Wednesday, June 29, 2005


haha... hi peeps... it's been a while since i blogged... was pretty busy completing the projects and homeworks nowadays... but it's sort of completed so i'm quite relax now... haha...

well, school was not as bad as i expected... but i've change my sitting position in class... and i'm sitting next to may!!! and PLM... boohoo... but i didn't really talk much to her... gossip quite a lot with may though... haha... and i'm still sitting at the back of the class... which i dun want... argh!!! hate being a tall person... all the disadvantages all come to you when you are tall... argh!!! and a double argh goes to the change of teachers in school... my chemistry and english teacher have changed!!! well, english teacher, i still dunno about her yet... she haven't started teaching us yet... but the chemistry teacher!!! omg, i'm gonna cough blood man... guess who is it??? it's MR ROSLAN!!! omg!!! heard that he is a lousy teacher... i can somehow understands his lessons but his lessons are so boring... and he only has one tone in his voice... i also slept in class which is pretty weird... cos i dun usually sleep in class. maybe it's because of his monotonous tone and me sitting in the back of the class that makes me tired and sleepy and bored...

-sighs- jet didn't call yesterday... it's been like about 5 days he never talk to me on the phone liao... and i kinda miss him talking to me on the phone cos i got a lot of things to say and complain!!! and he's my listener, always hearing me complaining this and that... i wonder if he can stand it!!! i haven't been talking to him on the phone is because of my brother... he's such a sicking bloody irritating idiot lor... dunno when did he started wanting to snatch the phone from me when jet called me... so stupid lor... then he won't let me talk to jet when i wanted... you still own me for teaching you during your exam period k? and i helped you got 2nd in class. and this is the way you thank me!!! you ungrateful soul... hmmmph!!!

well, later i have to go to ntuc fairprice to buy some bottles for the physic project that my group will be presenting... haix... been feeling that there is a problem between one of my group members to the whole group... i sometimes dunno what's the problem with her... i'm scared of her at times and her mood changed very fast from happy to pissed... and i dunno why... but everything sort of went well in the end... shall not talk about it or i will feel a little disappointed in my group...

yesterday, school was like so tiring... during pe, we had to run outside school to train our NAFA test which is coming up soon... i'm so gonna be dead... i dun really like running but i would prefer swimming to running cos swimming is much more refreshing than running which is so tiring... after pe, we had CAs for social studies and histroy elective... i forgot everything that i have studied... started reading the teaxtbooks again to recap all that i have learnt at the last minute... i'm so gonna be dead cos i have quite alot of the questions that i dunno... yup. and we had the very first lesson with mr roslan... it started off quite well and ended off very well too... he was teaching us the mole concept and lots of calculations in chemistry and stuff then after that we had a "getting to know you" section... and each of us have to write down on a piece of paper about ourselves... then after writing some crap on the paper... he started to call out names to introduce ourselves... then i was like: "wasting paper... since we have to introduce ourselves by speaking then what is the use of writing it on paper" haha... but we also had to hand the paper up to him... and when it was my turn... i was like stuttering... cos i was kinda shy and scare to talk to a group of people... i dunno why... haha...

ok then in the night, i wasn't feeling that... i dunno why... suddenly no appetite to eat and feeling very tired and stress because of the project... may and i completed the report yesterday... finally can breathe in more air... haha...

yup... i think i shall stop here now... gtg!!! bye!!! TTFN - tata for now!!! haha. bye!!!

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Wishing to go back in time...

hey peeps... well, not feeling very happy these few days... keep thinking that school is going to reopen and i'll be studying, taking exams, listening to teacher yaking away and all that boring stuffs that you have when you are in school... basically, it's all the homework, projects and the exams that keeps going on in my mind nowadays... it's because i've yet to complete any of my projects especially physic!!! and the exams, that i'm supposed to study during the holidays... i've not even started!!! argh!!! how i wish that i could just go back in time or just let the holidays keep going and going on so that i will not be worrying about homeworks, projects, exams and all the school stuffs... why must we go to school in the first place!!! argh!!!

