Saturday, August 20, 2005


hey peeps... it's been a while since my last entry... haha... it's about 2 weeks that i haven't update my blog already.... well, was kinda lazy to update... so i never... haha...
there's really alot of things i want to say in this blog... haha... all my thoughts and feelings... haha...

well, it's been kind of a busy week, i guess... firstly, there's chemistry formative test on tuesday... but i spent my saturday reading this chinese book called "jia shi jiang ai de di fang"... haha... it's about the life as a family... haha... well, i have to read that as there is this open book chinese exam on thrusday... haha... then on sunday, i spent it on studying my chemistry... went to tuition and after that went to sijia's house to do english project... i didn't noe sijia's house is so near my tuition centre... so i took a bus back to eunos mrt... then i found out that i left the materials for the project at home... so i went to buy them at paya lebar and met up with may then met up with sijie too... then we went to sijia's house together... haha... the project not that bad... i thought most of them will not co-operate at first... but later they didn't quite alot too... haha... it was very enjoyable... so i'm left with 2 projects now... social studies project and legacy project... shall talk about it later... haha...

like i said, there is this chemistry formative test on tuesday so i spent my monday studying chemistry with cass at paya lebar food court... that's the place we always study together... well, i think that studying with cass is quite nice... haha... but sometimes i prefer to study on my own... i feel peaceful like that sometimes... haha... but studying with cass is nice too!!! we were not much distracted by the surrounding... i managed to finish studying there... but i also went home to recap what i have studied with cass... haha... cass didn't really studied... she just copy the notes that i have... cos she lost hers... haha... then i also pass her my english project so that she could help me laser photocopy it... and it cost a bomb k? 4 bucks for just photocopying... haix... i thought it would turn out well if i laser photocopy it but i didn't... so i and may spent a lot of time trying to recover the nice look of our project... haha... but it was fine in the end... haha... we also explain it to the teacher... and she say that the photocopied on was nice!!! but i dun think so... haha...

yup... so that was monday... haha... and for tuesday, i had chemistry formative test in school... and i wasn't so bad as i thought it was... but i guess i had a lot of questions wrong... haix... well, it's the past already so i shall not put in to heart... haha... i shall just wait for the results... that's all that i could do right now, right? haha... there is this chinese dictation on wednesday so i spent my time at home studying it... haha... well, actually i didn't really spent alot of time studying it... i went to take afternoon nap when i reached home... then i watched tv for a very long time... until it was 10 pm then i started studying... haha...

ok now for wednesday... had chinese dictation... was kinda shocked when teacher say that after dictation, we had to do this " zong he tian kong" thingy... which is counted as bonus marks or something like that... haha... then i just anyhow put the answer... haha... hope i get correct... haha... then i went home with sheng and the rest... haha... then mum was at home... and she made soup... so i drank it... it's really nice!!! lotus spare rib soup!!! woohoo!!! haha... then started reading the chinese book which will be tested the next day... haha... but in the end i didn't finished the book... haha... started getting tired of reading so i stopped and never read it anymore... haha... then was slacking at home the whole day... haha...

yup. thursday... haha... had chinese open book test... and i was like "die liao... sure fail cos never read finish" but there was alot of people who didn't read finish too... we all die together... haha... but the test went well for me... cos most of the stories i read were tested... lucky me... haha... except for a few... which i dun even noe the answer... but i anyhow answer them... haha... then after school, actually have CCA but was cancelled... haha... cos of the rain!!! woohoo!!! i like rainy days on thursday... then i went home with miao and hwee wen... haha... saw a young actor on the bus... haha... he was like telling the girls around him... actually they are his friends, i guess... haha... yup. he was telling them that how tired and hard it was being an artiste... and all that stuff... boastful man... haha... yup... then i slacked at home the whole day... and teng was telling me that she wants to open a table tennis club in school... i'm interested!!! and i bet miao is too!!! haha... then we shall join!!! woohoo!!! but it might not be open... have to depend on the number of people who wants to join!!! but i think it is nice and interesting... and not so slack like bball... TABLE TENNIS CLUB WAIT FOR ME!!! WOOHOO!!! haha... then i also watched jui dui superstar at night... haha... i think sin huey sing better than kelly that night... i dunno what happened to kelly? omg... what happened to you, kelly!!! then i was so worried that she will not go to the finals... haha... then the results was late at night... and i watched!!! haha... then was very dissappointed that jun yang got out... he didn't get to the finals... sad... i was so shocked when they anounced it... i was very confirmed that he will get in but he didn't!!! cannot believe it lor!!! weilian got in instead... haix... but kelly got in also!!! so i am quite happy too... haha... but i'm much more sad than happy... cos really i think jun yang should get in more than weilian... i think jun yang sing better and if he get in... it would be a fierce fight between him and kelly... and he thanked lin JJ... and he cried too... so sad... i really cannot believe it lor... i think maybe a company will still sign a contract with him in the end bah... i dunno... haix... haha...

friday... hmmm... yesterday... had some CGM meeting... then i went out with sheng and the rest to PP... haha.. saw li na xing and constance song... haha... then we were watching them filming a show... haha... so exciting... haha... then there was this man who came up to me and ask me something... it goes like that...

man: is it only terrace cao and constance song?
me: ermmm... [shocked!!!] no. it's li nan xing and constance song...
man: oh... then got any other artiste?
me: ermmm... i think no... haha...
man: oh... then ok lah... thanks...
and so he went off...

then siying and the rest was so shocked... they were like asking me what he ask me... haha... then i just say he ask me who are they lor... haha... before that... we went to eat lunch at KFC... haha... then we talk alot... and we talked about jue dui superstar... siying also cannot believe it too... she also supports jun yang... haix... nevermind about that... then we went walking around... then li nan xing and constance song was acting near the toilet there... and then wan yuan say she wants to go toilet... siying also... so we went through the secret passage... haha... then those never go toilet then looked at how they act... but we were blocked by the wall... so we didn't see much... haha... then we didn't dare to go out off the real entrance cos that is where li nan xing and constance song were acting... but in the end, we just run and go out... haha... so fun... haha... then we walked around... didn't do much there also... so we went home... haha... yup... then i slacked at home the whole day... watching tv and stuff like that... haha...

that's the end of the week, i guess... maybe i'm going swimming later with teng... haha... see first...

now let me talk about legacy project... i am so suay lor... group with HER!!! i dun want to mention her name here... cos i think that will contaminate my blog... haha... she's an indian... and i am racist especially to indians!!! can't stand her... practically the whole class dislikes her... only the kind soul sijie will interact with her... and during group discussion about the legacy project... we speak in chinese... cos i'm used to it... haha... and i didn't really notice that SHE didn't understand it... haha... i'm such a meano... cos the whole group, except her, are all chinese... so everyone understands what i am talking about... only HER!!! haha... but in the end, i changed to english... cos i need the whole group to understand in order to cooperate... and even if she understands what i'm saying, she also won't do her job one lah... haha... can't stand her... once i see her, i get irritated... haha... ok... being mean here... haha... she's really irritating lah... that's a fact... really need to start on doing the legacy project... next week, we will be presenting already... haha... haix... just have to bear with her for this short time... haha... even if it is a short time... i will feel that it is very long... haha... you know the reason... haha...

kk i shall end here now... gtg!!! bye!!!


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