2004

Happy National Day!

hihi! Today's National Day! too bad never watch the parade today cos went to haig road basketball court with Teng and Ah boy...
Yup we met the red t-shirt boy again (but this time he wear black t-shirt) and his friend whose name is called Wilson... i, teng and ah boy were playing bball ourselves then they come and play with us match until around 7.30pm cos we want to watch singapore idol at 8pm... who knows... when we were on our way home... the 2 boys walked behind us... they told my sis they were going to buy something so they walk the same route as us... so my sis believe them lah (so stupid)... i wanted to tell my sis to walk faster but she like never hear me so i walk atsre in order to let her catch up with me... then they followed us home lor... they very wu liao and siao lor... what for follow us home... i was quite angry lah... then we ran to block 417 and take the lift to the 4th floor to bluff them that we live in the block and at 4th floor but they went up to the 4th floory by the staircase and caught us so our plan failed... haix.... then we had no choice but to stay at the voideck of block 417 then teng called me and ah boy to go home cos we want to watch singapore idol and by that time it was already 8.15pm lor...singapore idol already start... then i say ok lor... so i and ah boy walk to our block then wait at the playground for teng cos i scare mum will ask me where teng is when i go home... but i keep waiting... wait for so long she still haven't walk to our block so i went up home with ah boy... then mum really ask em where is ah teng i dunno what to answer her so i tell her that she was talking to her friend downstairs... then mummy never say anything liao...i thought teng will come home 10 minutes after we reach home but she never... then mum ask me again... where is teng? then i say she is talking to her friend downstair....then she ask me whether they are boy or girl... of course i cannot lie to my mum right?... so i tell her that they are boys... then my ask me how many people.... then i say 2... then she ask me the friends are from her school or what then i say that they were from the bball court... then my mum scold me cos i left teng downstairs talking to 2 boys who we dun really noe (which is also called as stranger)... stupid lor... i was so piss at that time lor... so i faster go down then my mum go down with me... then i was like oh shit teng, die liao... then i faster run to block 417 and scold the boys... i say: " you all want to die mother coming lah!" then teng say: "ok! ok! bye! bye! my mother coming liao you all go home lah!" then teng faster run back to our that time mummy already going to walk to block 417 liao then she saw the 2 boys... after that i and teng go up first cos ying (my baby sis) want to play the playground downstair ... then in the lift, i blame ah teng for not going up with us...then i kana scolding... it is not my fault lor... then mummy come up and scold again lor... then we are NOT ALLOWED to go to the bball court and play bball anymore... all b'cos of the 2 boys.... THANKS to THEM!!! hmmph... super pissed off by them lor...
i think i shall stop here... i need to calm down now...haix...ok bye! :P


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