Saturday, March 12, 2005

Break! Holidays!! Free at last!!!

haha. finally. a holiday break. yup. yup. today's the last day of the term. so happy. haha. ok. got back progress report. kinda happy with it. first time i get so many A1s. and i think i have to be on a look-out nowadays cos many people [my classmates actually] are going to kill me.

today. before recess. i was really bored and tired lah. slept at 2.30 am yesterday. stupid cockroach. it was running about at my house. so scary lor. haha. shall elaborate on that later. ok back to the point. first lesson was Amaths, it was ok lah. then next lesson was history. i'm dead already. i meant my mind is already asleep lah while my eyes is kept open. haha. then even worse. the third lesson was chemistry. mrs cheong just said that she dun like people to lay their heads on the table and afer a while, i can't stand it anymore. that i put my head on the table without knowing. haha. then i was caught by mrs cheong. then she ask me to answer one of her questions. yup. then after chem, it was recess. finally. i can sleep, eat, and do whatever i want. haha.

after recess, was chinese. argh!!! can't stand fei fei. i dun like her. she's so lazy. and i MEAN EXTREMTELY LAZY!!! feel like telling the school to sack her lor. argh!!! then after chinese, was emaths. it was very funny lah.i could still remember mr kwok calling liyana's name and facing farhanah. haha. it was so funny lor. haha. [i'm still laughing now. haha.] then after emaths, was physic lab lesson. another lab lesson. argh!!! i dun like lab lesson with PLM. argh!!! then at the end of physic lesson, got back our progress report. yup yup. didn't want to tell PLM my result. so i just went straight to may and ask her. haha. then went back to class. forgot that today got amaths supplementary. so i ask sheng jie and sab to wait for me to go home together. yup. then i went for amaths supplementary. i thought we are going to get back our spring test paper. but we didn't. waste my time. haha. yup then after that went home with sheng jie and sab.

yup. then when i reach home. my mum ask me to change my clothes cos my dad is coming back to fetch us to make my IC. haha. yup. then i had fried rice for lunch. yup. then we go and make the IC. so fast make finish. then i and mummy go and take mrt. then we saw amy. yup. then we talk until our stop arrive lor. haha. then when to this fashion to see some clothes but we didn't buy any clothes cos i dun feel like buying.

yup. actually miss tee is quite nice. only that she appears to be very strict and fierce at times. the change of my opinions about her is kinda weird. i dunno how to explain. it was like this. she told us to do a goals setting thingy on a paper during legacy lesson last time. then i just wrote all the things that i just thought of. i didn't noe have to pass up until someone ask me to pass up. so i just pass it up. with all the craps and stuff that i have wrote inside. blah. then she gave us back today. with a note on top and a cute doggie sticker. the note was really very nice. she wrote this : Hi Josephine, u're good in your studies, always trying your best. u're not alone. There're people who care for you and waiting for you to be their friends. So, open up, do not fear. Put your best self and smile always. W'll find sunshine all the time. =) and she sign off with her name. that made me feel better. i dunno why. haha. so weird. haha.

can't wait to go out. shall ask the cousins to go out together for a family gathering and do watch movie!!! woohoo!!! haha. shall stop here now. goodbye!!! enjoy the breaks and holidays!!! haha. :)


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