Saturday, June 03, 2006


time, will you come back?
time, can i bring back?
time, did you hear me?
i'm calling you...

time, you're so lifeless.
time, you're so heartless.
time, you're so thoughtless.
i'm wanting you...

come and go
you fade away
memories stays
i lose you forever
childish i am
for even i know you'll never return
i'm waiting for the day for you to stay and never go away
as it's the happy moments that stays
that keeps me going
but sad it is
only to reminisce them
for i know i'll never come back...


hey peeps. i'm back. feeling kind of down now. it's like time is just passing by and i'm like wasting it, let my hand off it. the holidays are here and i'm not really enjoying it. i just feel that i'm doom for sure cos i know i'm not making full use of time and i'm not spenting my day so fully. i just sit around thinking of things i want to do, things i need to do and things i want to share. but i'm not doing anything. i'm just some useless being, wasting time, wasting life and wasting stuff. i miss people i love, people i want to be with my whole life. but they are not there, they're busy, they've got things to do better than wasting their time on me. i want to leave this place, leave this home and leave this family. this stupid broken family. my scattered glass heart on the floor and no one wants to pick it and mend it. cos there's no one there. no one to reach their hand and pull me up when i fall. cos in this broken family, no one cares.

i hate my father. i hate my mother. and i hate money. i don't hate my siblings cos they're innocent. i so wish i could run away from here and never come back. or i wish to go back happy times, where i would just leave in a world where all my cousins are, all my loved ones. just them will do. but i know it'll just be an unfulfilled dream, an ungranted wish. why is it that i have to live in such a cold home when it's supposed to be bringing warmth? i dread going home. i trying to shun home as much as possible. can they get out of my life? they add misery to me only.



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