Thursday, January 04, 2007

the beginning is always the toughest point to adapt

dear faeriefable

my new school life just began and it started off quite dramatically and embarrassingly. well, you never have guess that i was actually LATE for school on my very first day?!?!?! i woke up so early in the morning [0545am to be exact] and came out of my house at around 0625am to take a train to pasir ris interchange. how was i to know that pasir ris interchange have two different bus lanes for bus 385?!?! and so i dumbly waited for bus 385 at the wrong lane which brought me around the pasir ris neighbourhood in merry go rounds! i was so worried and lost at that moment. i was so panicked that i kept asking [ to be exact it was twice or thrice] the bus driver uncle whether he was sure that he will take me to MJC. i didn't know the bus went around hai sing caltholic first then went back to pasir ris interchange then go to MJC. this was how the conversation between me and the bus driver uncle was like:

first time i ask the uncle
me: uncle, you got go to MJC?
uncle: ya. on the way back.
me: ok thanks.

the uncle drove back to pasir ris interchange. i panicked!
second time i ask the uncle
uncle: you want to go to MJC right?
me: ya.
uncle: i'm going now.
me: huh?
uncle: you waited at the wrong bus lane. you should wait at this bus lane. [-drives to the other bus lane and points-]
me: oh. thanks. [-embarrassed-]

so despite of me waking up so early in the morning to prepare for school, i came to school late at around 0745am or 0800am because i was lost or rather took the bus that make big loops!!! hence, i was the only one late in my group which makes it doubly embarrassing!!! argh!!! my first impression to the teachers are all gone!!! AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!

i even forgot to photocopy my CCA verification form which has to be handed in on the first day of school. i was thinking of photocopying it during recess or something but they wanted me to hand it up during morning assembly so i was dead. late for school is already a minus point and now i never hand in the documents that they need which makes it an extra minus point. i'm really giving a bad impression to the teachers there. oh man! ARGH!!!

so on the first day, we played a few ice breakers to get us started and warm up. then we played this game called CSI: scarlet rage, which is like an investigation. and we also learned a few cheers and mass dances. i couldn't get the mass dances as they were quite tough and fast. they used the tokyo drift song which is extremely fast. i wasn't very high on that day because i didn't know anyone in my group. jocelyn and shu zhen from my school was also in my group but i didn't know them until that day. haha. this shows how anti social i am. haha. the first day of school is quite alright overall but it was very tiring and it ended very late. i came home at around 9pm after having dinner with teng and pa at the food court. so that was the first day of school on 3rd jan.

now for second day of school, 4th jan. i came to school early this time to make up for the previous day. started to talk to kang li, this new friend i made from AHS. we had MMM, which is Meridian's Magnificent Maranthon. my group is Atlas 7 so we had to take route 4 for our MMM. for the whole day, we travelled from pasir ris to simei. we had 5 stations in total and we were to complete different tasks in each of the stations. we also had to use the clues they gave as at each station to guess our next station's destination. we were also to take one transport ride throughout the whole MMM, excluding the first ride from school to the first station and the last ride from the last station to school.

our first station was at the maze in pasir ris park. as the first ride is not counted as a transport ride in the game, we took a bus to pasir ris park. during the ride, we also learnt a few cheers. haha. then we walked our way to maze. we were to be blindfolded and walk to the centre of the maze, with only one person leading us to the centre. the person leading will not be blindfolded and the blindfolded people cannot have any contact with the other blindfolded people. so this task is mainly about trust. haha. we had full points for this task!!! actually, we had full points for all the tasks. haha. our next station is seashell park. so we headed to seashell park on foot. on our way, we did some cheers and we even met TJC orientation group at downtown east. haha. the station at pasir ris park had taken up a lot of our time so we were behind time. we also were lost at some moments.

