Saturday, July 16, 2005

Wishing to go back time...

hey peeps... am having a very complicated feeling in my heart now... dunno why... maybe it's because of some things that happened in school... haha...

well, it's the weekends and i'm abit bored at home... but i still enjoy it... i dun like the feeling to go to school... it's so stressful and you have overcome some fears in school... i like being at home... it makes me feel home and comfortable... duh... it's my home so i like it... haha... maybe i'm talking some crap now... dun be bothered about it...

Nowadays i get tired very easily... and i dunno why... maybe it is the lack of sleep cos usually i would sleep at 3.30 am... and i will have afternoon nap... but nowadays i dun have my afternoon nap so maybe i would feel sleepy in the night... haha... jet feels this way too... he's been very tired like me lately... haha... we have lots of common things. don't we, jet? haha...

had my english oral on monday... waited until 5 pm for my turn... and i think i screwed it... haix... i was stuttering all the way... the passage, the picture and the conversation... totally screw it up... and the teacher also ask me alot of questions... i think i did badly in this oral... i'm very bad in my languages... haix...

well, wanted to have a haircut recently... but i'm not sure what haircut i want... wanted to ask jet for opinions but he always never go online... then i cannot send him the pic that has the hairstyle that i intend to cut... but i'm afraid that it will look bad on me... my hair is not like everyone else... my hair is weavy or curly i guess... so i must think very carefully when i want a haircut... sometimes i envy people with straight hair... cos they dun have to think too much when they want a haircut... but i somehow like my hair too... cos it's unique... haha... maybe not... cos there are many ppl wwho have the same hair as i have... but i still like my hair... haha...

yup... went out with siying, sheng jie and wanyuan a few times during the weekdays after school... had lots of fun with them... haha... they will always be my besties... haha... and on wednesday, it was the second time i went out sheng jie alone again... the first was when i went to watch "initial D" with her... then this time is the second... we went to PP to get a present for ah peh... her birthday coming... haha... and siying bought a birthday card some time ago... and the cost was spilt into 5 between siying, me, sheng, wanyuan and audrey... and many people who didn't pay have wrote on the card... so i feel that it is quite unfair for us who have paid for the card... cos they didn't paid and yet they still write on the card... haix... but nvm...

jet didn't call me for alot of days again... haha... he was very tired in the night and he fell asleep not knowing that he had already fell asleep... haha... he missed lots of episode on inuyasha and shaman king... who ask him to sleep so early? haha... i'm being mean now... haha... actually i was also tired like him but i manage to watch finish the anime show before going to sleep... but it's good to have sufficient sleep or you will be very tired the next day... so jet, i forgive you for you have your reasons and i want you to be healthy too!!! haha...

ermmm... will be having alot of test the next few weeks so will be very stressful... i somehow feel that i have been quite mean to my parents sometimes... maybe it's because of the stress i have... and i dun really like the way my parents treat each other sometimes... i try not to care much about them... but i can't cos i want a family to be a family... and i want to live in a happy family... and i want everybody to be happy... sometimes i will think back time... about the happy moments i had with my family... my cousins... my friends... when i was very young, i lead a very happy and carefree life... with my family and cousins... maybe when i am young, i am much innocent and will easily forget about the sad things that happen... and will just continue to be happy... that is why sometimes i envy my youngest sister, ying. she's only 4 and when she wants to sleep, she sleeps... when she's hungry, she eat... when she is happy, she will laugh... when she feel like saying "i love you" to me, she say... if i could lead a life like this... i think i would be happy all day long... maybe as you grow older, you will know more, realise more and think more about reality... maybe the more you know, the more you will think... so maybe i should know less and care less of things that does not concerns me... haha... and i shall live a happy life... haha... with happy people surrounding me and spreading the happiness in me to other people... haha... and the worls would be filled with happy people... haha...

i love looking at the sky... in the night, you can sometimes see the moon and the stars... and in the day, you can sometimes see the sun and the clouds... but i dun usually look at the sky in the day... cos the sun is very bright... haha... but i will look at the sky during morning assembly... it's so nice... i will sometimes dream about some things when i look at the sky... i look at the night sky more often... especially when i'm waiting for my turn to use the com... i will sit beside my sis who is using the com and wait... while waiting, i will look out of the window and look at sky... sometimes when i walking ot cycling to buy groceries or when coming back from buying groceries in the night, i will look at the sky... it's so beautiful... the moon, the stars and the clouds... haha... sometimes when looking at the night sky, i will dream of what it is like to be in outer space... it is a place full of darkness or is it a place full of light? will there be aliens? can i own a planet of my own? will the air be fresher there? and will there be lots of cool stuff for me to discover myself? haha... maybe i dream too much sometimes... haha... i somehow want to learn astrology... then i would learn about the moon, the stars and lots of things concerning the outer space... haha... but again, it's not so good to know to much and to learn too much... maybe you will find out how ugly is the stars and the moon... haha... if it is beautiful in my mind then i shall let it stay beautiful in my mind... haha...

well, i think that's about it for this entry... haha... time to go... gtg!!! bye!!! TTFN - tata for now... haha... bye!!!


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