Friday, August 27, 2004

Embarrassing day...

Hihi, i'm back to blog... sry didn't blog for so long liao...
well today i think many things happen barx....
today must pass up the guest list for IAP project... then i and sy and yiying haven't really invited or comfirm whether the people we are inviting are going to come for IAP project children's party... so we just did some last minute work lor... we invited the teachers all last minute want lor... then that siying go out with her senior then left the invitation of teachers all to me and yiying... you noe it was so rushing lor and i was late for the lit show...

it was like this... after school, me and yiying went to staff room together to ask the teachers whether they can come for our party a not... then miss tan lenny cannot find... mr peh dun want to come and he told us that if we really on that day cannot find any teachers to come then we find him or else he dun want to come... then it was so embarrassing lor... say hoon was talking to miss ang and i was so frustrated about the invitation of teachers so i dun care even miss ang never teach us before or even dunno me... i just invite her... then just nice sheng jie was also talking with miss ang and say hoon so i go to sheng jie there and ask her to help me ask then sheng jie ask me to ask her myself so i ask her myself then in the end she rejected me... and say hoon was quite unhappy i think.... i think i also hai sheng jie kana scolding by say hoon... cos i disrupted their conversation... sorry sheng jie...hai ni bei ma...

by to the point, i dun care so i just write mr lim. mrs khoo, ms lenny and mrs hoy into the list... i never ask mr lim and ms lenny... then i just pass up to mrs sin... actually not pass up lah but just put it on the table... then i rush to the studio and watch the lit show... then only me, shao fang, sheena, sie hui and jingyi turn up for the show lor... if i noe i also dun want to turn up for the show... waste my time only... then the show the main character also has the same name as me... dotz... and keep having kissing scenes... what the heck let us see all these...

After the show i called my dad to fetch me then i waited for him at the canteen... after a while i saw a taxi which look like that same as my dad's taxi and i ran after it... who knows it was another taxi who was booked by a teacher from my school.... so embarrassing lor... then i just walk around the school and act as if nothing happen... hehe...clever right?... then wait wait wait... wait until so long then my dad come.... then fetch my sis from childcare and go home... then my dad was not feeling well today so he went home and rest... haix....

i think this is all for today...kk...bye! ;P

Monday, August 09, 2004

Happy National Day!

hihi! Today's National Day! too bad never watch the parade today cos went to haig road basketball court with Teng and Ah boy...
Yup we met the red t-shirt boy again (but this time he wear black t-shirt) and his friend whose name is called Wilson... i, teng and ah boy were playing bball ourselves then they come and play with us match until around 7.30pm cos we want to watch singapore idol at 8pm... who knows... when we were on our way home... the 2 boys walked behind us... they told my sis they were going to buy something so they walk the same route as us... so my sis believe them lah (so stupid)... i wanted to tell my sis to walk faster but she like never hear me so i walk atsre in order to let her catch up with me... then they followed us home lor... they very wu liao and siao lor... what for follow us home... i was quite angry lah... then we ran to block 417 and take the lift to the 4th floor to bluff them that we live in the block and at 4th floor but they went up to the 4th floory by the staircase and caught us so our plan failed... haix.... then we had no choice but to stay at the voideck of block 417 then teng called me and ah boy to go home cos we want to watch singapore idol and by that time it was already 8.15pm lor...singapore idol already start... then i say ok lor... so i and ah boy walk to our block then wait at the playground for teng cos i scare mum will ask me where teng is when i go home... but i keep waiting... wait for so long she still haven't walk to our block so i went up home with ah boy... then mum really ask em where is ah teng i dunno what to answer her so i tell her that she was talking to her friend downstairs... then mummy never say anything liao...i thought teng will come home 10 minutes after we reach home but she never... then mum ask me again... where is teng? then i say she is talking to her friend downstair....then she ask me whether they are boy or girl... of course i cannot lie to my mum right?... so i tell her that they are boys... then my ask me how many people.... then i say 2... then she ask me the friends are from her school or what then i say that they were from the bball court... then my mum scold me cos i left teng downstairs talking to 2 boys who we dun really noe (which is also called as stranger)... stupid lor... i was so piss at that time lor... so i faster go down then my mum go down with me... then i was like oh shit teng, die liao... then i faster run to block 417 and scold the boys... i say: " you all want to die mother coming lah!" then teng say: "ok! ok! bye! bye! my mother coming liao you all go home lah!" then teng faster run back to our that time mummy already going to walk to block 417 liao then she saw the 2 boys... after that i and teng go up first cos ying (my baby sis) want to play the playground downstair ... then in the lift, i blame ah teng for not going up with us...then i kana scolding... it is not my fault lor... then mummy come up and scold again lor... then we are NOT ALLOWED to go to the bball court and play bball anymore... all b'cos of the 2 boys.... THANKS to THEM!!! hmmph... super pissed off by them lor...
i think i shall stop here... i need to calm down now...haix...ok bye! :P

