Tuesday, March 06, 2007

last cg outing

dear faeriefable

everything went out smoothly during the last cg outing. it wasn't as saddening and emotional as what i expected. haha. basically, we just met at tampines interchange, waited for the latecomers and then proceeded to play badminton at tampines sports hall. everyone was having a great time throughout the outing [or maybe three-quarters of the outing. haha.] all of them played quite well, and i've realised that shilin is from badminton when she was young. so cool! haha. the way she scooped the shuttle cork from the floor is totally cool! it makes me want to master badminton even more although i know i'm not really very good at it. haha. so, after playing badminton, everyone was exhausted and hungry. but still, it took us a lot of trouble to decide where to eat since everyone wanted to dine at different restaurants. i was quite irritated when the mass of us could not coorperate and come to a final decision on where to have lunch. i almost yelled at them but i didn't. haha. finally, and i mean FINALLY, we settled at jack's place and ate the student's meal there. the food was good and totally worth the cost. haha. just like all outings, we would spent a huge amount of time chit chatting and making lots of noise while eating and after eating. i've also realised that i've a made a fool out of myself, making so much noise, doing so many nonsensical actions and creating a scene in the restaurant! next time, i'm going to stay cool, calm and quiet during the outings. somehow, i regretted reacting the way i did during the outing. i feel such a nuisance now! argh! haha.

back to the point. after eating, i took out the chocolate that i've made as a gift to those who will be leaving MJC. i was feeling quite embarrassed to take it out in such a classy restaurant. i was afraid that everyone will find the chocolate disgusting and didn't want to eat it. plus i wrapped it up in aluminium foil and put it under all the stuff that i brought. i thought it would be squashed by my things. haha. apparently, it did not and after much persuation and support from miao ying, i took up the courage to reveal the chocolate that i've made. i was so scared that i would be a disaster but everyone told me that it was alright and the decorations were quite presentable. haha. i find the chocolate a little too hard though. i expected it to be softer. haha. it took us great effort to cut it up and share among ourselves. and like what i've predicted, we made a mess after eating the chocolate. haha. but, oh well, it's over and i don't want to embarrassed myself again by doing goodies for people. i'm not going to cook for anyone unless the people are extremely close to me! argh!!! i'm feel like a crap now, after mentioning about the chocolate that i've made. argh!!!

we left jack's place at around 4pm and it was really good-bye to shilin. man! i'm going to miss her and the memories that she brought to us. haha. so, i took the train home and bathe to get really to leave for the airport for the next part of the cg outing. i left the house at around 5pm [the time that we were suppose to meet] and saw papa and ying at the lift. haha. papa was nice to offer to fetch me to the airport. so i took his car to the airport. haha. the trip to the airport by car was way awesome! the highroads at the airport was amazing. haha. anyway, i was late as usual but i didn't missed out a lot of fun as the rest of the people were waiting for sherman's arrival. haha. our plan of picking sherman up at the arrival hall failed because yuheng got the terminals all mixed up. we were waiting at terminal 2 while sherman arrived at terminal 1. so we went to skytrain and held put "placcards" up for sherman to see when he alights the skytrain. haha. i was very excited about riding the skytrain but everyone was being such a letdown by not taking the skytrain with me. i somehow forced miaoying, shuzhen and siyi to take the skytrain with me because i was making so much noise at the airport and being so kiddish. i can't believed i did all these!!! now i feel like digging a hole and hide myself!!! argh!!! this is so embarrassing! it's been ages since i rode on the skytrain and i realised that the ride was pretty short and there isn't much to look out from the window. [in fact, there isn't any nice scenery at all!!!] most of the people were starving AGAIN! [i'm really having the thought that these people are pigs. they get hungry so fast! haha.] so we went to check out the restaurants that terminal 2 have. and AGAIN, we took such a long time to decide where to eat. sherman was really tired and moody after his flight. he was showing a black face all the while and i was feeling very bad that i made a lot of noise unknowingly. [sorry, sherman! haha.] FINALLY, we decided to dine at swensen's and i ate curry chicken baked rice! the food was delicious, just that it was a little too spicy after eating it for a while. we were all chit chatting until around 9pm when we realised that it was getting late. so we left swensen's, bid goodbyes to one another and headed off to take the train home. overall, i think the cg outing was a success as everyone enjoyed themselves. i'll missed all of you people in 07s201 and i hope we'll stay in contact and remember the times we spent together as a CG. i'm going to miss those happy times with you people and i'll remember you guys. so don't you dare forget me!!! haha.

i've splurged alot these few days. i really got to save up my money now or else i won't have any cash to spend during my march holidays. haha. someone please help me control my expenditure or else i'm going to be bankrupt!!! AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! haha.

well, family expenses are high these few days and i've realised that joy, teng and me wants to cut our hair. after much consideration for the family, i've decided not to cut my hair for now and maybe wait for a later and more appropriate time to cut. i don't want mum to be upset about getting our haircuts. i know she wants the girls in the family to keep their hair long and shiny. moreover, i'm not settled about the haircut that i want so i think i'll let it go this time. i want to help the family to save money because i feel so bad splurging so much money these few days. plus, i have to get more money from mum to buy my uniform and books. man! this will cost a bomb! seriously, i think i'm way too spend-thrift after entering JC life. i've got to control my spendings!!! i really got to say "no" to good food and outings from now onwards. i'm not being a good girl now! i got to stop this immediately, once and for all!!! JOJO!!! NO MORE SPENDINGS OR NO MORE CASH FOR YOU NOW ONWARDS!!! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

i'm feeling a little lazy now, so i think i'll update on the tkgs outing in my next post. haha. ok i gtg now. bye!


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