Thursday, October 27, 2005

FUN times? MISERABLE times?

hey peeps. back to blog. haha... well, was a tiring day today. still elaborate on that later. haha.
now let me talk about the recent happenings.

hmmm... well, on 18 oct 2005, we went to plaza singapura to celebrate brina's and charmaine's birthday. haha. it's so amazing to have friends that have the same birthday or birthdate. haha. like siying, wan yuan and audrey also. they are born on the same day. only at different hours. so cool. haha...

was late that day. meet up with sheng, siying and wanyuan first before meeting the rest. sheng and i suddenly remembered that we forgot to buy a present for charmaine and only got presents for brina. so we spilt brina's present into 2 parts. one part for charmaine and another for brina. then we last minute combine sheng and my present with siying's one. haha... but it was ok. haha...

yup. we went to watch corpse bride. quite a nice show i can say. ermmm... but i think the movie is a bit short and i couldn't really understand the first part cos they talk too fast. haha. but the overall story i get it. haha. then we wasn't really very hungry cos we ate lots of popcorns in the cinema. so we went to play arcade. so fun!!! we played lots of game. really enjoyed it!!! racing cars, street basketball, drumming, hammering and pressing lots of buttons... after that we went pizza hut to eat. all 13 people sat in this long table. haha. then we made lots of noise. the people behind us couldn't stand it and change place. haha. then we ate and played games. then sihui, siying and some other people went to buy cake secretly, making an excuse that they were going to the toilet. and they went there so long. make the 2 birthday girls so suspicious. haha. finally they came back and they ate. and we continued to play games. haha... then finally the birthday cake was served by a waitress and we sang happy birthday song to them. haha. it was ice cream cake. so delicious! haha. then played a few more games and finished up the food and we went to settle the bills. but we met some problems. pizza hut overcharge us. and it was purposely. they dun even want to refund us. i think it is because they see that we are young and want to take advantage of us. that was so evil of them. so we had an expensive dinner that day. then we went to look for weeling's present... had lots of fun at action city. playing the toys there and choosing the present. then finally left for the mrt and went home... had a fun time with them... the only unfortunate thing is that pizza hut overcharge us and we are broke. haha... but overall was nice!!! haha...

well... read something that i regret reading... guess what is it? yup. it's my mum's diary. had lots of hurtful things and saddening things in there... cried when i was reading it. and cried when i talk about it to jet. found the diary when we were packing some old stuff cos papa was repainting our room with sunshine yellow paint. was very shocked to read it and after reading it, i regretted reading it. one more thing that i realised... teng and ah boy are always sick when they were young... haha... i found out that my family is not a happy family at all... it's just that i didn't realise it. and i think my mum is bias... she cares more for teng than me. now i know the reason why sometimes mummy beat me for no reason or for small reasons. and why i was beaten only but not my other siblings... only me... it's all biasness. it's all about papa and mummy... why must they sometimes make me so miserable? why is it only me? am i very easily bullied by you? i respect you and you do this to me. i still remember mummy waking me up in the middle of the night... pitching me and scolding me for watching tv late at night. when teng, joy and ah boy also watch with me. it was very painful. and i didn't make a sound. teng, joy and ah boy also dun know about it. it's always me. do you hate me so much? so much that you have to do this me. i really hate you sometimes. and yet i love you because you are my mother. argh!!!

i dun want to talk about it. maybe some other time. i guess...

back to happy feelings... haha. ok. like i said. papa repainted our room. it's so bright and yellow now. argh!!! althought i dun really like the colour yellow. but sometimes i feel that it's a colour that make you feel warmth. cosy. and home. haha. i think my room is quite neat now. at least it's neater than before. haha. i helped papa to repaint it too. so fun to repaint the house. it's like a family thing to do. i mean last time we also repaint the house together. but a lot of work have to be done too.. the packing and shifting of furnitures and stuff like that. but it's fun when you enjoy it. now the only room at home that has a different colour is my room. haha. but i dun really like the texture and feeling of the paint. it's rough. argh!!! but the colour is ok. i actually wanted cream colour but teng and joy dun want. joy wanted bright green and teng wanted bright yellow. and i wanted cream colour. in the end, the bright yellow wins. cos mum also like it. bias. argh!!! well, nevermind. haha.

well, got back all my results and i passed all!!! woohoo!!! the only thing is that it wasn't the results that i expected it to be. i expected higher. nvm. i dun have to go for extended studies during the holidays!!! woohoo!!! poor siying. she failed a-math, e-math and physic. so she have to go for extended studies during the holidays. and that is why we are going to wild wild wet on 31st october. actually we intended to go on the 22 of october but it was close. so we changed it to 10 nov. but siying got extended studies so we change again to 31 oct. haha... can't wait fro that day to come. planned very long liao... haha... but wanyuan just found out that wet wet wild only opens at 1pm during the week days. argh!!! how irritating when this kind of thing happen!!! but nevermind. we still going... planned to eat first then go there and play. must have lots of fun that day!!! just can't wait... i'm so excited!!! haha...

oh ya. and may is back from australia. she bought me a bookmark with my name on it. it's nice. and her birthday is today. so we bought her a star bracelet. and she love it!!! haha... i knew it. i got taste... haha... ego me. haha. and i learn to play this card game called "bridge" today. it's fun. but it can be quite boring when we play very long. haha.

and i'm watching the korean drama "full house". it's so nice!!! i borrowed it from nice nice sijie. she lent it to me. so nice of her. she also lent me rain's cd. haha. i love korean dramas... and full house is drama, comedy and romance... 3 in 1... i love it!!! i think i want to buy the cd for myself too!!! haha... but i have to save up first... so broke now... haha...

ok gtg now!!! bye!!! TTFN!!! bye!!! ahnihansayo!!! sayonara!!!

