Monday, February 28, 2005

Weirdy me.

hey. back to blog again. yup. today was kinda bored. sijie didn't come to school. so i had no one to talk to during lessons. yup. sad right?

well, i getting to dislike geo lessons already. cos of the teacher. she's like totally forgotten that i am in her class ever since i cut my hair. yup. i think she judge people by their looks. thats what i think. then it was sihui again. i think i totally gave up on wanting to talk to her and be her friend. like i say. she is just so in to band. and she doesn't want to talk to me. and she doesn't share her notes with me. i envy weeling. she's so nice and she's so friendly. i want to be like her. but whenever i want to talk to people, the things that i want to say will be held back by some of my feelings in me. i dunno why. maybe i'm very sensitive. i'm emotional i guess. i enjoy geo class when i sit beside weeling. cos at least she will answer the questions that i ask her. she will share notes with me. she will talk to me. unlike someone that i mention on top. [ok. i noe, i'm being mean here. but her attitude really make me feel angry lor.]

oh nothing much happened today. teng helped me tie my hair today. it's 4 ponytails. kinda cool. but also abit act cute. but i kinda like it. haha. then after school, went TM with cass and yiying. wa lao, they really can shop and walk lor. i almost give up halfway. when we reached TM, we went to pasta mania then i saw melissa with some of her friends there together to eat there too. then i was very shocked cos i didn't expect to see some people from my class. i feel like such a bad child going out after school with friends. [am i weird to have that kind of feeling?] oh well, back to the point. cass ate beef bologense [dunno how to spell?] spaghetti and yiying ate creamy chicken something. then i ate one 10-inch pizza. actually i wanted 7-inch but then cass thought that everyone would be sharing together so she ordered 10-inch. but after they ate their dishes, they were too full to eat the pizza. then i had no dishes so i ate the pizza. i ate 5 pieces of pizzas out of 8. then so wasted never eat finish. haha. the waiter ask us want to wrap up the rest of the leftover but we say we dun want. then he gave us a sad face which was kinda funny. haha. after eating, we went around looking for a present for cass' mum. cos cass' mum's birthday coming which is 1st march so she want to buy a present for her. that's why i'm at TM with yiying and cass. cos cass ask us along. haha. yup. then cass bought a wallet for a mum from wallet shop. it's $26 without the box. but witht he box is $28.90. ex right? 1 box is $2.90. why buy the box for what? haha. well cass like jiu ke yi le lah. haha.

oh. yiying's sister is so clever. she's from CCH. then she got 9 points for O-level with the CCA points. but with the CCA points , she got 7 points. so clever right? she's another person that i envy. envy for her cleverness and her looks. she's very pretty too. wonder what my cousin, malcolm get for O-level? haven't ask him yet.

i feel so slack nowadays. cos like got no exams. then a bit weird weird. but got exams like very stressful. i feel that i'm a weird person. i love maths!!! it's so nice. i think if i go JC, i want to take math as my major. Maths has always been my best subject ever since primary school. i dun like english. it's hard to understand.

i think that's all for today!!! gtg!!! bye!!! :)


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