Saturday, June 10, 2006


i'm feeling very restless today. and i feel a little sick. think i caught the cold cos yesterday i fell asleep while watching tv. so i ended up sleeping on the sofa with no blanket... and it was raining last night... must be very cold yesterday... so in the morning i woke up because i was feeling cold and wanted to cover myself with the balnket when i found out that i was sleeping outside in the living room. haha.

talked to mrs cheong about the science lab seating arrangement and came to an agreement which i'm not satisfied at all. stupid! i have to sit with the most irritating person in class during science lab lesson. and i can't go back to my seat! i know almaas must be grinning evily now cos she got her way of sitting with limin, her best friend, and then they can talk and laugh together on how i will be tortured by the most irritating person in class... i'll just have to treat this as a challenge for myself... and be more attentive in class and ask the most irritating person to shut up before i'll bash her up! don't know why, i cried while talking to mrs cheong cos i don't want to know the truth that i'll be sitting permanently and changing seat permanently. i don't want things to flare up too. but it turns out the way that i didn't want it to be... that's why i cried and that's why i've been moaning all day because of this situation...

finally finished the secret project present that i wanted to give to amy... hope she'll like it cos i spend a lot of time and effort doing it... i'll kind of please with the end product but the more i look at it, the more i feel it's a little boring... but i'm so excited to see her face when i give this project present to her!!! will she be touched? will she be moved? or will she just accept it and say nothing about it? i hope not... just hope that she'll like it... and the letter cum poem i wrote for her sounds a little weird... haha.

today, i was supposed to have a cousin gathering... seems so impromptu... and many of us can't make it... so it was cancelled. dampen my whole spirit for the whole day. that's why i'm feeling very listless and bored now... i was thinking what will the cousins do together when we meet up... and i couldn't think of any... i couldn't think of what to talk to them... and i couldn't think what to do with them... it sounds kind of sad... seems like we'll soon be strangers already... cos there's like simply no activities to do together anymore... hope it turns out well in the chalet on monday...

the new fridge came today. and it was delievered late to us. it was supposed to be delievered to us between 10am and 3pm. but it came at around 5.30pm. so mum was kind of frustrated... cos she wanted to go out the other aunts to buy materials for the chalet... i think they're not going anymore cos it's kind of late now... feel like going out today. but i have nowhere to go and nothing to do... i'm just simply bored now... i guess the saying "boredom kills" is really true... i just feel so useless. i know that time is very precious but i seem to be wasting time... and i know i cannot buy back time. so once it's gone, it's gone... it'll never come back... but i'm just sitting down, doing nothing, wasting time, waiting for monday to come, waiting for something to do even though i know i got lots of things to do... how stupid and useless am i, huh?

somehow i just feel watching tv is such a chore now... cos i feel like sleeping whenever i watched tv... and i wonder why? a tv addict like me sleeping while watching tv... sounds so absurb...

well, i think i gtg now... bye for now...


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