Sunday, July 03, 2005

Initial D

yup. back to blog peeps... want to talk about my life the past few days... actually it's kinda weird...

ok let's start from thrusday then. well, presented my physic project to the class. and the class was like "wow"... it's kinda fun doing that experiment. it's also very challenging too. i have to take out the phone card in between the 2 bottles and it was my first time trying with the glass bottles so i was quite nervous that i spill some water out. but nobody saw that. haha... heard from xiaoxian that my group got quite high for the project... was quite happy to hear that... haha... luckily never cancel that cool experiment or else will never get so high liao... haha...
after school, got CCA. haix... it's the same old boring things we do during CCA... it's always the same... i wish they could teach us some other stuff... well. after CCA, called papa to pick me up... then he said 20 minutes later pick me up... but after he hang up the phone, i just found out that the cars cannot come into the school compound... then i was so worried... so i went out of school to wait for him... then was standing there like some idiot like that... qi yan was also there... but i was too embarrassed to talk to her... so we just stand there like some idiots until the netballers finish their training then the cars can come into the school compound... by the time the netballers finish training, papa still haven't come... so that means i stand outside of school for no reason lah!!! then i was like cursing the school for not letting the cars go into the school compound... argh!!! hate it when the school have so many rules!!! argh!!!

and friday!!! it's the day which i look forward the most... it means that the next day got no school. and that i will be going to watch initial D with sheng jie!!! it's the highlight of the whole week!!!

it was the last period of the day... and it was social studies... we were at the computer lab... listening to this teacher... then it's his last day with us... so he have to finish teaching what he is suppose to teach us... so he went on and on teaching us... until bell ring, he continued to teach... until he finish, it's about 2.15pm... so everyone was like take worksheet and rush out of the com lab to go home... then mrs lopez never tell us that the worksheet is a CA... so i just found out from sheng jie that it was a CA... haix... anyway... i took the worksheet and went back to class to meet sheng jie... actually sheng jie and i were suppose to go with sijie and gang to watch initail D together... and i was so excited to watch with them too... but sheng and i planned to go home first then meet to watch initial D... but sijie and gang didn't noe that we wanted to go home first... they were going straight after school... and sheng didn't bring enough money to school on that day... so sheng and i went home first and sijie and gang went to watch the movie themselves... so i went home, put my bag, changed my clothes, called cass whether she wanted to go with us but she say no cos she can't make it, and waited for sheng to call to meet her at eunos MRT... then sheng called and i went to eunos MRT to meet her and we went to TM to buy tickets... guess what? we bought tickets at 3.58pm and the movie starts at 4.15pm... so we were do rushing... we went to buy tibits and drinks and faster ran to the cinema to watch the movie... then i took hold of the tickets... and our cinema is cinema 5... it's upstairs... and i never watch movie upstair before... so felt abit scare and dunno what to do at that time... i just went into the cinema and i didn't noe i have to pass the tickets to the ticketman... haha... then he didn't even noe that i went into the cinema... so i ask the ticketman whether i need to pass him the tickets... then he say yes... then he torn the ticket and gave me back... and we were all laughing at each other... haha...
sheng and i was not late for the movie... there were advertisement for about 30 minutes... so we ate the food that we bought and waited for the movie to start... we were so excited!!! haha... then initial D started... and it was great!!! jay, edison and shawn were so handsome... i love it!!! it was funny too!!! haha... during initial D, i was so engross into the movie that i didn't eat anything... i was just drinking the drink at some parts... actually i dun usually eat or drink during a movie... cos i didn't wanna miss out anything... haha... then after initial D, sheng and i were like talking about it... and we talk alot of things... really had a great time with sheng... although it's my first time watching movie with only 1 person... but it was great!!! i love initial D!!!

now to saturday, which is yesterday... slept until 3 plus... haha... was the last to wake up... haha... mummy was like calling me a pig... haha... then went out with ah joy lor... i was like happy and also sad at the same time... cos teng never come along with us. and i dun wanna go out with ah joy along... i was happy because i can go out... finally get to go out... yup... but the outing was not very enjoyable. ah joy made me feel like i was very irritating and that she want me to get away from her as soon as possible... she had a bbq after that so she won't be going home with me... so she was telling me this

ah joy: eh got bus can go straight home leh...
me : dun want lah... take bus so long then reach home...
ah joy: so you taking MRT lah...
me : ya...

cos she also taking MRT to the bbq mah... then i think she dun really want me to take the MRT with her... whatever lor...

the in the MRT... when my station was arriving but it haven't arrive... it was still at the station before mine... she was like...

ah joy: going home le... bye...
me : orh bye...

then we became very quiet... argh!!! she like chasing me out of the MRT train... and want me to go home as soon as possible lor... argh!!! makes me feel so ignored and lonely... i hate it!!! after this, i think i still dun like her... i think teng is better than her...teng is more clsoe to me... in fact, i think she (ah joy) is the worst among all my siblings... argh!!! to think that i wanted to go out with her... make myself feel so horrible only... argh!!! then went i reach home... i was like complaining to mummy that ah joy was wanting to chase me out lor... then mummy say she siao want lah... shall not talk about her anymore... found out yesterday that she got read blogs of her siblings... haix...

yup then in the night... told my mum that i had tuition the next day... haha... was so happy... cos tuition is so fun... haha... but it's early in the morning... 11.30 to 1.30... haiyo... why tuition teacher want to change time...anyway, i was telling my mum to wake me up in the morning so that i won't sleep until the afternoon... then my mum was like you put alarm on your handphone lah... and the alarm on my handphone also cannot wake me up want... i'm a very heavy sleeper... then my sms ring tone is " you have a message" very cute one... then mummy was like so funny... she said that you put your alarm in your handphone "wake up!!! wake up!!!" haha... so funny... and ah boy took my phone and shouted "wake up!!! wake up!!!" and recorded it... haha... then we set it as my alarm... and everybody was like laughing... then teng was like "should say in a higher pitch mah... then funnier..." haha... i was so funny.... haha... now my alarm in my handphone is "wake up!!! wake up!!!" haha...

yup. now for today!!! woke up at 11.15... and tution starts at 11.30... so i was like late liao... the "wake up!!! wake up!!!" alarm did not work for me... i think i'm really a pig... who cannot be woken up... haha... then i called siying to check with her whether there is tuition today a not... then guess what she say? DUN HAVE!!! make me wake up so early... haha... but never mind... i'm now chatting with siying... who apparently had just finish the SS CA worksheet... heard from her that the website is very wordy and the answers are very difficult to find... i'm so dead... i haven't even started!!! i'm going to do it later!!! yup...

ok shall end here... this entry is super wordy too... haha... the other entries are also very wordy... all my blog entries are very long... haha... i'm a very nagging person i guess... haha... ok gtg!!! bye!!! TTFN!!! bye!!!


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