Thursday, November 25, 2004

Double Trouble

haha... can't get off the song in harry potter and the prisoner of Azkaban... it's so nice.... the name of the song is double trouble...

omg... my sis, ying, just draw her whole hand black with a black marker... give me a shock man.... have to go help her wash hand...

neway back to the point...
today ar... still the same old bored day lor... only that i did some reading... only a few pages lah... the day before yesterday jet made a blog for all the cousins in the family... so sweet... cos he too nervous for the PSLE results which is yesterday and made a blog lor... haha... it is feel free to go and look... it's nice althoght its quite plain... haha

my mum been trying to get me to give my sis my sec 2 bks to her... but i just dun want... cos i can't accept the fact that my sis is going to be transfer to my sch... why must they do this to me?... i'm still quite angry about it... and i dun wan to hear anything regarding this matter... but my sis just keep going on and on sometimes... i think my mum also noe that i'm still quite bothered about this matter...
neway let's not talk about this...

let's talk about other things... oh yar... today i recieve joanne's letter... haha so happy...
she wrote 4 pages... but i wrote the letter last time is 6 pages leh... but the paper is small small want... haha... very long never like this before liao... last time we cousins always write letter to each other want... then when sch reopens then stop liao... the feeling of recieving a letter from someone is so gd... not many ppl write letter to me... so it's just so GREAT to recieve a letter... haha.. lame

oh yar... today i started planting red beans... made a challenge with jet... see whose plant better... haha quite lame right... but suddenly just wanna plant something so plant red beans lor cos i dun have green beans... haha... :P

jet today call me... and tell me he bake cookies... he put water in the cookie mixture... omg... but it's he's first time and he did not have any recipe bk... so cannot blame him... haha.... come to think of this makes me wanna laugh... jet is always so funny.... cannot stand him
just must admit that we are the best cousins including amy and joanne... haha

ok i think i shall stop here liao... bye!!! :P

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Back home from Chalet

Came back from chalet yesterday... there quite bored for the first few days... then more and more people staying then quite fun.... learn how to play chinese chess from my cousin... and i play like 20 minutes per game... haha...

Joanne, my cousin, just had an operation... need alot of rest... for 3 months she have to wear the braces... then 1 year no PE... so good... but she have to stay at home quite often... and at home also got nothing to do... only watch TV and play com... i feel that i want to keep her company so that she won't feel bored...

Malcolm, or ah wei, joanne's brother, is studying O-level so he cannot come for the chalet or he cannot stay... actually he got come only for the first day then he never cos he need to study...

Jet, my cousin also, so funny lor... he alway play with me... make fun of me... and tease me... YOU WATCH OUT AR JET!!! but he only can stay for the last day of the chalet... so sad... he got sch what ... but PSLE over liao and go sch also got nothing to do... might as well stay at the chalet... stupid ynnej iy iy dun let him stay... feel that he quite ke lian... but lucky he is alway so cheerful... i dun like his sis, stef. She always make Jet kana scolding and beating... but he so gd... every saturday can go joanne's house and play... i also want to go... but joanne stay too far liao... and my dad won't be happy if i go there... cos he scare i always disturb ppl...

Wah... Cindy reborn her hair leh... very nice... then amy only stay for the first day cos she have to go work on wednesday and go meet her bf on tuesday i think... then cannot stay... so sad...

hai... now so sian... really xian mu cindy leh... she can go Jet's house and stay... no way am i going to stay at his house to see ynnej face... i hate her to the core man... it is not that i hate jet is that his mother really make me sick... she alway bully us when we were small and innocent (haha)... she is so evil... and i mean SO...

i still remember that time at the chalet last time, she acuse teng for making chilli onto the chalet's blanket... and she knew that it was her daughter, stef, who did it... she keep acusing and acusing and did not even say sorry.... i think jet very poor thing to have a mother like this... she alway scold jet and beat him... then she spoil stef and justin, her youngest son...

Jet you must learn how to be strong k? seek for help when anything happen to you... you can also find me...

Let's see what i want to write.... hmmm..... oh yar... ah xiang came to my house today... cos my dad dun want him to sit taxi alone to go home from chalet... so he go to my house eat lunch first and my dad fetch him home from my house lor... then i watch peter pan at home after eating lunch... eunice, ah joy's friend, lend us her cds... haha.... she lend us her fruit basket cd also... i love fruit basket so much sia... haha... then peter pan quite nice lah... i dun really like the ending but the actor and actress inside the show are quite ok... the peter pan also quite cute lor... and the wendy also... haha...

i think i shall stop here now... ok bye!!! jet if you are reading this remember what i say k? haha bye!!!