Saturday, January 07, 2006

bad start

hey peeps. school has started and 1 week has passed already. been very stress, scared, lost and confused. having those complicated feelings again. i'm trying to find someone that i can heed for advice. maybe joanne. maybe amy. maybe danny. i know there is alot of people that i can heed advice from but they have their own things to attend to and they are also busy. i still have to think for them right? i mean they are busy people and they also dun want to waste their time on me. well, i guess i just have to cope on myself.

complicated feelings. i'm really having them these past few days. teachers in school keep reminding us that this year is the critical year and that we will be having a lot of exams and O levels. and that we should start our revision now. everytime they say this my heart keep jumping and jumping. i'm really scared i can't make it. i don't have a goal school in mind and i don't know what i'm heading for. i can't see the future in me. and i feel so lost. the year didn't start off well in school. first day and we had to change our class to the ground floor which really annoys me when i think about it. i've always wanted to be in the classroom on the top floor. just because one of my classmates has a backache and she requested to be on the ground floor then the whole class have to move with her. ARGH!!! i don't like it that way. i've been so used to going to the next door classroom to find my friends and to talk to them. it happens so sudden. suddenly, everything change so fast. i getting to feel further and further apart from my friends. everytime recess it's very hard to find them. i mean it is either i go up stairs to find them or they come down to find me. it's so inconvenient. plus i'm the physic rep which is so unlucky. that means that i have to go see miss tee alot of time to get the worksheets and stuff from her. and that also means that i will be wasting my time like that. plus basketball is on monday and tuesday it is CA period. so i won't have alot of time to study for CA. and other then CAs, the teachers are also giving surprise tests and weekly tests too. and there will be midyear exams this year only for the sec 4. i guess the school really wants to prepare us for the O's. but thinking of this really makes me feel stress and pressurise. it makes me feel that i can't really cope and make it for the BIG thing.

i have to go and eat now. maybe i'll blog later. gtg. bye!!!


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