Wednesday, June 29, 2005


haha... hi peeps... it's been a while since i blogged... was pretty busy completing the projects and homeworks nowadays... but it's sort of completed so i'm quite relax now... haha...

well, school was not as bad as i expected... but i've change my sitting position in class... and i'm sitting next to may!!! and PLM... boohoo... but i didn't really talk much to her... gossip quite a lot with may though... haha... and i'm still sitting at the back of the class... which i dun want... argh!!! hate being a tall person... all the disadvantages all come to you when you are tall... argh!!! and a double argh goes to the change of teachers in school... my chemistry and english teacher have changed!!! well, english teacher, i still dunno about her yet... she haven't started teaching us yet... but the chemistry teacher!!! omg, i'm gonna cough blood man... guess who is it??? it's MR ROSLAN!!! omg!!! heard that he is a lousy teacher... i can somehow understands his lessons but his lessons are so boring... and he only has one tone in his voice... i also slept in class which is pretty weird... cos i dun usually sleep in class. maybe it's because of his monotonous tone and me sitting in the back of the class that makes me tired and sleepy and bored...

-sighs- jet didn't call yesterday... it's been like about 5 days he never talk to me on the phone liao... and i kinda miss him talking to me on the phone cos i got a lot of things to say and complain!!! and he's my listener, always hearing me complaining this and that... i wonder if he can stand it!!! i haven't been talking to him on the phone is because of my brother... he's such a sicking bloody irritating idiot lor... dunno when did he started wanting to snatch the phone from me when jet called me... so stupid lor... then he won't let me talk to jet when i wanted... you still own me for teaching you during your exam period k? and i helped you got 2nd in class. and this is the way you thank me!!! you ungrateful soul... hmmmph!!!

well, later i have to go to ntuc fairprice to buy some bottles for the physic project that my group will be presenting... haix... been feeling that there is a problem between one of my group members to the whole group... i sometimes dunno what's the problem with her... i'm scared of her at times and her mood changed very fast from happy to pissed... and i dunno why... but everything sort of went well in the end... shall not talk about it or i will feel a little disappointed in my group...

yesterday, school was like so tiring... during pe, we had to run outside school to train our NAFA test which is coming up soon... i'm so gonna be dead... i dun really like running but i would prefer swimming to running cos swimming is much more refreshing than running which is so tiring... after pe, we had CAs for social studies and histroy elective... i forgot everything that i have studied... started reading the teaxtbooks again to recap all that i have learnt at the last minute... i'm so gonna be dead cos i have quite alot of the questions that i dunno... yup. and we had the very first lesson with mr roslan... it started off quite well and ended off very well too... he was teaching us the mole concept and lots of calculations in chemistry and stuff then after that we had a "getting to know you" section... and each of us have to write down on a piece of paper about ourselves... then after writing some crap on the paper... he started to call out names to introduce ourselves... then i was like: "wasting paper... since we have to introduce ourselves by speaking then what is the use of writing it on paper" haha... but we also had to hand the paper up to him... and when it was my turn... i was like stuttering... cos i was kinda shy and scare to talk to a group of people... i dunno why... haha...

ok then in the night, i wasn't feeling that... i dunno why... suddenly no appetite to eat and feeling very tired and stress because of the project... may and i completed the report yesterday... finally can breathe in more air... haha...

yup... i think i shall stop here now... gtg!!! bye!!! TTFN - tata for now!!! haha. bye!!!


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