Thursday, February 01, 2007

found out

dear faeriefable

i'm so irritated by the fact that my OG found my blog. argh!!! worse still, i don't know how to lock it. i've already lost the code that cindy gave me!!! now i can't do anything to prevent them from reading and laughing at me!!! why don't they have anything better to do? Why can't they be like Jet who does not do things that i don't like and doesn't laugh at me! i don't want to be tease by them again! i'm so annoyed now! am i that funny? sometimes, they really make me like a fool. i'm not dumb but they keep thinking that i'm dumb. ok. maybe not dumb but blur. i'm not!! it's just that sometimes i never hear them talk properly and i never pay attention to what they say. plus, they keep teasing me on the way i talk. argh!! i think i'm just a joke to them. maybe i'm just simply being paranoid now. i don't want to care anymore! i think i'll just let them tease all they want and be a joke. read all you want! and i'm warning you that it's going to long, tedious and draggy. hmmmph!

well, i'm pretty fine in school and have already settled down on the lectures and tutorial work system. i'm so glad that i'm able to cope with the current work that they are giving but i think it's just for PAE. the O'level results are coming soon and i'm so scared that i'm going to get poor grades! time passes so fast!! i didn't expect the O'level results to be released that early. i was expecting it to be in mid feburary. oh man! i'm so scared!!! what if i can't get the L1R5 that i want? what if i can't even go into a JC? what if i fail my english? argh!!! i don't want!! how?!?! i'm so scared now!!! i don't want to take my results!!! how?!?!

my fitness level is still not up to the standard that i want. i had PE today and was so demoralised by the fact that i'm not able to do the circuit training well. halfway through the second set of the circuit training, i'm already breathless and exhausted. argh! my stamina is not up and my arms are super weak! i can't do a proper push-up! i want to build up my stamina but i'm so lazy. i've been procrastinating the runs that i've intended to do to build up my stamina. argh!! plus, i didn't expect volleyball to be such a relaxed CCA. i wanted some tough training there to keep me fit but all we do is dig the ball, serve and many other basics. i want to master the basics but i'm not doing it right! my arms are also weak so i can't make a proper serve. the ball can't even go over the net when i serve!!! argh!!! there's so many pro platers in volleyball. i think i won't be as good as them. AAHH!! no! i must practice! practice makes perfect and i shall master the basics!!! JO, YOU CAN DO IT!!! haha.

i feel like cutting my hair to some tomboyish style. i'v been noticing the hair styles of some girls in MJ and i like those super short ones. but it will be difficult to maintain the length if i were to cut that short. moreover, i think mummy won't allow me to cut until that length, or else she will start nagging. that time she was so shock to see joy cut the tomboy style. i also think that my hair is not suitable for that length. i bet it will look like some afro-hairdo when i cut till that length. shall consider carefully before i really want that length. -sigh-

i'm feeling so heaty now. i've been eating loads of heaty food. i just can't resist those almond cookies and chipmore that mum bought. they shouldn't keep buying or else i'll keep eating and then the pimples will start breaking out again!!! i have this big pimple at my right cheek now and it bleed yesterday!!! i hope it doesn't leave a scar or else i'll have this dark patch at my right cheek. haha. i'm such a pig! i keep telling myself not to eat heaty stuff but then mum just keep buying them to tempt me. then i'll finish the whole packet of chipmore [just like what i did just now] and they will start complaining that they didn't even get to eat it. haha. why i can't resist the temptation!!! why!!!

oh ya! i signed up for NRP. i've been thinking about it yesterday about whether to join NRP or not and i've decided to join it in the end. but i'm afraid that i'll procrastinate my work and will not be able to cope with the wordload in school if i join it. i still have to go through an interview in order to be settled for the programme. i guess this will test whether i'm able to learn independently and be able to manage my time more evenly. i'll just try my best for the interview, provided that i'm able to enter a JC with my O'level results. -sigh-

i think i gtg now. shall update during the weekends. ok. gtg. bye!


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