Tuesday, December 20, 2005

time to slim down!!!

hey peeps. back to blog again... have to blog real fast this time cos 100% entertainment is coming up soon... have to go and catch it... haha... heard it is S.H.E this time... haha...

well, i just found out how heavy am i yesterday.... weigh myself on the weighing machine... so shock lor... guess how heavy am i? 60kg!!! omg. i really need to cut down this time... i mean mum been like nagging at me not to eat too much of chocolates, heaty stuff and junk food but i just treat it as a song... one ear in and the other ear out... haha... so now i am refrain from eating those heaty stuff and i have eat those non-heaty stuff which is cooling stuff like watermelon and stuff like that... haha... but then guess what? mum's colleague gave mum this toblerone dark chocolate with almond nougat in it... so tempting lor.. i mean how can i resist not eating the nougat in it? well, i dun really like dark chocolate cos it's bitter... and i dun get why teng LOVES it so much!!! and then papa keeps buying potato chips which i can't resist sometimes... haha... what am i to do, man?

now i think i'm making a plan of what i will be eating or rather what time i will eat and how much i will eat so that i can control my eating habits and not just eat the whole day through... well, trying to learn this dance that i found in the net but it's kinda difficult... teng and i are so into dancing now... and we also dunno why... haha... i think it's cool. but ya... i got no dancing cells in my blood so i think i can't make it... haha.. plus i keep thinking that working helps me lose fats... but NO... it just helps me gain fat... you know why? cos i work in a fastfood resturant so bascially my lunch or dinner is fastfood which makes people gain calories easily... haha... what to do? it's like that mah... haha...

however, i will be quitting by the end of this week... so maybe it's good... but it's also bad... cos when i stay at home and got nothing to do, i will keep eating... and there is why i'm gaining calories again... at least when i'm working, i got something to do so i won't keep eating... and plus when i work, eating is not allowed until you have your break or you just finish your work... so that also somehow help me control my eating habits... and every time i go to work, i have to climb the overhead bridge which helps me do some exercise. but it's very little... who cares? at least there is exercise... staying at home doing nothing means no exercise... haha... so maybe it's better to work... but you have to see who works with you... you'll get what i mean... haha...

well, i've also been having pimple outbreak on my face too... that is why mum keep asking me not to eat so heaty stuff... cos it somehow cause the outbreak too... haha... now my face is like rotting... sometimes i dun even dare to wear contacts lens out cos i scared people will see the how i really look without specs and those pimples.... argh!!! freak me out when i see my face sometimes... it's so horrible... i mean my once flawless face is now gone forever... so sad right? haha...

hmmm... physic project haven't started... homework not finished... i'm so gonna be dead... and i'm still slacking away now... actually i planned to do my homework today but i was too lazy to read the textbook... it's very wordy but it's like only 5 pages... i think i'm super slacky now... help me please!!! i really need supervision now... i've ask teng to supervise what i eat but she won't cos she noes that i won't listen to her... haha... well, i knew it too, ok!! homework i also need supervision but who is there to supervise me? i mean teng is also slacking, boy no need to say... whole day play maple... i cannot control him already... joyce, everyday go out... she also dun care me one lah... haha... so that leaves ying who is only 4 years old so it's impossible... and mummy and papa already knows that i can take care of myself so they don't really care about my homework... i'm so dead can? haix... really need help!!! haha...

ok i think i gtg now... haha... not a bad entry anyway... haha... bye!!!

eating list
oats every morning for fibre


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