Thursday, June 23, 2005

Wishing to go back in time...

hey peeps... well, not feeling very happy these few days... keep thinking that school is going to reopen and i'll be studying, taking exams, listening to teacher yaking away and all that boring stuffs that you have when you are in school... basically, it's all the homework, projects and the exams that keeps going on in my mind nowadays... it's because i've yet to complete any of my projects especially physic!!! and the exams, that i'm supposed to study during the holidays... i've not even started!!! argh!!! how i wish that i could just go back in time or just let the holidays keep going and going on so that i will not be worrying about homeworks, projects, exams and all the school stuffs... why must we go to school in the first place!!! argh!!!

Anyway, i've finish most of my holiday homework... but the projects... haix... let's not talk about it... it makes me stress... and i dun like the feeling of being stress... it's so bothersome... haix... i'm like sighing all day long just because of those boring and sickening school stuffs... the most bothersome thing i'm worrying about is the exams that i'll be taking when school starts... i've to studying for 4 subjects... and it'll be tested on the FIRST WEEK when school starts... and i've to present all the projects when school starts too... which i've not completed yet... i repeat NOT COMPLETED!!! argh!!! and of all the 4 subjects that i've to study, 3 of them are humanities... how boring life will gets man... i've to study geography [ 1 whole chapter ], history elective [ about half a chapter ] and social studies [ 1 whole chapter too!!! ]... you see? my youth life is all taken up by the textbooks, workbooks, homeworks, worksheets, projects and SCHOOL!!! argh!!!

well, i've been feeling quite sorry for jet lately... it's because his maid, yati, just went back to her country where her friends and families are and where her real home is... she's a very nice maid... but that pigney always scold her and picks on her which i don't like and it makes me feel sorry for her when i see that... and she always take care of jet and his siblings... she go chalet also treat us very nicely... help us do things... clean up and all that... and she is also one of jet closest "family"... it's like when my maid went back to her country last time... i also felt the way jet did... he cried in the phone when talking about it... makes me feel so sad when i hear him cry... it's very hard for him to accept it... since he needs more love and concern from his surrounding people and that yati has spent 2 years living with him already... treating her as family can be quite natural... and it will be quite uneasy living without her, and seeing that she's not around at home... and you will also naturally as her to do something but she is not there... so you have to do it yourself... that was what i was last time... i was not so used without my maid around... but as time pass, you will get use to it... but memories will still be appearing in your mind now and then... i noe jet will always remember yati in his mind and his memories... he say that he will call her or write her a letter when he's free... i bet you will, jet!

to jet: Jet, take it easy ok? although it will be pretty hard for you to accept it but just try to let things go by the flow... try to get use to the changes around you... i noe you can do you... i noe you can!!! i'll be there supporting you... take it easy, jet...

well, been feeling very bloated nowadays... been eating a lot... when i have nothing to do i eat... when i see something nice, i eat... when i watching tv, i eat... bascially, i eat all the time... so i've been having a bloated tummy and been feeling very fat... wanted to exercise but i was too lazy... haha...

guess that's about it... i'll write a longer entry next time... i think this entry isn't really very long... haix... so sorry... ok gtg! bye! TTFN - tata for now!!! haha... bye!!!


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