Wednesday, January 10, 2007

total screw up!

dear faeriefable

today was the CCA try outs day and it screwed it all up! i went to try out for badminton and the atmosphere was so weird when i went into the hall. there were so many badminton players from their secondary school team, so obviously there was no way i would get into the team. so maybe i'll try other CCAs. anyway, tennis seems fun although that was my first time playing it at the try outs. haha.

i feel so horrible now. i brought 2 rackets to school today, thinking that KangLi will be going for the badminton try outs. she told me yesterday to lend her a racket for the try outs so i brought another one for her. how was i to know that she didn't want to go in the end! so i brought the racket for nothing. so i went for the badminton try out and i screwed it all up. then there i was, being friendly and nice, and lend those people at the try outs who didn't bring their own rackets. so the last person, i lend my racket to, was my long lost contact primary schoolmate, ghim lee. as the try outs was taking such a long time, simin, sheng jie and i decided to go try out other CCAs. however, when we came back into the hall, the try outs were over and the results were out. everyone had left the hall except for those in the team. my bag and 1 racket was in the hall but my other racket, which i lent it to ghim lee, went missing!! so i panicked and was so anxious at that time. i went around the school, trying to find ghim lee. finally, i walked pass ghim lee's friend who happen to be waiting for me to tell me that ghim lee brought home my racket as she couldn't find me. i was relieved and was also worried that tmr i'll be holding a racket in school for no reason. it would be so embarrassing!! i mean who would want to take a racket around school when you're not in badminton and when you have no reason to bring it to school. i would be such an extra in school tmr!!! how?!?! i feel so dead now!! someone, please help me!!!

i've just finished my math homework. well, sort of finished it. i left out the challenging questions because i don't know how to do. school's been quite alright lately until today with the racket incident and all the embarrassing things i did in school during the CCA try outs. i'm still not used to the free periods in between lessons. on some days, there would be like 2 or 3 free periods to the next lesson, so there was practically nothing to do during these free periods except for doing homework and eat. moreover, the canteen's food doesn't taste nice. it's edible but it's quite unappetizing. haha.

i'm so bothered by the CCAs selection thing!!! it's so irritating!!! i don't know what to choose and i don't know what to join! i'm interested in many but the fact is that i can't play or do the CCAs! most of them seems new to me! i'm so lost! now i don't feel like joining sports because it seems tough to me. but at the same time, it seems cool to me! i'm stuck in between a sandwich! there would be volleyball try out tomorrow. i feel like trying it out but the thing is i don't know how to play. i watched the Asian Games and it seems fun but playing it would be another thing. plus, no one wants to go with me! kendra may be going with me but i'm not sure about it. it seems that people would suddenly change their mind at any moment so at this point i would not make any confirmation with what people tell me. i just hope that kendra would go with me. hope i'll like it... -sigh-

i think i gtg now. i'll update a little while later. i'm starving now!! going to grab a bite!! so gtg now! bye!


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