Sunday, June 25, 2006

i'll miss him, my good old grandpa.

indeed. many things have happened in this period of time. so many people passing away. so many sudden news. and so many changes to adapt to.

my grandpa just passed away a few days ago. never in my mind did i expect this to happen. on monday, teng, boy and i went to visit him but he was sleeping and we didn't want to wake him up so we just took a look at him and stayed there for like 5 minutes and left. he was weak then but at that time, i thought he was just tired after some treatment or medication and needed some rest. but on friday, teng wanted to go and visit grandpa in the hospital and asked me if i wanted to go along with her and i said: "yes." but at around 5pm-6pm, a phone came and said that he passed away. i didn't expect it to be like this. he was ok when we visited him last week. he talked to us, his mind was clear and could remember a lot of things. but things have to be this way and i have to accept it. it's all so sudden like a volcano just erupted or like tsunami just came without any notice. a few days ago, i was consoling amy on the death of her grandma, and now i have to console myself to be strong. it's so ironic but it's a fact.

what anger me was that the uncle which stayed with my grandpa did not inform us that he was going to passed away when he was at the hospital, grooming my grandpa so that he can breathe his last breath peacefully and handsomely. he knew my grandpa was going to passed away and yet he didn't call us to see him the last time. i've always hated him! he's so evil to do this to us. this concerns a life that's so precious and close to us and he just treat us as garbage. he's so rotten! i hate him!

i regretted not spending enough time with him ever since he moved out of my house. i regretted not seeing him to his last breathe. i regretted that he have to move out of my house. he always love us and do whatever he can for us.

i remember when i was young, he always bought siew mai for me after he picked me up from my kindergarden. i remember when i was in primary school, i forgot to bring an umbrella and it rained after school so i rang him up to call him to pick me and he specially bought me this umbrella, which is so expensive but he bought it because of me, and gave it to me when he picked me up. he even told me to bring it to school everyday so that he won't have to worry about me. that was so sweet and it still is until today. i remember the days he stayed at my house. every chinese new year, he would buy new year cake and fry it for us as he knows we love his way of cooking the chinese new year cake even though mum would say him that he made a mess in the kitchen sometimes. so many sweet and wonderful memories of him doting on us, doing whatever little things that make us so happy.

i will miss him and will remember him forever. i've decided that i want to earn alot of money so that i can buy a big house. it's because of my house which is so small and so many people accomodating in it that my grandpa have to move out. because ying was about to be coming into this world, so there wasn't enough space for my grandpa to stay and my parents have to ask him to stay at that stupid uncle's house. that evildoer!!! i just so wished that my house was big so that, at that time, my grandpa would not have moven out. i know he doesn't want to move out because he even volunteered to sleep in the kitchen. i don't want him to move out. i cried in the night before he moved out. it's so sad...

after so many things have happened, i've learned alot of things about life and i do agree on what amy says in her blog [ ]. life still have to go on even if things don't go your way.

i think i just end here. gtg. bye!


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