Sunday, March 19, 2006


seriously, i don't know why i'm here. but i've got nothing to do online. so i was thinking of leaving an entry before i go offline.

tomorrow is the first school day of the term and i'm not looking forward to it. to be frank, i've read a few blogs and i found out that people, who really have friends that are so close to them, finds that the starting of school is a gleefull thing to look forward to. but i'm not. i don't know why. but somehow i feel lost when i'm in school. feel that there is no one to talk to. feels that i'm just a wander who roams about in school finding someone to talk to. and the most frustrating thing is that mid years are starting and i've yet started on anything. especially humanities. -sigh- i think i should start on something soon. and make a timetable so that i can organise my time and not feel so backwards when it comes to schoolwork. right! i should do that. but whenever i say i want to do something, it turns out that it's not done in the end. argh!!! this is so annoying!!! argh!!!

i think i'm going to heymath to revise on my e-math and a-math. plus, i think i'm going to be addicted to the computer and the tv (as always). this i got to blame jet who keeps encouraging me to use the com. JET!!! HOW COULD YOU!!! now i feel so useless. so easily tempted by something. why am i always like this?!?!?!

ok this entry is so short and self-repoach. i've got to go and eat dinner now. i'm determined to not be tempted by things very easily again!!! and JET, DUN ENCOURAGE ME!!! thanks!!! haha.

gtg now. bye!


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