Friday, July 21, 2006

carnival day

dear faeriefable

today's carnival day. and things didn't went out as planned. it was very disorganised and messy. not everyone was in class and melissa who was supposed to play a big part in entertaining the grannies was late. so i started with bingo first and it soon turn out so chao when melissa finally came. argh! everyone was all around the class and it's very difficult to get those grannies to coorperate with us. but it's all over now. *shakes sweat away*

after the grannies left, some people started playing bingo with the leftover bingo sheets. so they kept using back the same sheet for so many games. so environmentally friendly. haha. xiaoxian was the neatest among all. then started playing the drawing game and it seems fun. only that i didn't dare to voice out to them that i wanted to play too. then at 12pm, we had to move back to our class which was on the ground floor. and then we had to do a survey as a class. and there's many things that i disagree but i didn't dare to open up. so i just went for the majority. when it comes to the question on "whether the school have given us adequate information about carnival day", the whole class strongly disagrees and we got a dressing-down by both our FMs, who are mrs loy and mrs tan. they were like both in a bad mood, especially mrs tan. i was asking her whether i could go to the washroom and she was ignoring me. so i had to ask her plenty of times before she answered me a "yes" in a moody or rather sulking way. the whole class was so pissed when both the FMs scolded us for saying that we strongly disagree that the school didn't give us adequate information on carnival day. we didn't even have the programme paper which every classes had. they totally left us out. i pretty mad about this because it was true that we didn't have enough information that made the whole carnival day so messy and unpleasant. people are late because we didn't get the programme sheet which was very important. and the 2 FMs expect a very politically right answer in the survey. HEY! this is a survey, so it's for our feedbacks. and we are the one who are executing the task, not YOU! so how do you know what we feel when we were entertaining the grannies. i feel so helpless at that time lah! if you expect an answer that would make the school happy and that it doesn't tally with what we feel, then what's the use of calling it a survey. why don't you just do it yourself then? quit asking us to do these survey when you teachers are not happy with our answers! argh!!!

enough of that. had my Prelim english oral yesterday and it didn't went well. was tongue-tied and could not pronounce many words properly when i knew how to say it. argh!!! i even pronounce "food" as "fruit"!!! what was i thinking??? oh my gosh. i think i'm going to fail for this oral!!! i screwed up everything. she asked me alot of questions for the conversation and she also asked me questions on the picture conversation which shows that i did not describe the picture properly... what am i to do?

oh, i just came back from buying dinner. and i find ah boy very sweet today. when we wanted to go and buy dinner, he asked me: "you going to wear this shorts?" then i asked: "very short ar?" then he nodded his head. haha. he's so cute. at least he's concern about his big sister that people will stare at her when her shorts are short. haha. actually that shorts is quite short but not to the extend that it showed off your butt and undies. haha. anyway, i think his small little action had made me feel that he's actually not that bad afterall. and he even wanted to treat me to a chocolate pancake and soya ice cream. isn't that sweet? haha.

well, i think i've gtg now. still haven't asked mum about the planned holiday vacation trip with amy and joanne if i score flying colours for my O'levels. oh. and i forgot to say this. i failed my chemistry practical test and almost failed my physics trial practical. gosh. i wonder how am i going to survive for O'level? how? haix. ok really gtg now. bye!


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