Saturday, October 15, 2005

freedom at last!!!

hey peeps... back to blog again for a long long long time... haha... you must have thought that i abandon my blog right? nah... it's just that it was exam period so i didn't touch the computer for a long time... and now it's over!!! i'm touching the com back again... haha... i feel like shouting: "FREEDOM AT LAST!!!" haha...

well, it's been quite a while since i slack so much... was really stressful during the exam period... i didn't study completely for a lot of subjects... hope i pass and be promoted to the next level for next year... really scare... i'll be knowing some results on monday... wish me good luck... haha...

well, went out with siying, sheng jie, calister and kendra after the last paper i had... we had so much fun... haha... we went kboxing... and we chat alot and sing alot... haha... and we went window shopping too... and we too neos too!!! haha... actually i was suppose to meet jet on that day but he told me that he couldn't make it in the morning... so siying found out and ask me out... so i went out with them... but jet really came to my house... then teng called to tell me that jet came and talk to jet on the phone and apologised to him... who ask him to tell me he cannot make it... haha... but we still went out on the next day... haha... still say about that in details later...

now back to the kbox outing... well, we waited quite awhile for the kbox shop to open... we were there early... haha... then we saw quite a few friends... haha... the kbox waiter's attitude really is bad... i was like going in and out of our room and then show that sulking face at us... really bad attitude... kendra was quite mad at him... and she wouldn't sing in front of him when he came in... so when he came in, the room was in total silence... haha... yup... we sang lots of song... and the fun part is when calister and siying sang the tai songs... so tai lor... haha... can't help it but laugh... and i sang quite a few songs with kendra... she sings pretty well... no wonder she is in choir... haha... hmmm... about sheng jie, she just sit there and sing... then laugh with us lor... haha... had lots of fun...

yup. the next day, jet came to my house again... he went to my house when i was kboxing... who ask him tell me that he cannot make it... then still come... make me so worried... but we went out on thursaday... our plan was to take neoprints and go to the national library... haha...

first, jet come to my house and we play the com and sing song at home with the music on in my computer... then we went out to eat at LJS... haha... the food standard drop alot... but we still eat with lots of joy... haha... then there was this bell in LJS... if you think the food was good then ring the bell... but i think the food is quite ok... but just for the sake of having fun, jet and i just rang the bell very hard and faster run out of the restaurant... haha... then we took the mrt to bugis and went to take neoprints... had lots of fun taking neoprints... lots of funny poses and actions... haha... it was very nice... haha... then we went to the national library for a short while cos jet is late to go home... the national library has lots of storey... we went to the 13th storey then take the lift down to basement 1... haha... was really a scary experience... there was this glass window where you could see the outside scenery... then the feeling is like taking the viking ship... haha... then we borrowed lots of comics and teng decided to treat jet to take another neoprint... so we faster rush to the neoprint shop and take 1 last time with lots of fun pose and actions again... then we faster buy food and take the mrt back... jet was really running late home... haha... his mum doesn't know that he went out with us... haha... oh ya... that day was jet's birthday too... haha... had lots of fun...

yup... yesterday was friday... and jet came to my house again... he got a present from his friend and told me to put it in my bag when we went outing on thursday... but i forgot to give him back on the way home... so he came to my house yesterday to take the present back and also come and play with us... haha... but to our surprise, we were going out with the other cousins later at night to celebrate his birthday... haha... then i sent him home at around 3... and continued to watch tv until around 6 and went to bath... was feeling very tired then... and wanted to sleep... had the thought of not going to the family outing cos i felt like sleeping... but in the end, i went to bath and went out with my family... we were the last family to reach kfc to eat with them... then i was sulking cos i didn't talk alot with the cousins and i felt very tired... haha... then we went to jet's house which is also pigney's house... which also makes me sulk even more... i just sit there and watch tv then go home... cos pa called and fetch us home... haha... was the first family to leave jet's place... haha... we said goodbye and left... haha...

now for today... watch tv the whole day... slacking at home... "ji xian qing chun" and "tian ti guan ce" last episodes was showing on tv today... so i watch them... really felt that "tian ti guan ce" really inspired me to appreciate my friends and family around me even more... it made me feel that whenever i was down, i really have someone to support me in the back... someone to console me... some to comfort me... and someone to share my joy and sorrow with them... wonder if in future the friendship still last? wonder if they will leave me when time comes? and wonder if they will forget me when time pass? haha... silly thoughts of mine... haha...

well, i think that's about it for this entry... it's quite long, i guess... haha... can't wait for the day i go out with siying, sheng jie and wan yuan to wild wild wet... didn't get a chance on the planned day... soon we will go there... soon... haha...

ok time to go now... gtg!!! bye!!! TTFN!!! bye!!! sayonara!!! bye!!!