Saturday, December 30, 2006

Howl's Moving Castle

dear faeriefable

i'm feeling a little melancholy now for no apparent reasons. i haven't been updating my blog since christmas. yes. i was feeling lazy these few days and have been thinking about lots of things regarding school's reopening and life in a new school. i know it's only for one and a half months but going to a new environment takes great courage to adapt into it and make new friends. i don't know how i'm going to cope with the new life in a new school. thinking of it makes me shiver with fear. i feel so uneasy. -sigh-

well, i guess i'll start off by talking about the things i did a few days ago.

27 december 2006
it's the first day of school in MJC and i was feeling a little sick. didn't have a good night sleep in the previous night. was tossing and turning about in my bed and feeling so scared and uneasy about school. then slowly went to sleep at around 4am, i think. so i didn't have enough sleep and was having a slight headache in the morning. i was running late for school but luckily pa fetched me there. made in on time. haha. checked my grouping and sat on the hall alone with strangers. all my friends were in different groups as me. was rather relieved when i found out that the groupings were just for today. had a whole day of talks about the subjects that we were going to take in school. MJ gave us a very short time to decide on what subjects we were going to take. they told us to fill up the form by 11pm on the day itself. but i was quite sure of my first choice. didn't know what to put as my second choice so i ended up choosing the same choices as sheng jie. haha. just hope that i will get into my first choice... -another sigh-

28 december 2006
escape trip! went out with calister, kendra and siying. coincidentally, calister's sister and friends were also going to escape so we went together. well, it was a disappointing day with the rain ruining our plans. we only had one ride on the flipper and that's it. end of story. no more rides in escape. haha. but there were also lots of gossiping, fun and stuff. haha.

ok. i'm lazy to talk about this. haha. so for more information about the escape trip, please go to haha. it's calister's blog. and there's pictures too!!! haha.

29 december 2006
the day started off well actually. but i was not really in the mood. woke up in the morning to find that my toothbrush went missing!!! what a bother! i knew something was going to happen to my brush sooner or later. a few days back, i had a feeling that someone kept using my brush or dropped my brush because it was wet in the morning even though i didn't use it at all. and now, it was even worse! it went missing!!! argh!!! ok back to the point. i was being a good sister on that day. haha. mum was telling me that she was feeling exhausted with all the book shopping so i volunteered to go buy the rest of ah boy's books with him. hence, ah boy and i took off to bedok view secondary to buy his books and socks. then we headed to century square to meet teng to shop for school shoes and mattress. we bought the mattress that mum was eyeing for ages. the mall was so crowded that ah boy got his feet ran over by the wheels of a wheelchair. haha. unfortunately, we failed to buy my school shoes because i was not in the mood for shopping and seriously, i've never like shopping before. haha. i'm so not a girl. haha. anyway, because my brush was missing, teng went to singapore post to help me buy my toothbrush while boy and i wait for her at the bus stop. then we took a bus home.

i didn't do much at home actually. was lazing around at home, waiting for the time to pass. then mum called me to get ready to leave for cindy's house to have steamboat with the cousins and all. i didn't know what was the occassion but who cares. it was just a gathering. really enjoyed myself there and was chatting, joking and laughing away with the cousins. it's been a while since we had a decent steamboat. haha. the last steamboat we had was a disaster because the place was so chaotic!!! i didn't like that place. yup. back to the point. haha. after the steamboat, we gathered around the computer and continued chatting. then we played twister!! haha. it was a fun family game. the cousins and i were so twistered up. haha. then we went down to watch tv and eat fruits. and soon, it was time to leave. jet and family left first, followed by xiang and family. i wanted to finish watching my 10pm show first before leaving the house. so my family and i left the house last. haha. pa called while we were walking to the bus stop. he told us to wait for him at the shell petrol station while he come and picked us up. so we waited and he picked us up. duh! haha. being lame here, don't mind me. haha.

reached home and watched anime with boy. it was the last episode for GET BACKERS! haha. well, the ending was quite nice actually. haha. then i went to bathe and didn't want to go to sleep. intended to watch Stick It again but joyce lend it to her friends. Stick It was such a nice movie although i think the songs they use and some of the characters in the show was kind of lame but overall, i gave me a passion to exercise more and to get myself into shape! haha. So, i didn't get to watch Stick It again. Hence, i decided to watch Howl's Moving Castle since i didn't watch it before despite having the VCD at home for so long. haha. the movie was great but i was a little lost at the story plot. haha. somehow, i feel that Howl looks a little like Lee Joon-Ki, a korean actor. i only mean LOOKS as in the hair and stuff. just a LITTLE only. haha. i'm loving howl's moving castle already. just like the time i felt in love with spirited away when i watched it. haha. the song kind of touches mt heart. haha. looking forward to more Mizaki's work! haha.

30 december 2006
finally, i'm writing about today. haha. well, i didn't do much today. mum woke me up in the morning to get myself ready for the edusave thingy held at the community centre. had to reach there at 12.15pm. waited a long time for the prize giving to start and left after taking my reward. haha. many of the students were feeling restless and irritated by the long wait. haha. mum told me that many parents were complaining that they couldn't enter the hall to take a photo of their kids. i bet mum was one of the parents that complaint. feel so embarrassed about it. parents! haha.

i went home after taking my edusave thingy and then started binge-ing on food again. after that i went to watch Howl's Moving Castle again!!! haha. Howl's voice is so nice!!! because it's Takuya Kimura's voice!! haha.

so here i am blogging about my stuff. i'm thinking of making my own blogskin. have a really nice one in my mind now but it requires alot of photos. hence, i'm still pondering on whether to do that blogskin or not. or whether to change my blogskin or not. haha. i shall ask for opinions from others before making my decisions. ok. gtg now! bye!!!


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