Sunday, August 28, 2005

saving money!!!

hey peeps... back to blog again... haha... it's kinda late at night now... actually it is LATE AT NIGHT NOW!!! haha... everyone's asleep except for me... haha... nowadays, i've been updating my blog during the weekends... i guess the weekends are the most free days that i have now... been kinda busy lately... shall talk about what i did for the past few days in the whole week later... haha...

well, i had a dream just now... i slept in the afternoon today... watched tv... and got tired... then i wanted to pretend that i was asleep cos the phone rang and i didn't want to pick it up [was feeling lazy... haha...] so i pretended to be asleep so that mum could pick the phone up and helped me off the tv... then i really slept... haha... as in i actually pretended to sleep and i really slept... haha... then i had this dream... this weird dream...

it goes like this... it's prom night... and i was not told that it was today... so i was not prepared... no clothes for my prom... no nothing... then cass came and told me... then i was very shocked... then i was like searching for the nicest clothes i have at this weirdy place... it seems to be a very familiar place... i think is my house... haha... then teng also helped me search for some nice clothes... but all the nice clothes are not suitable for the occasion... then i was panicking... then i was like saying "no time already... i think the best left without me... i can't go to prom anymore"... yup... i think i said something like that in dreamland... haha... but we still looked for clothes but we still can't find... then i was like thinking that everyone in the prom must have looked very nice and they're all having fun... then i was sad and panicky... and i think teng told me that the prom is going to over liao... then i woke up in shock... and i was like thinking "do i have a dress or something that is suitable to wear in a prom?"... then i remembered ah joy's prom dress... then i was like "luckily still got ah joy's prom dress"... haha... so weird right? haha...

yup... that's my dream... now for the things that i did during the past few days of the week... haha...

monday... hmmm... can't really remember much... in fact... i think i can't even remembered what i did... i think i did legacy project or something... or is that on tuesday? haha... haiya... i dunno lah... so i forget what happened on monday and tuesday... let's just skip to wednesday then... haha... hmmm... i think i went to jurong island for NE learning journey... it wasn't that bad actually... haha... the man, who is our guide, is actually lee hsien long's senior in secondary school... haha... and he last time always bully lee hsien long want... haha... so funny... he speaks chinese and english very fluently... i'm impressed... haha... and i had a lot of fun with may... we ate pratas there... it's nice... especially the curry... haha... so thick and not so spicy... haha... then may and i got a shocked when we went to the chemistry gallery and saw this computered face suddenly moved and talked... then we told everyone to see it so that they got shocked too but most of them did not... haha... and we went through this tunnel which is kinda small for tall people like ME!!! haha... kk... then i went home and sleep and eat and watch tv [there is jue dui superstar]... haha... i think that is about it for wednesday... haha...

ermmm... thursday... let me see... had school... then the day was very hot and hazy cos many people were burning incents [i dunno how to spell it... haha...] then i had basketball... i didn't want to go actually... because of the weather... it was so damn hot... and the people who is burning the "thing" made the air even harder to breathe and made the weather even more hot... but being the guai me, who never porns bball practice, went for bball training... haha... and was doing the usual things we always do during bball practice... so boring... always do the same things every thursday... can anyone just change the whole practice to something more interesting? i'm sick and tired of it!!! i'm so looking forward to getting into the yet-to-be-establised table tennis team which is opened by teng... woohoo... i think table tennis is cool... never tried playing it before... i'm sure many people also dunno how to play too... but i noe the instructions to play it and how the game is played... haha... yup... back to where i was saying... then bball practice ended... and i called papa to come and fetch me... then he told me to wait for him and i waited for him at the security area... haha... then suddenly a caterpillar or a cacoon came down from the tree above the security area... then the security told me to look and i looked at it and i got a shocked... then she used a pole to knock it down... then she was telling me what happened to her on wednesday when a caterpillar got onto her back and she did not notice it until one of the school's staff told her... she say these caterpillars are poisonous and are very itchy when you touched it... i totally agree to what she said... haha... it's colours are very bright so i guess it is poisonous like what she said... haha... then papa came and picked me and his relief driver up... i really hate his relief driver... he always takes advantage of papa... papa is the hirer of the taxi... means the taxi is under his name which means that the taxi belongs to papa... then he being the relief driver also has the responsibility to keep the taxi clean and to wash the taxi after use... but he told a lie to papa, saying that he got wash everyday... my foot can... what a liar... and where got hirer pick up relief driver so that the relief driver can drive the taxi... what a joke lor... he told papa to pick him up everyday so that he do not have to take a bus to my house to pick the taxi up... and he always hands the taxi nack to papa LATE!!! he's supposed to drive from 5.30pm to 5.30am... but he hands the taxi back to papa at 7.oo am and almost made me and teng late for school, just because he hands the taxi late to papa... and taxi didn't even get a chance to rest... it was working for the whole day... it's supposed to rest from 5.30am to 6.45am... but because he hands in the taxi late so the taxi didn't get a chance to rest... what a freak he is!!! argh!!! i hate him!!! i want papa to fire him... that's a thing papa will do sooner or later... haha...

