Saturday, August 12, 2006

what am i to do?

dear faeriefable

i know i shouldn't be using the computer for such a long time and watch so much tv at this period of time but the noise in my house is really tempting me to go and on these appliances!!! haha. i've nearly used an hour of computer now so i've got to make this entry a quick one.

i feel so weird after typing out the previous entry. it's just feel so not me sometimes to say all those stuff. so i'm not going to mention that entry anymore especially if melissa is involved. anyway, singapore just celebrated its 41st birthday so HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, singapore. i'm not really very patriotic so it doesn't really sound very sincere. but i felt so relaxed on national day. i was singing the songs with boy and ying at home while watching the live telecast of the national day celebration. haha. we even sang the majulah singapura!!! haha. and we said the pledge as always. haha. ok. that sounds a little patriotic. maybe i do love singapore. haha. and ying was so adorable when she said the pledge cos she said it wrongly at some parts and she doesn't think it was wrong. haha. that's so funny. haha.

well, i got back my chinese O'level results and i am feeling very confused and lost whether to retake the chinese exams or not. i was telling myself that as long as i get an A it would be alright. but when i took it, i was not really satisfied. i'm intending to add chinese as one of my L1R5 subjects so i really wished that i could get A1 but i got a A2 which is good too. i think i'm being a little too greedy here but i really really am desperate to get good grades. i'm still having second thoughts about retaking it but i've more or less decided that i would retake the chinese exam to give it go and not regret in future. i'm a little afraid that time is not on my side. and siying's asking me whether i want to continue chinese tuition if i want to retake the exam. i'm not sure either but without tuition, i would not have any practice with chinese. so maybe i should continue chinese tuition but that would cost mum money again which i don't wish to spend. cos i know they earn hard money and taking money from them so frivolously is just not right. but i think if i'm retaking then i will continue chinese tuition or i'll be wasting time and money on the retake chinese exam. plus travelling to chinese tuition also consume some time. oh gosh!!! i'm so lost!!! there's so many factors to consider!!! i have to give an answer to siying tomorrow!!! how?!?!?!

O level english oral is coming up next week!!! my english is horrible. i think i can bearly scrape it through!!! i'm so worried and jittery now. english is very important and it will affect my grades greatly!!! i really have to pull my socks in the fastest possible way ever!!! i really need help!!! HELP!!!

i think the more i go on in this entry. the more worried i'll get. so i think i'll stop here for now! gtg now. bye!


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