Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Hates. Lots of hates in me.

hiyee!!! i'm back to blog. it's been a while since i blog already. yup. been very busy lately. lots of homework and exams coming up. tomorrow still got physics exam. hai. after that exam i still have to do a physic report as homework or i will get zero for my exam if i don't. wah. very busy right? the physic teacher always scold scold scold. and some things in physic she never teach us and want us to do a report on it. boo. i hate it. yup. she is ms tee. she's mean. i don't like her. anyway don't about her. it makes me feel so sad thinking about it cos my best friends have nicer teachers than i have and we are in the same combi but not in the same class. double sad.

There's lots of things that makes me hate my class. I don't like the malays in my class. cos. yup. i'm racist. so that makes me feel that i don't like my chairman. She's a malay and she don't wear her uniform properly. she rips her belt and wear her school socks like ankle socks. May, on the other hand, is my vice chaiman. she's nice. but i kinda feel weird being the same class as her. and she being the class' vice-chairman. yup. very weird. Another thing that i hate in my class is this girl. Her name is P.L.M. this clue is very obvious. i don't mind her knowing that i hate her. she stands in front of me during morning assembly. Her index no. is 27 and mine is 28. unlucky me. because of this, i have to sit next to her during science lab period which i kinda enjoy it last time with my best friends. but with her, no. She bosses me around. Takes my things without my permission and she has a lot of opinions and comments about what i do. she gives opinions about my hand-writing, about how i draw and even my CCA. What do she think she is man. i shall not talk to her when i don't have to. maybe i think not even a "hello" to her. why must i be nice to her anyway. she's mean. yup. she's mean. she's pampered. she's spoilt. i don't like her. or even, i hate her. it's just term 1 of school. and already, she gives me a bad impression of her. just like ms tee. whatever.

Ok. let's not say about this. let's talk about something else. Jet been calling em lately. and i mean LATELY. as in very late in the night everyday. yup. it's nice to get calls very often from people that you are close. and he is close to me. duh. he is my cousin. but my mum doesn't like him to call me very late at night. and she doesn't like me to talk on the phone for very long. but we just talk. After i hang up the phone, the most scariest part comes. my mum will ask me why jet keep calling me. and what he talk about with me. and lots of stuff. haix. mums are always like this. Jet calls me everyday. so i'm really busy everyday. cos he also calls me the day before my exams which is the day i need to study for my exams. so this means lesser time for me to study for exams. and maybe it will affect my marks too. so maybe on these days, i should tell jet that i can't talk to him in the phone for that day or i can't talk to him for too long. yup. maybe i should do that. but sometimes, i feel that Jet really needs someone to talk to. and he picks me to talk to. He may seem to be happy from the outside but there are lots of emotions in his insides. so sometimes i just can't resist telling him that it is late i have to hang up the phone or tell him that i have to study for exams so i can't talk to you for today. yup. that really is difficult for me. but there are times when i got a lot of things to say to him. like how i spend my day. and who made me angry and lots of complaints about lots of stuff. haha. yup. that is nice.

i think i shall end here. gtg. bye.


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