Anyway, i've finish most of my holiday homework... but the projects... haix... let's not talk about it... it makes me stress... and i dun like the feeling of being stress... it's so bothersome... haix... i'm like sighing all day long just because of those boring and sickening school stuffs... the most bothersome thing i'm worrying about is the exams that i'll be taking when school starts... i've to studying for 4 subjects... and it'll be tested on the FIRST WEEK when school starts... and i've to present all the projects when school starts too... which i've not completed yet... i repeat NOT COMPLETED!!! argh!!! and of all the 4 subjects that i've to study, 3 of them are humanities... how boring life will gets man... i've to study geography [ 1 whole chapter ], history elective [ about half a chapter ] and social studies [ 1 whole chapter too!!! ]... you see? my youth life is all taken up by the textbooks, workbooks, homeworks, worksheets, projects and SCHOOL!!! argh!!!

well, i've been feeling quite sorry for jet lately... it's because his maid, yati, just went back to her country where her friends and families are and where her real home is... she's a very nice maid... but that pigney always scold her and picks on her which i don't like and it makes me feel sorry for her when i see that... and she always take care of jet and his siblings... she go chalet also treat us very nicely... help us do things... clean up and all that... and she is also one of jet closest "family"... it's like when my maid went back to her country last time... i also felt the way jet did... he cried in the phone when talking about it... makes me feel so sad when i hear him cry... it's very hard for him to accept it... since he needs more love and concern from his surrounding people and that yati has spent 2 years living with him already... treating her as family can be quite natural... and it will be quite uneasy living without her, and seeing that she's not around at home... and you will also naturally as her to do something but she is not there... so you have to do it yourself... that was what i was last time... i was not so used without my maid around... but as time pass, you will get use to it... but memories will still be appearing in your mind now and then... i noe jet will always remember yati in his mind and his memories... he say that he will call her or write her a letter when he's free... i bet you will, jet!

to jet: Jet, take it easy ok? although it will be pretty hard for you to accept it but just try to let things go by the flow... try to get use to the changes around you... i noe you can do you... i noe you can!!! i'll be there supporting you... take it easy, jet...

well, been feeling very bloated nowadays... been eating a lot... when i have nothing to do i eat... when i see something nice, i eat... when i watching tv, i eat... bascially, i eat all the time... so i've been having a bloated tummy and been feeling very fat... wanted to exercise but i was too lazy... haha...

guess that's about it... i'll write a longer entry next time... i think this entry isn't really very long... haix... so sorry... ok gtg! bye! TTFN - tata for now!!! haha... bye!!!

Thursday, June 16, 2005


hey peeps. yup. got a stomachache today. shall tell you later why...

ok. i slept at 5 plus in the morning today!!! ok so you got the idea that i didn't sleep last night... yup. you're right. i didn't sleep last night. was chatting with jet and singing some songs until i forgotten the time. haha. well then i woke up at 11 plus and watch tv for a while with teng. then papa came home so i wanted to fake sleep but i actually REALLY fell asleep... haha. then i had a dream. [nowadays i had been dreaming alot in my sleep. weird. haha]

well, the dreams like this. my cousins and i were in this chalet. then we went out to play and became very dirty so we went to bath. the toilet is like so huge and it has a fountain in it. and lots of cubicles. but i was scare to bath alone. so i bathe with my cousin [girl, of course!]... haha... then we were hungry. the rest were very lazy to go out and buy so amy, ah xiang and me went out to get something to eat... the minute we went out of the chalet, we got to bugis... [weird right? but it's just a dream.] ah xiang and amy know this shop that sells very nice food. but i wasn't sure what it was when i saw it. we went to the shop. and guess what it sold? pancakes and lots of flavours. yums. haha. then i ordered the chocolate want and ah xiang ordered a pandan one, i think. then i realised that there is a coffee flavoured one but it was too late cos i ordered the chocolate flavoured one already. then we took the pancakes from the aunty and the aunty told us the price. then i was like: huh? so ex!!! then ah xiang say nevermind i pay then i woke up. haha. i woke up cos i felt very uncomfortable. cos when i went to sleep, i didn't take out my specs and i was holding it. so i woke up to put it somewhere safe. then i wanted to go back to that dream but i couldn't get to sleep. so i just woke up and stay awake until now... haha. and when i woke up, guess what's the time? 4 plus in the evening!!! shocking right? i was also shock too. so late. haha... the first person i saw when i woke up was teng. she say i sleep so long. haha. then i tell her the dream lor... haha.

