Friday, December 22, 2006

triumph in the skies

dear faeriefable

it's like 4.30am in the morning now. and i'm still not sleeping. haha. been sleeping very late or rather early lately. i just don't understand why i can't get into sleep like the whole of my holidays. argh!!! so irritating!!! been having weird dreams when i'm sleeping. and i just had one yesterday. i was dreaming that i was saving my idol BoA from wanting to die?!?! how ridiculous is that right? haha.

well, i've been thinking that i'm a very meddlesome person. and also an unreasonable person. yesterday i was talking on the phone with jet and we were discussing about the trip to escape on friday which is today. in the end, we decided not to go since he's not interested in going and there is so little people going so we might as well cancel it and not go. i was so disappointed and was trying to force jet into agreeing with me to go but then i felt that i was being unreasonable and cancel the whole trip in the end. i'm such a bully to do something like that to my phonepal. how silly of me. haha. i'll just forget about going to escape this holiday. anyway, come to think of it, escape's not really fun. it's kind of boring too. haha.

so everyone's asleep now and i'm currently using the com in the dark. i have to type quietly and watch my every movement in case i wake anyone up. haha. currently in love with this song called triumph in the skies by eason chan. it's the theme song for the 10pm show in channel, which is also called triumph in the skies. haha. it's so nice!!! too bad, i don't know cantonese and i don't speak it so i don't know how to sing it. haha. but i think boy and i are so hilarious. we're always singing some words that we know in the song and just hum the song out when we don't know. haha. so it's always so nosiy when the 10pm show starts. haha.

christmas's coming and i have no idea how i'm going to spend it. probably with the cousins. but they are BUSY PEOPLE and they've got their own friends too. somehow i feel that we are getting further and further from one another. somehow we don't really have much topics to talk about. i just think we've grown up and have gone our own routes in life so we have many things to do individually and many of our own friends to talk to. hence, we're not like when we were kids, when we meet each other every weekends at ah ma's house and play around, and we don't stay over at each other places as much as last time anymore. so much things we hadn't do in this holiday like what we always do in previous holidays. this holiday is definitely different from other holidays, i guess. haha. well, as long as our bonds never change, i'm sure we'll still stay together like always, just that we've grown up and have more things to do than before. haha. all of the sudden, i'm having the nostalgic feeling. haha.

i'm listening to First Love by Utada Hikaru now. it has always touch my heart whenever i feel it. it's such a classic! haha. haha. one of my favourites, definitely! haha.

i've been having spagetti (spelling error. oops) for dinner everyday. it's so delicious. and the noodles are so thin! it's called angel's hair. haha. and i'm eating with meatballs! haha. chicken and mushroom meatballs! thinking of it makes me hungry. haha. trying to control my diet now. have to stop myself on binge-ing into food. i've pasted a note on the fridge to prevent myself from taking food out from the fridge late at night. it says: "JO NO EATING AFTER 9PM" and i drew a food picture with a cross over it. haha. it's working quite well. but i sometimes will have a small nibble on some food. or when my mouth's feeling itchy, i'm eat fruits as an alternative to the goodies in the fridge. haha.

i've decided to not lock my blog. so i'm going to remove it later. think i gtg now. bye!


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