Friday, October 29, 2004

Last Day of School!!!

Sad.. today is the last day of school... i'm going to miss lots of ppl especially my gang of ppl...

Today handed in the option form... and i decided to put option E first then option I... nvm let's not talk about this or i will be regretting now... neway today got nothing to do in school... we just stay in class and slack... and the ppl in my class wanted to watch School of Rock cd which i dunno who brought it to school ( i think afiqah)... so they showed it through the PCR ( i think)
But not much ppl in my group want to watch so we decided to play card games eg poker cards... but mrs hoy who is my class co-FM say cannot so we decided to play uno instead... then after playing 1 game we got abit sick of it so we stopped playing... then siying started to SLEEP and mrs hoy saw so she woked her up by POKING her...
HELLO MRS HOY... it's painful you know... you've got long fingernails for your information...hehe

neway...siying thought it was me who is poking her... then she did not want to wake up and almost scolded me... then she found out that it was mrs hoy so she woke up... haha

oh yar then it was recess so we eat together in the canteen... then after recess we went to the hall cos got this show for the sec 2 to's about mediation (whatever crap is it)
ok so after the show we went back to class and we had to do operation clean up... and i and the group of my friends had to scrub the wall... it's quite unfair actually cos everytime opeartion clean up my group of ppl always scrub walls want... haix...nvm lor

ok gotta thanks lots of ppl...

Firstly wanna thank my group of friends who i always hang out with...
Siying, Lab partner cum going toilet expert
thanks for always hanging out with me... telling me lots of stuffs and joking with me... always take my food during tution... i will remember that (hehe)... i always go to the toilet with you want leh... you got bladder problem is it? always go toilet... drink so much water for what???... haha... anyway stop the somewhere over the rainbow thingy liao lah... i'm getting sick of it... change leh...hope will be friends forever and will go to the same class lor (that's what i wish)...and bestfriends :P
Sheng Jie, Duckie
thanks for always being there when i'm not in a good mood... always lending me a listening ears when i needed someone to talk to... thanks for always giving me advise when i needed them too!!! hope we'll be in the same class and will be friends forever... i will remember you want and miss you... you better not forget me hor... mushy...yuck... but seriously these are my faithful words to you...ok bestfriends forever!!! :P
Wan Yuan
hey wan yuan, thanks for hanging out with me... nice working with you in those projects that we haven been in... and thanks for crapping around with me in these past few months (i think)...haha... so how? going boston liao ar? must know what to do hor? *hint hint* hey bought your birthday present... like it? where's mine? *hint hint* hope we'll be friends forever and you will not forget me and remember me... haha...
Yiying, 5566 fan cum water-cooler expert
hey yiying... thanks for crapping around with me and hanging around with me in the past few months (i think so)... remember that you always so quiet in class want before i know you... but when i know you, you also very quiet but got talk abit lah... now got improve liao... haha... you also like siying keep drinking water want... worst than siying somemore... never bring waterbottle but keep drinking water... keep asking me to accompany you to the water-cooler to drink water... oi you people, what am i? your accompany-er (if there is such a word? but if dun have want then i invent this word..haha) ar!!! i had enough hor... keep asking me to accompany you all to the toilet and water-cooler... haha... jk lah... but dun alway ask me to go lah... haha... oh yar.. you also very good in maths... thanks for teaching me maths problems when i dunno how to solve them... haha... ok anyway wanna wish you good luck in whatever you do... hope you dun forget me and better remember me hor... i'm your escape theme park partner hor...ok i won't forget you want... stay cool always!!! :P
Cass, Rich piggy
hey cass, thanks for sharing your thoughts and problems with me... really glad to lend a hearing ear to you... anything can always find me k?... hehe... anyway wanna thank you for all the treats that you have given me... hehe... and for going out with me, hanging out with me and crapping with me... hehe... you now working ar? working where? working for who? nice a not? why never ask me???... anyway thanks for eating lunch with me whenever i want to eat... thanks for inviting me to your birthday... thanks for hearing my problems and consoling me when i needed them... thanks lots!!! :P... anyway hope you dun forget me and remember me!!! i won't forget you all want!!! wish you good luck in whatever you do!!! :P
Sabrina, bian tai de
hey sab, thanks for the bian tai-ing that you keep saying...haha... thanks for hanging out with me and crapping around with me... i will always remember your china accent want...haha... and i will alway remember you as the idol fan of many idols lah (dunno who you like now...haha)... and i will always remember that time during the olympics period... you keep collecting susilo's newspaper articles...haha then you and siying always fight about susilo VS boonsak... haha so funny...anyway hope you remember lor and dun forget me... and where is my birthday present?? never buy for me... i buy for you leh... hmmph...jk lah...friends forever!!!

haix... time really fly... already school has ended and have to split class soon!!! will remember the times i spent with my friends and my class!!! once again i wan to thanks those who i have hang out with and have helped me... THANK YOU!!!
here's a poem to all of you guys!!!
Time flies fast
memories past
but their once
happy at last
forever friend is what i want
to all that i have being as buds
so wishing all success to come
happy memories will always be in us
like it? is i compose want? took about 5 minutes only... so dun blame me if it doesn't sound good...hehe :P
k bye people!!! out!


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