Sunday, March 05, 2006


it's late in the night now and i'm still online. i'm feeling kind of refresh cos i've just taken a bath. anyway, am chatting with jet now but he's ignoring me and went on to play his maple. he's taking ages to answer my questions. haix... boys are all like this. once they are addicted to an online game, they never stop playing them. haha. i think girls are more discipline than boys. don't you think so?

well, not much has happened the past few days. but i'm just blogging to let time past more wisely... haha. i've been trying very hard to improve my english now. been looking through the dictionary now and then you find the meanings of some words that i don't know. and i've finished reading "the five people you meet in heaven" by mitch albom. it's such a touching book which teaches me alot of things such as to forgive the past and live the present. i don't really know how to explain it in profound english. i'm still learning. when it comes to speaking, maybe i'll be able to tell you more about the book. but i feel so accomplished after finishing that book. it's like the shortest time i've taken to finish a book but i know it's short. haha. but just to think on the bright side, i rarely read books and i've just finished one. i'm impress with myself now. haha. i continue reading books when i have the time. haha. i'm so happy for myself. haha.

i'm pretty worried about my exams lately. i've failed my english comprehension and am the only one who failed in class. i feel so ashamed. i must really improve and at a fast rate cos there isn't much time for me to waste around being a sloth. i've been lazing around at home, eating, sleeping and watching tv. i must really stop all these habits that will affect my studies and spend more time improving the subjects that i need to work on. the results for my social studies test was the hardest blow i've ever had. it's the lowest mark i got for SBQ. i'm so dissappointed. next is chinese. it's just one mark to fail already. i better buck up. i can't stand this feeling about being such a failure. then it is history elective. haix. i guess i'm just not really very good in combined humanities or rather in humanities. i'm quite satisfied with both of my math. it's quite high i can say... haha. well, my sciences are not that bad either only that my practicals are pulling me down. so i guess i'm more of a math/science person. but i prefer math better. haha.

everyone's asleep and i'm still blogging. seriously, i don't know what to blog. there's this chinese letter writing exam tmr and i've not studied finished. or rather i'm afraid that i'll do badly in it. i'm really worried about my chinese. i've always been doing well. what's wrong with me? i've realised in chinese tuition today that my chinese ain't as good as i think it was. -sigh- guess i really have to work hard this year. haix...

yup. family. hmmm... i've been wondering why mum been avoiding papa and keep asking us to pass things to him instead of her doing it herself. it's really annoying and i don't like them doing this to each other. and i think papa is crazy. he keeps buying fish and they die after a few days. and he knows that mum doesn't like him to keep fish at home so he's doing what mum doesn't approve. the more mum dislike, the more he wants to do it to make her angry. what's wrong with them? argh!!! i really hate their attitude towards each other. and what has happened in the past has gone already and there they are being petty people. it's already so long ago and they're still like this. especially mum. she's such a petty person. argh!!! and she keeps telling us that we have to give her money when we grow up and ask her to live with us when we get married off. hello!!! if you are going to be like that, i won't, ok? you guys are not showing good examples to us. that is why i've been feeling so annoyed with you two at home. argh!!!

ok i think that's about this entry. gtg now. bye!!! it's really late now. gtg!!! bye!!!


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