Monday, February 20, 2006

screwed yet unscrewed

celebrated my birthday recently. this is the only year that i ate so many cakes in a week. celebrated with my cousins and my friends. was excited at first. but it turn up to so screwed on my birthday itself until i celebrated with my cousins. haha.

well, i had steamboat with them and was very full. and they even gave me a surprise. haha. they told me that they did not buy me a cake. but my dad really bought me a cake to bring it over to my aunt's house. when teng ask me whether the cake in the fridge is the cousin buy one, i said :" no it was papa buy one. and i bought it over to celebrate together." but i didn't know that the cake that she was referring to was really a cake that the cousins bought for me. haha. so touching. it was a mango ice cream cake. must have cost them a lot. thanks guys!!! sorry to make you burn a hole in your pocket. i really love it!!! Love you guys lots!!!

actually, i had a bad day in school on the day of my birthday. melissa was pissing me off. and may cried because she did the physics practical wrongly. and i didn't finish my practical either. ferena was rubbing it even more into melissa's "jokes". sometimes i really can't tolerate melissa anymore and i just want to scold her. but i'm not very confident of doing that cos i scared that it will make relations between her even rough and she talks better than me so i'm afraid that i won't be able to talk back to her. yup. so melissa, if you are reading this. please be inform that i have my limitation to my tolerance for you so don't piss me off.

oh! at the end of school on my birthday, sihui passed me this little card made by shengjie. it says: "hey josephine! you are cordially invited to your own birthday party." i was so shocked. i wasn't sure what they are up to but this is really something quite surprising as they never tried that before in the previous birthday girls that we celebrated with. haha. good job guys. good idea. haha. so on the 18th of feburary, i had flag day with shengjie, sijie and sabrina. and i managed to finish all the stickers!!! woohoo!!! it was so hot that day. the weather was really not on our side. i was like perspiring like hell and got seperated with sijie. saw some primary school friends but was afraid to say hello to them. after flagday, we went to eat at mac's and got another surprise from sijie, sabrina and shengjie. they actually bought a piece of cake for me. so sweet of them! i thought what were they doing when i was seperated with them. no wonder, they got seperated with me. they went to buy that piece of cake. haha. after that, i went home with shengjie and rested and bath. then left for the "birthday party". meet up with shengjie first than the rest of the gang (siying, sihui, wanyuan, peckhong, brina, calister and eunice). wanted to eat at cafe cartel but there wasn't enough tables for us. so we went to pasta mania. but they same goes for there. in the end, we went to swensen. had fish and chips. was really delicious. then they bought in the birthday cake!!! was really touch by that. but i really know the same old tricks already. haha. didn't fool me this time. haha. then they sang the birthday song and i cut the cake. it was really hard. and it was a OREO ICE CREAM CAKE!!! oh my, so nice!!! haha. then we went to take neoprints after that and left home after walking for a while. really had a great night that day. oh! and they gave me a billabong wallet which is so cool!!! i know my wallet very old lah. but i like what. haha. and they also gave me a cup which is so cute and sweet. haha. now i can use that to drink milo. haha.

today is teng's birthday. actually wanted to treat her to a delifrance meal or something like that. but in the end, mum says she wants to buy her pizza instead. so i never treat her today. i shall treat her tomorrow or the day after. haiya. will treat her soon. maybe i can bring her to swensen to eat too. haha. i feel so guilty not giving her something for her birthday. cos she always does give me one when it's my birthday. so much for being the "kind" sis. haha.

well, i'll thinking of cutting my hair soon. have to do some research firts before i really decide on what hairstyle i want. shengjie got her hair cut so short. but it looks nice on her. shengjie, stop pressing your hair down. it does not look that bad lah. it's nice. maybe i'll cut a jap style hair. then i can be more like my handsome idol, takuya kimura... haha.

ok i gtg now!!! bye!!! and thanks guys for what you have done for me. i really love them!!! thanks!!! gtg now!!! bye!!!


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