Thursday, June 16, 2005


hey peeps. yup. got a stomachache today. shall tell you later why...

ok. i slept at 5 plus in the morning today!!! ok so you got the idea that i didn't sleep last night... yup. you're right. i didn't sleep last night. was chatting with jet and singing some songs until i forgotten the time. haha. well then i woke up at 11 plus and watch tv for a while with teng. then papa came home so i wanted to fake sleep but i actually REALLY fell asleep... haha. then i had a dream. [nowadays i had been dreaming alot in my sleep. weird. haha]

well, the dreams like this. my cousins and i were in this chalet. then we went out to play and became very dirty so we went to bath. the toilet is like so huge and it has a fountain in it. and lots of cubicles. but i was scare to bath alone. so i bathe with my cousin [girl, of course!]... haha... then we were hungry. the rest were very lazy to go out and buy so amy, ah xiang and me went out to get something to eat... the minute we went out of the chalet, we got to bugis... [weird right? but it's just a dream.] ah xiang and amy know this shop that sells very nice food. but i wasn't sure what it was when i saw it. we went to the shop. and guess what it sold? pancakes and lots of flavours. yums. haha. then i ordered the chocolate want and ah xiang ordered a pandan one, i think. then i realised that there is a coffee flavoured one but it was too late cos i ordered the chocolate flavoured one already. then we took the pancakes from the aunty and the aunty told us the price. then i was like: huh? so ex!!! then ah xiang say nevermind i pay then i woke up. haha. i woke up cos i felt very uncomfortable. cos when i went to sleep, i didn't take out my specs and i was holding it. so i woke up to put it somewhere safe. then i wanted to go back to that dream but i couldn't get to sleep. so i just woke up and stay awake until now... haha. and when i woke up, guess what's the time? 4 plus in the evening!!! shocking right? i was also shock too. so late. haha... the first person i saw when i woke up was teng. she say i sleep so long. haha. then i tell her the dream lor... haha.

yup. how i get stomach ache. well, it's like this. i've been eating lots of heating things lately. and i didn't really go to the toilet nowadays. and drink a lot of milo which is heaty too. i even ate ice cream... so i had a stomach ache... and you know what? always i eat ice cream, i always get stomach ache... boohoo. guess i can't eat ice cream that much... but it's so tempting... and i can't resist eating sweet stuff... after this stomach ache... it made me think that going to the toilet everyday is a must and it makes you feel less fatter... cos when i went to the toilet, i was like so bloated and wanted to vomit but after doing the business, i feel lighter and more comfortable and less fatty... haha. as in my stomach less bloated and big... haha... and going to the loo... no no that's for boys... ermm for girls is toilet, washroom, bathroom and blah blah blah... yup and going to the toilet isn't a disgusting thing. is human nature... and i think it keeps people healthy... so from today onwards, i have to go to the toilet once everyday... yup. it's decided... haha.

ok getting sleepy now... gtg... it's 5.10 am now... the next day already!!! haix... see low time pass so fast in the night and not in the day... haix... yup... in the day, got nothing to do so time pass so slow... but in the night always have something to do... so time pass so fast... haha...
ok really gtg... bye!!!


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