so our second station was at seashell park, which is a small playground. then we had to complete the task and cheer at the game ic. then we had lunch at the food court near jet's house. i wanted to call jet but he didn't have a handphone and he's still in school, so that was too bad. then our next station was tampines park which is also a small playground. we were quite bloated and the place was quite far from our next station, so we took a bus to tampines park. the phobos were at that station when we reached. so we had to wait for them. while waiting for them, my group played some game to bond. then we did the task and cheered again. we got our clue for the next station which is at simei park. as we already use the only transport ride in the game, we could only go there by foot. so we had to walk alot and eventually we reached the station. we thought we went to the wrong station because we didn't see our station behind us. we were all so worried because we were afraid that we will lose. moreover, we were also leading among all the group 7-s that took route 4. luckily, we found our station and settled down. haha. we did the task and cheered again. our clue to the last station was at a playground in the tampines area near a bus stop. we only had an hour to reach there because we had to reach school before 4.15pm and complete all five stations before 3.30pm. haha. we were very fortunate that our last station's game ic was our house captain, adam. haha. we brisk walked or run to the station and reached there at around 3.30pm or so. we were all panting and tanned. it was so tiring. haha. we quickly complete the task and cheered again. then we hurried to the bus stop and was hoping bus 81 [the only bus we could take to reach school] to arrive. luckily, it came in about 10 minutes time. haha. was so relieved and overjoyed. haha. then we relaxed in the bus and talked. haha. we were the first group 7 to reach school, so we still had some time to earn ourselves some points from the counsellors. when the other group 7 came, we quickly hand up our score sheet and settled ourselves at the hall. it was so exhausting but i think it was fun and worth it. haha. after MMM, we settled down at the hall and learned the "let's get it started" mass dance. did some cheers and then school ended. this time it ended at around 5 pm plus. haha. managed to reach home by 7pm.

the last day of orientation! we played some water games. had to throw water bombs and played with flour too. haha. then they dismissed us to get prepared for campfire at night. my house decided that we don't go home. instead we stayed in school to bath and lunch. they gave us 3 hours of free time. so i bathe in school and had lunched with my OG. i find that the school canteen's food taste horrible. it's edible but it's not nice. haha. then we went to the place near the track [don't know what's it called. haha.] and played some game. taught my OG this very fun game and they were so into it. haha. so we bonded, played and talked. haha. finally, we had to gather with the rest of the house people and listen to their instructions. then my group was supposed to learn this mass dance, which i have already learnt in TP, for the item that my house was suppose to do in the campfire. haha. then we had nothing to do and wait. then it was time to gather with the other houses for the campfire. all the houses were to do an item for the campfire. my house was the last to perform, so we sit on the floor and watched the other houses perform their item. haha. then it was our turn. i was at the back watching. haha. then we went back to our places and settled down. we did lots of cheers and were very hype up! haha. the whole school was so high. haha. we also did the mass dances. haha. soon, the campfire ended and it was time to go. our house had to clean up the atrium, which is super duper clean. so we were faking to clean up. haha. then we had some last words from our house captain, adam, and sang a birthday song to him as it was his birthday. haha. then we did some last cheers and were dismissed. then atlas 7 OGLs wanted us to gather to have some last words with us. they intended to have an OG supper outing but it was already very late and some people cannot make it so it was postponed to some other days. haha. overall, the orientation was great and i've never open myself up so much before. it also helped me to see the other side of myself, which i've never found before. this orientation has been a very memorable and unforgettable one. love it loads!!! haha.

i waited for simin to go home with her together. it was quite surprise to hear that sheng jie actually went OG supper with her OG. haha. i guess this orientation has also open her up. haha.

well, i guess i've said a lot about school. i'm still not sure whether i want to go to JC or poly. starting from monday onwards, i'll be trying out the life of JC and try to adapt to it. from then, i'll know how their lessons are like and whether i like it or not. then i'll decide. so good luck to me! JIA YOU JO! YOU CAN DO IT!!! haha.

so i gtg now. this post is definitely a long one. haha. hope you won't find it tedious reading it. haha. gtg now. bye!


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