Sunday, November 18, 2007


Dear faeriefable

I'm back to blog! everything's almost settled now and i'm pretty much free these few days. NRP's over! PW's over! and a whole load of other stuff is over! and that's all left is packing my luggage and my bag for camp, chalet, and MELBOURNE!!!

oh my gosh! i'm so excited! I'M GOING TO MELBOURNE!!! woohoo! haha. there will be so much fun awaiting for me! however, the group of students going to melbourne will have to put up a performance which have not been confirmed yet. man! i think i'm so going to lose my face over there. haha.

well, i'm still troubling over what to wear for the formal wear in melbourne. I DON'T WANT TO WEAR A DRESS! it's just to EMPTY! i feel so uneasy wearing a dress but the criteria for the formal wear is that girls have to wear a dress and boys a suit. man! why must they do this to me! it's just 2 nights of dinner! argh! haha.

anyway, year end bash is over and the photos are up at rachel's photo album. so do please visit and take a look at the fun and boring stuff that we had for that night. Also, ms tee's married!!! so happy for her! i can't make it to her wedding because of the dumb dumb NRP presentation. but i've seen her photo in her wedding dress at weeling's blog! she's so pretty! now she's a mrs lim! haha. CONGRATULATIONS MS TEE/MRS LIM!!! MAY YOU BE BLESSED WITH LOADS OF KIDS AND HAPPY MOMENTS!

Jet's going to hong kong soon. so he'll be also packing his luggage! haha. the cousins have met up last week at east coast park for a feast at lagoona village where our uncle's shop is located. we had so much fun and food! haha. i'll upload the pictures at a later date. haha.

There's a number of blisters on my feet because of my new shoes. man! they are kind of hard and are always biting my feet! yesterday, it was killing me and i had to limp all the way to rachel's house and back home. made me look like a total handicap. haha.

i think that's all for this post. i know it's kind of crappy but it doesn't matter anyway. haha. gtg now! bye!


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