Thursday, December 29, 2005

i'm not prepared

hmmm. so relief now. finally finished my physic project!!! or maybe not really finished, i don't even know what the rest of the members are doing. i think this is the most shattered project i've ever done before. maybe this is not a CA so we don't care that much about it. well, but i've done my job!!! woohoo!!! three cheers for me!! haha. being high here, so don't mind me. haha.

i don't know what's wrong with my stomach again. it's starting to hurt and i went to the toilet like 2, 3 times already. i think it's because of the ice cream i ate yesterday. maybe my stomach is really sensitive to ice cream. but funny thing is that i don't have stomachaches when eat ice cream in the past. maybe i really have to watch my diet. i have successfully succeeded in stopping myself from eating heaty stuff for like 3 days i think. haha. well, not enitrely not eating heating stuff but less than before. thanks to teng who helped control me when i'm tempted. but she is also the one who tempt me. hmmmph! haha.

when to see cindy's ah ma at the hospital yesterday with all the ah yi-s and most of the cousins. amy and jet went to camp so they didn't get to meet with us. then we left the hospital and headed for east coast lagoon's food village!!! haha. the ususal place where we will go and eat with families... haha. we ate lots of stuff there. at first there was like so little food on the children's table and almost all the food were on the adult's table. but later when we went around to order the food, the plates of food started to multiply. haha. well, i think multiply this word makes it feel like there's lots of food. but it's still very little compared to the food we ordered normally. haha. maybe lesser people around so lesser food bah. haha. we orderd hokkien prawn mee, char kway tiao, chicken wings, stingray, gong gong (from ah gu's store. haha.), carrot cake, oyster egg and lots of stuff. we drink sugar cane juice which was yummy-licious. haha. but whenever we eat oyster egg, we would always laugh at ourselves. because we don't eat the oysters, we only eat the eggs. haha. so waste food but the oysters really are not yummy at all. haha. none of us like it, so no choice. haha. before we leave, ah gu even treat all the cousins there to ice creams!!! that is the part when i started to eat ice cream again!!! it's been like quite a long since i've ate ice cream. or is it not? haha. then joanne and i chatted for a while before we go our seperate way home. took cindy's father's car home. joked a little on the way home. haha. the conversation of sally yi yi and her husband was so funny. it goes like this...

yiyi: you want to see pretty ladies?
tior: where?
yiyi: you go to changi village there.

cindy and i started to laugh.

tior: i want to see real ladies lah. they all fake one.
yiyi: they are more woman than us women ar. you don't look down on them ar. haha. you never see how sexy they wear. haha.

and all of us in the car all laugh. haha. it was so funny.

i really hope that the cousins are going out this sunday although school starts on tuesday. well, we'll just have to see first bah. really spend lots of time with the cousins this holidays. normally, during the december holidays i will go to joanne's house to stayover for a couple of days. but this year i didn't go. cos of work, homework and lots of other reasons. moreover, i don't think mum would let me go to joanne's house this year. i've finished the physic report today just because i really want to go out with the cousins this sunday. i was scared that i could not finish it on time but i really managed to finish it on time!!! woohoo!!! haha. now it's heymath that i've not finished. but i'm taking that easy cos i've left about 20 questions. now i'll just have to wait for the cousins to tell me whether they can make it on sunday or not. and whether my mum allows me to go a not.

sometimes i really don't understand mummy at all. these few days she's been taking leaves from work. and i was wondering why? she said that she was sick but i don't see anything with her. ok let me think... mummy took leave from 22nd dec to 27th dec. then today she took half day leave. why? i still don't get it. it's not that i don't want mummy to be at home but i just find it strange. i know when mummy works, she will skip her lunch and all that. that is why she is so skinny. and can you believe it? she is just 45kg or 48kg only!!! and she's about my height. aw~ she's like so thin. sometimes i really envy her figure. sometimes mummy is scary too. mood swings and all that stuff. sometimes she's good and sometimes she just don't care. well, maybe mums are all like this.

boy's been playing on the com for like so long nowadays. well, maybe it's because it's the holidays. so mummy is angry at him for playing online games for such a long time. so guess what mummy ask teng to do? she actually asked teng to not saved the internet password in the com so that boy wouldn't know it. now it's so inconvinient for me to go online. cos i have to type the password and it's quite complicated. and i also have to type the password and make sure that boy do not see when i do that. argh!!! can't boy grow up and be more obedient sometimes? i mean he's going to be primary 6 next year and he has PSLE next year which is an important exam for him. and he still needs people to make him study and all that. i mean when i was his age, i've already started studying on my own. and mummy always make me tuition him when he has an exam coming up. HELLO!!! i also have exams you know. and it's every week for your information. and why do i have to spend my time on him when i can't even cope sometimes on my own. sometimes i also wish that someone would tutor me and make me study even if i don't feel like it. cos i'm really scared for my O's next year. i really scared i can't cope and seeing all the people around study so hard pressurises me a lot. i'm not really prepared for next year. and time passes so fast. it's like going to be 2006 in about 2 days time. and i still feel that i've not done alot of things and i don't want 2005 to end. i'm not prepared. i really am not. why am i do to? i feel so panicky and lost. argh!!! how?

Time passes so fast. just a wink and 2005 is going an end. school's starting and i've not finished my homework. lots of things i still think i need to do and i've not done. lots of things i want to do and i've not done. i'm not really excited for the new year and i'm not looking forward to it. maybe i've enjoyed too much this holidays that is why i'm feeling like this. or maybe i've not enjoyed enough this holidays that is why i'm feeling like that? i dunno. i don't like this feeling. i've not seen my friends for like ages and i want to see them. but the thing is i don't want school to start with all the exams, homeworks and stuff. I DUN WANT!!! my head is like exploding. i'm not prepared. i know i'm not. what am i to do? SOMEONE HELP ME!!!

i think i gtg. bye!!!


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