Saturday, March 03, 2007

jet's talent

dear faeriefable

well, it's sunday today!!! i'm so relaxed! haha. there isn't much to do at home except for housechores which i usually escape from doing them despite mum's constant nagging. haha. i've started doing this food project yesterday and i hope it will be delicious and edible to eat. haha. it's going to be a surprise!!! haha. i'm so excited!! i love surprises! haha.

tmr is the last cg outing we're going to have. it's sad to know that we're seperating but that's life. there's always meetings and departures in life so we'll just have to accept it. i'm really going to miss the folks in 07s201 and the fun we had. they're such lovely people to be around. i'll cherish the last moments we have as a CG. i'm going to make tmr's outing the best ever and make us of our time together to the fullest! haha. we're going to play badminton, dance mass dances, eat together and have loads of surprises to come! haha. hope tmr's outing will be a success! haha. i'm so looking forward for tmr!!! haha.

yesterday was one tiring day. i had MMM try-out and we practically walked the whole of singapore's town. ok i'm exagerrating here but seriously, i was super exhausting. haha. we travelled by train from pasir ris to dhoby ghaut then walked from dhoby ghaut to riverside point then to esplanade followed by some unknown place around bugis area and back to esplanade. the whole of group 4 walked for about 7 hours, with breaks in between. haha. it was a good exercise, i guess. and i made quite a number of friends too, though i don't really remember their names. haha. so after MMM rackey [i think it's spelt this way. haha.], i went home to start on the food project. it turned out quite alright actually. i was hoping that it would be a disaster because i'm not good at baking and stuff. haha. teng helped me so that i won't make a mess out of the living room and the kitchen. haha. i've not finished the food project yet, still left the decorating part. i'm afraid i'll ruin the whole thing when i decorate it. frankly, i'm not the arts and craft type of person and it's difficult to decorate the food when you have limited resources. haha. i'll just have to make do with the things i have. haha. hope it will turn out well eventually. haha.

oh! jet started his heart attack @ the disco video tribute a few days ago and shown me his final product yesterday. it was terrific! love it man! haha. mum, teng and boy even praised him while watching it. haha. mum even wanted jet to do a video tribute for the aunts. haha. so funny! haha. seriously, jet, i think you're super duper uber talented in softwares, games, and video making! you're so IT savvy! i lose out to you, man! haha. your video making skills have also improved alot and i love the effects in that latest video of yours! haha. i want to learn from you! one day, i'll go to your house and we'll start on a new cousin tribute together. haha. i've also started liking click five songs because of your video! you sure are good at music selection, jet! and i trust your taste. haha.

i shall promote jet's talent cum video here. haha.
jet's video:

gtg now. going to continue on my food project. haha. bye!


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