Friday, February 09, 2007

contented or disappointed?

dear faeriefable

i know i should be contented with my results. mum, teng, the cousins and everyone is proud of me and are very happy for me. but i'm still very disappointed about my results. i didn't see any improvements from my prelims in my O'level results. my physics even downgraded to an A2 instead of an A1. i expected it to be better but it just remain the same as my prelims. maybe i was too complacent after getting my prelim results. argh!!! i'm to blame for not trying harder and for not managing my time during O'levels. this is what i get when i didn't finish my O'level papers. i deserve to get this results. i know it. -sigh-

i cried in school as expected. i was scared, stressful and all. the minute it was my turn to take my results i started crying. i think i was just too tense. haha. everyone was jumping for joy and congratulating one another with hugs. Loads of good news for TKGS this year and i'm happy about it. At least we've prove that TKGS can make it. haha.

well, loads of people sms-ed me and called me to ask for my results. didn't know what to tell them at first. didn't feel like telling them but in the end, i did. i feel like a loser. i don't know how i should feel right now. it's like a mixture of happiness and sadness inside. more of a disappointment i guess. -sigh- there's nothing much i could do now anyway. just have to accept the fact and try to be contented with it. maybe i set myself too high an expectation. it's no use brooding over it i guess so i think i should just try lightening up my feelings and increase my endolphins as much as possible to be happy. haha. JO! BE HAPPY!!! IT'S NOT THAT BAD RIGHT? AT LEAST YOU NEVER LET THE FAMILY DOWN! YOU CAN DO IT JO!!! CHEER UP!!!

done with self-consultation. haha. i know it's quite lame. but i think it's good to talk to yourself when you're down. haha. so after getting my results and chatting with a few friends and teachers, sheng and i went to parkway to eat KFC alone because the bandits didn't want to join us. we wanted to ask calister to join us but she was on her way home when we asked her. what a pity. anyway, it's been ages since i ate KFC's bandito pocket and mashed potato. the mashed potato was still as good as last time but the bandito pocket not that tasty. while eating, sheng and i chatted quite a bit of heart to heart stuff. i'm kind of scared to lose my friends after going into a new school. people becomes strangers after they don't meet each other for a long time and i don't want that to happen between me and my good friends. i really hope sheng and i will still remain good friends even if we go to different schools or different classes. i'm really thankful to have this good friend with me in all my four years in TKGS despite having to split classes when we enter secondary 3. haha. LEE SHENG JIE, we will always be good friends right? we won't be strangers after leaving for a new environment right? we will still have lots of things to talk about right? SHENG JIE!!! FRIENDS FOREVER!!! haha. [oh my. it's kind of embarrassing to say that. but who cares? haha.]

ok. so i've gotten my results back and have only less than 6 days to make a decision for my future. i'm quite lost when it comes to decision making. i can't consult my parents because they seem to know nothing about JCs and polys. i don't have many people to consult to. maybe the cousins will help me but they seem to be busy. what's more, i don't even know what i want. so how can they help me in my decisions when i don't even know the answer. haha. i shall think hard during the weekends. going to ask quite a number of people before i settle down on my decisions. should i stay or should i go? haha.

i think that's about it. it's pretty late now and i have to wake up early tomorrow. oh well. gtg now! bye!


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