Friday, March 24, 2006


everything seems so stressful and pressurizing now. mid years are like 25 more days away. and i'm still here blogging away, internetting, watching tv, relaxing, sleeping and lots of things which doesn't concerns about my studies... the competition is really very tense now and i can feel it so much. i just so wish i'll find a suitable learning method as fast as possible. this whole mid year thing is stressing me up. and i bet when it comes to O's, it'll be even worse. i just feel that i'm not prepared for everything. just feel that everything is so sudden. just feel that everything seems so wrong all of a sudden. what am i suppose to do? i can't concentrate!!! how??? i'm so vexed up now. argh!!! i need help!!! I NEED HELP!!! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! SOMEONE THERE??? HELP ME?!?! :(

attended this resilience course today. started out quite boring but it ended off interestingly. really saw some parts of myself when the lecturer was talking. learnt alot about myself and my behaviours. some good some bad. but mostly bad. there are some video clips that are funny too. and the self defence part was the best!!! haha. ferena, melissa and vanessa somehow impressed me with their karate. haha.

today it's also lu lao shi's last lesson with us. i find her chinese lesson with us very interesting and catches my attention. i've learned alot from her. and her storys are all so interesting. she's got a lot of chinese idioms to share with us which is so poetic and nice. she also told us her experience in this nortorious normal technical class. she sound so frustrated and agitated when she was telling us. really can feel how she felt when she was teaching in that class. if i was her, i would have cried and quit by then. haha. i'm so useless right? haha.

mid year exams are starting soon and i've not started on anything. been feeling that everyone is ahead of me. and i'm like way behind. and it's the first time in my secondary school years that a teacher wants to see my parents in the meet-the-parent session this year. i bet it's mrs tan. i know it because i've failed english. and i've got a feeling mrs lopez also wants to see my parents because i think i failed last term social studies exam? i'm not sure about it. but i guess i've got to prepare for the worst to come. i'm so tense nowadays. and i know why. i think i know why. it's prolly the mid years and O's. haven't got this feeling for ages and i dun want it to come. the feeling of it is really unpleasant and i dun like it. in fact, i think i hate it!!! gosh. i guess this is life. you got to face challenges in order to lead a easy life ahead. am i not right?

well, i think i better not waste my time now. gtg now!!! bye!!!


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