Wednesday, August 04, 2004 (cont'd)

haha....back from my bath... very long nice!!! hehe... now very windy.... so nice the breeze (that is what mrs lim, my history teacher will always say when she feels the breeze...hehe)
Anyway back to my life for today...hehe...
After school or maybe the NAFA test, i and sheng jie take bus together... then i reach home at about 4.30pm... then my sis, Teng, come back home at around 5om then my bro, Ah boy, came home after Teng... then TEng say want to go to play bball at haig road so i say okay lor... then we went to the bball court... then i got nothing to do there so i went to Ying Ying's childcare to see whether Pa already went to fetch her home... then i walk back to the bball and i saw this boy in red T-shirt playing with Ah boy and Teng... Teng said that she only play with him once on Monday and dunno him much but that guy seem to like my sis and trying to woo her... hehe... he even ask for Teng's telephone but i didn't tell him lah (of course, dun tell lah... later he make prank calls)... then when we play match that guy keep on passing the ball to Teng, then the guy's friend keep on teasing Teng and that guy.... Then at about 7pm, i wanted to go home, then Teng and ah boy pack up our stuff and wanted to go liao... then the guy see us want to go... he also want to go home liao... hehe... then i say " very sian come here never play at all" then Teng say ok lor then you go play lah then we went to the other half of the court to play then that guy see we never go he also never go and practice with us lor... until 7.30pm then we went home...
i think that is all i want to write liao...i have to do chinese homework! :P

today's mood in school not really good barx... cos inthe morning i went to buy ice cream for home econs practical...we only need about 2 to 3 scoobs of ice cream but i went to bought a 1 litre (or maybe 2 litre) ice cream... the flavour is cookies and cream nice...i got good taste right?...hehe... then during home econs... i made the main dish and the drink (which is macaroni bolognese and ice cocoa) while sarah do the muffins and mariam do the cookies... i cook finish all the stuff and it was quite delicious i think...hehe... but the cookies and the muffins didn't cos it was very messy and we didn't know how to do...hehe... even though sarah and mariam say that they know how to make cookies but i still dun believe them cos in the end it turn out so ermmm... how shall i say... disgusting...hehe :P...and it was so watery (i meant the mixture)... i put ice cream on top of the muffin and it made it worse but...who cares lor...after we cook all the food liao... it was time for Ms Seah to check and grade us... she is so damn f*cking lor... when she was grading the groups, she skip my group and siying's group lor... and it was recess time when she finally come and grade my group and siying's group... she graded siying's group first then grade mine... by the time she grade finish my group the sec 1s had already come into the kitchen to have their lesson... then she call us to wash the dishes after she grade finish but we haven't even started washing the sec 1s came and she called us to get out then she scolded us very slow... she herslef graded us so slow...she dun say herself then come and blame us... i would rather get out of the kitchen and let her wash all the dishes herself lor... and after recess is math exam lor... i haven't even buy graph paper for the exam.... after we wash finish all the dishes, i and siying was scolding her very loudly outside the kitchen...actually we delibrately scolded very loudly want cos we want her to know that we are angry and we dun like her... very mean right?...hehe... after that, i went to buy graph paper... i didn't even eat for recess lor... hmmph... and then go back to class to take the math exam...i didn't finish the paper lor...haix... i think i am going to fail for this exam man... after the math exam... we have to go and see Ms Seah...then i and siying was like... i think Ms Seah want to see us (those ppl who had taken the practical today) cos we scolded her behind the back and very loud... then we were like scold then scold lor... like we cannot say bad things about teachers behind their backs like that... its our mouth what... but in the end... Ms Seah want to see us b'cos some of my classmate made a mess in the rubbish bin... and she called us to clean up for her... chey...
Then after school, i had NAFA the 5 items thingy... hehe... the first station for my group was the IPU lor... then when i was doing about 8 IPU already,one of the sec 1s stop me halfway and tell me that i was doing it wrongly when it was correct... she told me to straighten my hand when doing the IPU... then i told her if i straighten my hand then my butt will touch the floor... then she was lke so gulity to stop me but she never say sorry to me... then the teacher in charge of the station thought the time is up and i only do 8 IPU then she wrote 8 IPU on my paper... luckily Shao Fang help me explain to the teacher or i will surely going to kill that sec 1 man... make me do 8 IPU for nothing... dunno then dun say lah... so angry.... then i have to do IPU again lucky i got an A for that arh... or the sec 1 girl will get it from me arh... oh yar and my sit and reach deprove so much leh... i got a B for sit and reach lor... so sad :(... from last time 47 cm to 45 cm...haix... maybe i old liao... not flexible liao... hehe :P ...
i think i shall stop here cos i want to bath hehe.... later i shall continue what i want to write after i bath or the person sitting beside me (who is my sis, Teng) will nag until like siao... haix... ok later then come back and continue...bye! :P

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Trying to stay calm and relax!

