Tuesday, December 27, 2005

stayover christmas

went to stayover at the changi village hotel with my cousins. had lots of fun there. ate lots of chocolates and yummy yummy food. reach the hotel at around 2pm after buying the christmas present and some goodies with mummy. then papa fetched us there and we meet amy and family there. the room was quite ok. and the toilet was way funny. guess why it is so funny? it's like the toilet you usually watched in the sassy girl movie. there is this big hole with a transparent glass. and you could see what the person is doing in the toilet. luckily there is this curtain thingy to cover the glass so that we could go toilet in private. the toilet was way nice. there is this bathtub and there is three showering tap. one tap is to fill the bathtub, the other is the normal showering head we usually use at home and the third one was way cool. it's on the ceiling and when you on it, it's like raining over your head. i love it!!! haha. i think when i grow up and i own a house, i want my toilet to have that!!! haha.

at the start of that day, i was feeling a bit moody. well, it's because i didn't get enough sleep the day before. then i was being a bit mean to my cousins. as in i will just ignored then or show them some moody faces at them. i'm really sorry about it, k? i didn't mean to be like this. but whenever i'm tired, i will be like this. so i'm really sorry. please forget me!!!

joanne, jet and the rest came later. there were alot of people sitting and lying on the bed so it didn't have any space for me to rest on it. so i was sitting on the floor watching my all time favourite entertainment show "100% entertainment", and i started being mean. finally there was space for one to lie on the bed so i quickly took up the space and as i was watching, i slowly fell asleep. argh!!! i hate it to be like this!!! i mean i wanted to spend time with my cousins to the fullest but i was too tired!!! so while i was sleeping, joanne was watching tv or something, amy was sleeping like me ( she fell asleep first. haha.), and the boys went for swimming at the 8th floor. and the pool is like 1.2m only. but it's on the top floor and you could see the scenery there. it was kinda beautiful there. haha. but the pool was so small. way smaller than the usual pool size. haha.

i finally woke up at around 7.30 pm. and joanne is still watching tv. really feel so guilty. make her so bored in the gathering. then amy woke up after me, and we took some photos and went out to have our dinner. went to this hawker center. and we ordered so many things. mummy gave us $60 and we spend all of it on dinner. haha. there was this long queue at the nasi lemak store so i went to queue with ah xiang and brought 5 plates of fried chicken nasi lemak and 2 additional chicken wings. guess what? 1 chicken wing cost $1.50!!! i mean it's so expensive. i thought it's like 80 cents or something. so anyway, we has satay, oyster egg and dessert. lots of things. was so full. after dinner, joyce and teng went home. so left amy, joanne, me, cindy, xiang, jet, boy and steph. then we went to 7-11 and cheers to get some goodies again. (we finished the drinks and goodies that mummy brought for us earlier. haha.) then we walked back and played some games, took lots of photos. exercise abit with xiang. haha. then the boys was hungry again so they went to 7-11 to get food again. and came back with some burgers, mash potato and slurpy. haha. then we watched tv, played games, and took photos and videos again. haha.

joanne was sms-ing to this guy called eddy who admired and liked joanne for about a month i guess. haha. then we ask him to called joanne's hp. and i answered the phone and acted as santa claus to prank and play with him. we were all teasing him lah. then joanne was like put the phone down. don't be so close to him, talk talk can already. haha. so funny. then after that we continued what we were doing before and was getting kind of tired already. joanne and amy were already lying on the bed, wanting to get some sleep. then i wanted to sleep but xiang and jet keep forcing me to be awake. and we continued to play and make lots of noise that amy and joanne keep asking us to keep quiet. haha. and cindy was on the phone with this guy called chun kid. then i really can't stand it and i went to bed at around 3.30 am. haha.

heard from xiang and jet that they stayed up until quite late. xiang stayed up the latest and he had to go to school early in the morning the next day for some leadership thing. haha. power man, can still have energy for next day activites. haha. jet stayed up until 4 am i guess. and cindy stayed up a bit later than jet. haha.

today, joanne and xiang left the hotel first cos joanne had work and xiang had school. then left the rest of us. and we had to pack up and leave. we had breakfast at the same place. then we went to amy's house and i helped amy with her packing for her camp tomorrow. then we went to marina square and walked around. nothing to do there. so we went arcade to play for a while. we asked joanne to come then she actually could make it after work but her mum asked her to go visit amy's ah ma in the hospital with her. so in the end, she couldn't make it with us. then we just sat at burger king after arcade and eat. then wait for time to pass. then cindy say she wants to go to bugis to buy the school bag she saw the other day. but i didn't want to go cos my farecard got no money. we thought of walking to bugis from marina square but a lot of us don't want to. so in the end, we left amy (she's meeting her friend to watch king kong) and we took a mrt to bugis. me, jet and boy stayed at the mrt station and waited for cindy and steph to buy the bag. while waiting we three talk until they finally came. and we took the mrt back home lor. haha. reached home, ate dinner and went to sleep until 11pm. then talked to jet on the phone and went to bath after that. watched 100% entertainment and here i am typing this whole stuff out. haha.

nowadays, i always have this thought that i'm a girl that is so over confident. i don't like that. i like being the not so confident girl that i was in the past. the toot girl that always kept her things in her heart. i don't really like changes. in the past i don't really put down my hair or even the fringe. i always tie it up and wear a hairband. but i don't know when did i started letting it down or maybe even leaving the fringe down. i want to cut my hair. i want to cut it all straight and go back to the normal josephine poh jia lin like last time. i feel that there is always something wrong with me. i mean once i realise that i start to change some things about myself, i think i'm nuts. i think i'm being really over confident. i like being the shy girl or maybe the girl who keeps everything to herself and is a little inferior. i like it that way. i've decided not to change! i don't like changes and i won't change a tiny bit!!!

ok i'm going to finish up my physic project by tmr. and i mean it!!! i hope i really mean it. time passes so fast and it's like 5 more days to school reopen. argh!!! once i think of school, i like have the mind of exams, homeworks and lots of reading. oh well, life is like this. i have to accept it. look on the bright side, girl. you can do it and you must believe in it!!! haha.

ok time to go. bye!!! hope joanne faster upload the photos so i can look at them!!! haha. bye!!!


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