Wednesday, January 30, 2008


I just read my horoscope for the day and i think it's kind of true.
here's what it says:

The Bottom Line

The similarities you share with a friend are getting too intense. Get distance.

In Detail

The similarities you share with your close friends are getting so intense that you're starting to feel like you're part of a set of triplets or twins! Before you lose all sense of your own identity (or worse -- that new cutie doesn't know who you really are), step away from the group and make your own mark on the world today. Wearing matching outfits, constant text messaging, and being attached at the hip are fine every now and then, but today you need to be your own person!

I guess i know who the person is. But he still hasn't contacted me the whole day. So i guess i'm pretty safe from saving my own identity. Sometimes, i do think that Jet and i have loads of similarities and yet loads of differences at the same time. But maybe, it's time for me to be less dependent on him when i'm feeling down or moody and needs someone to comfort me. It's time i need to be strong to ignore all my negative feelings and be focus! JIA YOU, JO!!! YOU CAN DO IT!

I've got loads of work to do. But i've been feeling very unmotivated for this whole week. Sometimes, it's so bad that i don't feel like looking or touching them. Sometimes, i just stared blankly at them and feel so frustrated about my attitude towards work. Sometimes, i just feel empty without them and yet still feel insecure not doing them. I'm such a troublesome person, with so many complicated feelings that i myself don't even understand. I guess this is what people call growing up in your teenage years.

And sometimes, it makes me want to be so much younger and so much older at the same time.

How ironic...

Enough of my feelings.
I've been feeling moody the whole day and as usual, i used a facade to hide it in front of everyone in school. It's the last episode of COFFEE PRINCE today. and i feel both happy and sad at the same time. Happy, because i've finally watched COFFEE PRINCE to the very end. Sad, because my everyday motivation and looking forward has ended. Now, i'm seriously lost and unmotivated. I don't know what to look forward to till the end of the day for tomorrow and the days to come. My only leisure time for the day has ended. I feel so sad. BOOHOO!!! =[




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