Thursday, March 08, 2007

boring day

dear faeriefable

i'm bored. i've got nothing to do at home and it's a day break from school today. i should really make good use of my time but i just don't know what i should do. i know i have housechores to do but looking at the state of my house, it would really wears me out to do the housechores. haha.

well, i've been having weird dreams lately and it sometimes bothers me when i wake up. these weird dreams seem to be like a sequel. they have got the same people in it and it somehows interlinks with reality. sometimes, when i wake up, i would still think that i'm dreaming. man! i think i'm the only person in the world who is like this. i should just not sleep and grow eyebags. this way i won't even have to think whether i'm dreaming a not. haha. [just kidding. who would want to grow eyebags?!?!]

oh! joyce told me about her dream today. and it was about me and her quarrelling. [what a dream to dream about! haha.] she said that we were fighting over a piece of necklace which she really wanted to wear out but i refused. she was so pissed off with me and that's the end of her dream. so funny. haha. i think she's having her holidays now. she seems so free at home. i really think that she should help me out with the housechores. haha. ok. i'm being lazy here but come to think of it, who would want to do the housechores during their free time? i know joyce washed the dishes and i did nothing. i volunteered to wash the clothes but whenever i want to wash those stinky dirty clothes, it's already washed by someone else. haha. so it's not my fault that i didn't do the housechores. haha. what a lame excuse!

anyway, i haven't buy my uniform yet. the queue was so long yesterday and the day was so hot, so i decided to buy them during the holidays. it's so troublesome to go back to school just to buy your uniform. i think i'll definately look weird in those blouse and skirt. it's been a while since i wore 2 piece uniforms, but i think i'll get used to it sooner or later. haha. argh! travelling to school is such a chore! the distance from my house to school is so far and i don't wish to go to school just to buy uniforms. it'll take like less than an hour to buy those uniforms and i'll have to travel for almost an hour just to reach school to get them. plus, the days that i need to go to school to settle some OGL stuff does not clash with the days that the uniform stall opens. argh!!! this is so irritating! haha.

i feel so whining today. haha.

gtg now. this entry is pretty short. i think those people who reads my blog would finally heaved a sigh of relief. haha. i know reading my blog is very tedious. i'll try hard to cut short but i'm very nagging and long-winded so don't mind me. haha. ok. bye!


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