Hi! today... like nothing happen leh... After school, Siying told me to go Parkway Parade with her but i dun want cos take a longer time to go home and have to walk quite a long distance to reach home so i told her i dun want even thought i want to go out with her but she want to go to the place i dun want to go so i didn't go lor... quite sad lah but nvm... try to learn how to make decicions myself...
Then after school, Cass ask me want to go home a not... then i say yes lah (duh! dun go home, go where?...hehe) Then she say go to school canteen and eat lunch first then take bus with me... so i say ok to her lor... i was hungry too at that time... then i ordered mee siam but i forgot what it was called to i point to the auntie that i want to eat that... so dumb of me, how could i forget that the plate of mee siam is called mee siam... hehe... then i saw Phoebe eating along so i called her to eat with me and Cass... after a while May came and ask us whether we got see her wallet a not... she lost it again... hehe... but i never see so i told her that i never see... she was so worried... hope she found her wallet already... or else she still have to make a new ez link card which is so troublesome... hehe...
After eating, i and Cass went to Singapore Post to buy graph paper and stationaries for the math exam tomorrow... but the graph paper no more liao :( ... so i think i am going to buy during recess or i'll be dead for that math exam man... then Cass buy so many things... she buy 4 colour pens... 1 flexible curve ruler which cost about $6 (oh my god, so expensive lor), and a long ruler... that already cos about $20 but she got popular card so got discount until $18 plus... then say wasted cos she got this card from popular which earn points want if you spend $20 and above then can use the points to exchange something... she say wasted b'cos actually $20 then can earn points (she only need 2 more points to exchange for the thing that she wants) but then she use the popular card which give discount until $18 plus so in the end cannot earn points liao...hehe
Then after going to Popular, we went home liao...
i'm feeling bored now... i'm trying to stay calm and relax for the exams tomorrow... can you believe it... tml go so many things to do lor... first go home econs practical exam then math exam then NAFA... oh my god i dun think i can survive with so many things to do by tml... ok i think i better stop now...hehe...k bye! :P

Monday, August 02, 2004

Fun Time Baking!

hi!!! so long never blog already cos when i want to type any words or even letters onto the post nothing came out so i decided to blog next time...but i never use the com for about 1 week so that was why i didn't blog for so long...hehe
Anyway, today i went to Cass' house and bake some sort of "cake"... hehe... it turn out quite ermmm... "okay" hehe... but i had fun baking. Actually it was a last minute discision to go to Cass' house want... We took a bus together today and then Cass saw this guy called Jackie who wanted to woo her for a long time (that's what she told me) but Cass finds him irritating so she keep on hiding beside me so that Jackie won't see her... i wanted to see how Jackie look like but this fat guy sitting in front of him was blocking his head so i can't see how he look like... but i saw his height, his hair and his colous of the skin... i think he would look better than Derrick (the boy who Cass like)... Jackie's skin colour is tanned and he has spiky hair not like the Derrick, so many pimple on his face...hehe (Cass dun angry hor :P)... then he is about Siying's height barx...
Oh back to the point, then we went to Singapore Post to eat at KFC...then we went to Popular and took a bus home ( cos i and Cass take the same bus home want)... Then i remembered i got home econs practical on cooking so i told Cass then she ask me whether want to go to her house to practice... by that time, the bus had just reach my house the bus stop, which was where i was going to stop but i didn't cos i wanted to go Cass house to practice...
Reach her house liao... we prepared the ingredients and all the things we need lah... i very clumsy so like everything Cass do... i wanted to make muffins want but in the end turn out to be a little funny... first we made this lump of dough ( which look like shit cos we put cocoa powder and mix it )... then bake half of it... cos the oven not so big... then it turn out so hard, bland and ugly... so we add condense milk and an egg to the other half of the dough and mix them... then bake them... they turn out better then the ones we first baked and it was much softer... after all the baking, i and Cass decided to go roller blading... only for a while lah...hehe... we wanted to try the new technique that the instructor taught us in the roller blading lessons in school... i and Cass could do a little when the blades did not go very fast...
After all that, it was already 7 pm lor so very late already so i went home lor... Oh yar, and i took all the "cakes" home to let my siblings try...they say quite okay only... i also kept some for Siying and the gangs to eat in school... hehe... i think they dun dare to eat lah... hehe... ok gtg liao...bye!!! :P