Saturday, February 11, 2006

the past

it's been a long time since i blogged. been quite busy lately. lots of exams coming in the way. well, many things have happened in the past few weeks that i didn't blogged. i'll just update on those that are quite memorable to me.

hmmm... let me think. on the 27 of january, i went to watch i not stupid too with siying they all. well, the show is very touching and funny at the same time. one of the movies that i like. it really says out how i communicate with my parents. and how my parents sometimes behaviour to each other. there's this part when Tom's parents quarrelled and did not talk to one another which affect Tom and jerry. they started to ask their children to pass messages to each other although they are just beside one another. this is also what my parents do when they quarrel with one another. and i don't like it. being the middleman is a tough job. it's like being squash between 2 fat people in the bus when it is crowded. get what i mean? haha. well, i cried watching that show. not really cry but when i watch the movie, i really touches my heart and my tears just rolled down. at the same time, i also laughed alot while watching it. haha. really love this show. i think i would buy the cd when they come out. feel like watching it the second time. haha.

a few days ago, guess what happened? something that you will not believe. something that you may laugh but also worries you too. ok. so the thing is that Ying went to put something really small into her nose. and that small thing is from her waterbottle. at first, ah boy and i didn't believe her cos she always say nonsense. after that, she started sneezing and sneezing. and she keep having running nose so we went to take a touch light to check her nose and that small little thing is in it and very deep. we keep asking her to blow it out until her nose all red. in the end, mum and papa took her to the hospital and take it out. they went to SGH first but there got no specialist on this cases so they went to KK hospital and waited there for a very long time. then finally it's their turn, Ying didn't wanted to cooperate with the doctor and the doctor was very rough to her which made her nose bleed. then they change another doctor and she was more gentle than the previous one. she jabbed Ying and she went unconcious with her eyes open. then mum was so scared. then the doctor finally took it out from her nose. mum and papa both didn't sleep that night cos it happened at around tne plus in the night and they came back the next morning. haix. finally it's over! haha.

then on 3rd feburary, my class had a trip to pulau semakua. really had a great time there. we sat on this cruise and went to the rubbish dump island of singapore. and it's not what you will expect there. it's really very beautiful at some places. it's not smelly and there's lots of plants there. took lots of photos there too... maybe i'll put it up someday. haha. have to ask weeling to send the photos to me. haha.

oh. and the O'levels results was out yesterday and i went to see how it was in the hall. the ex sec 4 graduates were jumping, screaming, crying etc when they saw their results. i'm really very nervous when the time comes for me. this made me even more worried for my O's. well, joanne was very upset for her results and the gundo me did know that she was very upset and ask her in the sms whether she cried or not and she never replied me. then mum heard from ah yi that she cried and was very dissapointed. how she's well now. joanne, take it easy. we will be there for you. don't worry, ok?

my stomach's hurting now. i dunno why. just went to the toilet not long. i think i need to go again later. haix... lots of exams. need to study alot now. there will be 6 upcoming exams for next week. hope i do well. didn't expect my a-math CA to fail and ended up to be in the remedial for a whole semester. i better do well in the mid-year exam. but being in the remedial helps me to revise so why not? haha. must think of the positive side mah. haha. tiffany has made a new blog and i think it's pretty nice. hope she doesn't abandon it again just like she did to her previous blogS... haha... it's ... have a look over there!!! haha... tiffany, i help to promote your blog leh. i'm keeping comission hor. haha.

ok i gtg now. bye!!! take it easy, sis. ok? ok gtg now!!! bye!!!


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