Sunday, December 04, 2005

shoo you irritants!!!

hey peeps. actually i got blog one. but the darn blogspot never accept my entry and it went blank. waste my time to type all that stuff...

well, been quite busy these few days. went out with the cousins and went to work too. quite tiring though. ermmm... still don't like the stupid manager. and i found out today that he is quite irresponsible cos he never do the work schedule for next week. and i also found out from teng that he has a girlfriend which i find it so amazing... i mean it's like "oh my gosh, who would want him as a boyfriend, or even a friend? he's such a irritant. unless that person is blind or have no taste lah"... and i truely believe that his girlfriend has no taste. and teng said that his girlfriend is a buck tooth too. which suits him so much cos he has a buck tooth too. and guess what jet said when i told him this? he said this:" oh my gosh, next time their children will all have buck tooth?" haha... isn't it funny?

oh. and today at work, doreen, one of the crew, was like bossing me around. i was like so irritate and i mean can't she do it herself. must she boss me around like that. but after that she got apologise to me lah. i kind of let it off a little but i still will remember it in future. i think i very unlucky cos i'm always the one working with that stupid manager. can't i get other manager. argh!!! it makes me angry just to think of it now. anyway, i'm lucky today cos i got dean as my manager today. he was nice. i think he's the best manager among all of them.

well, today teng went to zoo with the other crew namely, timothy, chen ying, kailiang, elfie, jonathan, stupid manager and his buck tooth girlfriend and an ex-crew member. then teng said that she didn't really enjoy the trip. jonathan was disturbing her the whole trip, which make teng felt so pissed. and then when i was working jonathan was working too. and he was like:" i bullied your sister today at the zoo. you want to revenge for her a not? come on, revenge lah!" then i was like rolling my eyes. actually i think he's quite a nice person but he's sometimes is really irritating and from what teng said about him, i think he's mad too.. haha.

hmmm... i waiting for jet to call me but apparently he didn't. he called me just now. then i told him that i had to go and bath. so i told him to call me back later. and we hung our phones. but he didn't call back anymore. you're going to get it from me, jet!!! haha. well, ah boy is staying at joanne's house now. so good!!! cindy is also staying. i didn't get to stay cos i have work. jet and steph stayed the past three days. they went home today. but i still think they are so fortunate to get to stay over at joanne's house. i always stay over at joanne's house every year. but this year i think is an exception bah. haha. but we cousins still go out during the holidays. yup yup. haha. happy times together.

joanne has also started her new job. she seems to have fun there. but her working place is like so far away from me. it's at the science centre!!! but it's near her house. which means joanne stay very far away from me. true. sometimes i really wish that all the cousins could stay under one roof. then we could have fun all day long or at least see each other everyday. but it's just a wish or a dream of mine. but come to think of it, see each other too much is not that good too. you know why? you see your siblings and parents everyday, sometimes you will get a bit and tired of them. and when you don't see them for a while, you will kind of miss them. so it's like the cousins must have a little sense of excitement when it comes to meeting each other cos it's like a long time we met. then you'll also kind of miss them sometimes too. haha. anyway you can also avoid conflict when you don't see each other that often too. don't you think so? haha.

hmmm... there is holiday homework and i have yet to start on it. which means i'm dead... i better start cracking tomorrow. but everytime i tell myself that i have to do this by which day. i hardly ever do the things that i plan to do. it's always delay this delay that. i mean it's the holidays so i have this thought that there's plenty of time which is not. and i can always do it the next day. haix... and there is also a physic project which my group hasn't started. i bet the rest of the groups have already started. haix... more troubles as the day goes by, huh? haha. must tell myself to be optimistic sometimes... look at the bright side of life, jo!!! you can do it!!! haha.

well, i have finish watching full house!!! and it was awesome!!! the theme songs are nice. <> this song was wonderful. and the other theme song was <> which was fantastic!!! i really love this show!!! i think i'm going to buy the cd. i was going to return the cd back to sijie but she never called to tell me the time. i think i better call her to meet me tomorrow so that i can return her the cds or i think her sister might scold me for returning so late... haha...

well, i guess i have to go now. it's kind of late already... haha.. gtg now!!! bye!!!


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