now for friday... hmmm... i had school... was quite energetic the whole day until history lesson... dozed off halfway through class... we had a small quiz then saffiah was explaining the answer and i dozed off... i think she is quite unhappy about it... haha... everytime i like that during her class... i must control myself during her lessons... haha... then after school, met up with siying, sheng and the rest so that we can go cross country together... siying have to reach there by 2pm... and we were set free from school at 1pm and we had to rushed!!! we went to KFC to buy takeaways for lunch... then met miao somewhere at PP then we took a bus together to somewhere and we walked the underpass to east coast... then we took a cab to the cross country which is at east coast but further from where we walked... and we were almost late... and tiff and vera walked to east coast from PP and they were so late... we were all worried that they wouldn't make it for cross country... we need them to run for our class... and when they finally came, they were all sweating and exhausted... vera even told me that she felt like she just finished cross country when she haven't even run!!! she said that it was damn hot... and then i was like: "walk lah... say do warm up... lucky never go with you all... haha..." was jking with her lah... haha... i think the school shouldn't change the cross country to friday... they should make it back to saturdays or if they want to make it on friday then dun make us study in the morning just make it in the morning so that we would not rushed to east coast after school... haha... yup... then zany parade was ok... but i felt that it was quite messy and stuff... and joanne ran 4th for cross country... woohoo!!! thanks joanne for making the class proud!!! haha... and sheng and i ate kfc when it was free time... haha... it's like having a pinic... haha... then everyone was like staring at us... so embarrassing... haha... then after zany parade, siying, sheng, me and the rest went to PP to eat and they were all gossiping about things that i and sheng dunno... cos we are not in band mah... then the rest are all in band... haha... was so bloated after eating... then was broke... spend alot of money man... i'm so dead... i shall starting saving money... i need to think of my future... yes!!! i am SAVE MONEY!!! haha... madness... haha...

saturday... which is today or yesterday... haiya... i can't really say that it's today cos it's already 4 plus in the morning... so it's yesterday then... haha... yup... woke up and ate wanton mee for breakfast... then watched tv and did my legacy project... haha... was drawing lots of rectangles on the black paper... haha... then cutting them out... then i watched sonic youth and the repeat version of jue dui superstar... haha... so nice... haha... then watched the making of "the way home"!!! i think "the way home" this show is very nice... i'm going to watch it today at 9pm... but there is "homerun" at 7.30pm at channel 8... i dunno which one to watch... i think i watch "the way home" better.. haha... i cried when i watched the making of "the way home"... it's so touching and nice... i think i'm going to cry when i watched the real show itself... haha... so emotional... not like the young me when i was in primary school... i won't cry when watching touching shows last time when i was in primary school... i guess i really changed alot from primary school until now... having much more feelings already... i dun really like to have those feelings that i dun like... i like being the young me in the past... the carefree life... but i guess we can't go back in time right? so let's just make in remain in my memories then... i really miss life back in the past... haix... haha...

yup. now i think i'm going to talk about jue dui superstar... the preview 1 of jue dui superstar is the guys version one... i thought they were going to show some behind the scenes things of jue dui superstar but no... they didn't... haix... was really looking forward to it when the show ended up like that... haix... then jun yang sang!!! woohoo!!! he sang jay's qing tian... so nice!!! then derrick sang too... haha... then i also watched the girls version one too... it's the same as the guys version... all the talks and supporting and stuff... haha... i want to watch some behind the scenes shots!!! can the producer of jue dui superstar show it to us!!! haha...

ok i guess that's about it for this entry... it's damn long... i guess no one will want to read it from the length of this entry... actually all my entries are very lengthy... haha... oh well, gtg now... bye!!! TTFN!!! bye!!!


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