yup. how i get stomach ache. well, it's like this. i've been eating lots of heating things lately. and i didn't really go to the toilet nowadays. and drink a lot of milo which is heaty too. i even ate ice cream... so i had a stomach ache... and you know what? always i eat ice cream, i always get stomach ache... boohoo. guess i can't eat ice cream that much... but it's so tempting... and i can't resist eating sweet stuff... after this stomach ache... it made me think that going to the toilet everyday is a must and it makes you feel less fatter... cos when i went to the toilet, i was like so bloated and wanted to vomit but after doing the business, i feel lighter and more comfortable and less fatty... haha. as in my stomach less bloated and big... haha... and going to the loo... no no that's for boys... ermm for girls is toilet, washroom, bathroom and blah blah blah... yup and going to the toilet isn't a disgusting thing. is human nature... and i think it keeps people healthy... so from today onwards, i have to go to the toilet once everyday... yup. it's decided... haha.

ok getting sleepy now... gtg... it's 5.10 am now... the next day already!!! haix... see low time pass so fast in the night and not in the day... haix... yup... in the day, got nothing to do so time pass so slow... but in the night always have something to do... so time pass so fast... haha...
ok really gtg... bye!!!

Monday, June 13, 2005

family bbq outing

hey peeps. back to blog again. basically the last three days i guess, i spent it at Joanne's house... pretty nice... and we made a poster for amy for her birthday... haha. how nice of us... haha.

yup. yesterday we had a bbq outing... a family bbq. was kinda boring at first. so i kept quiet for a while and had nothing to do but eat. when i eat finish, i went to the beach with the bucket and spade to make sand castle. but in the end, ah xiang and jet ask me to dig a hole for no reason. then we took turns to dig the hole. then wei wei kor kor also dug the hole and he went in and covered his leg with sand which made him very short cos he's in the hole and the hole is so deep. haha. then everybody went to pose behind him and took photos. haha. it was so funny. he's like the tallest cousin among us all and now he's the shortest. haha.

yup, then he came out. and we laughed at him as the world's faster growing man ever. cos when he came out of the sand, he became the same old tall guy. and it's like within 1 minute he became so tall just because he came out of the hole. haha. and then we played catching. long time never play liao. and run so much. i was the catcher once and i got myself all wet just to catch jet who went into the sea and i had to go into the sea to chase him. haha. and i took the longest time to catch someone. feel so ashamed and embarrassed about it. haha.

anyway after that, i went to change my clothes and i feel so sticky and salty. yucks. then we ate and chat. and then joanne and i were trying to get into our plan. we had this plan that we would throw flour and water on the amy but we didn't get a chance until it was time to sing birthday song. haha. and we got rinoa and justin with flour all over. amy had all over her too. and somemore got water poured over her after being covered with flour. so her hair was kind of tangled. haha. after singing the birthday song and had lots of fun carrying out our plans, we ate the cake which was delicious but i ate a little cos i got carried away eating stingray instead. haha. then we ate yuppie gummy burgers and bears. and had nothing to do in the end but we didn't want to go home. so we chatted and then wei wei kor kor and da jie and cindy were sending each other ringtones and dajie got some pretty funny ringtones. haha. and then we left. joanne's family sent my family home with their lorry. and i sat at the back of the lorry which was very windy and nice. and everybody was laughing at papa's joke whihc i find it abit weird. so i look at the road while the lorry was being driven. it was a scary but yet cool feeling. whihc in other words is very thrilling. and i could see all the cars behind us. it's so nice. i want to sit at the back of the lorry again next time. haha.

well, then i reached home and say goodbye to Joanne and the rest and went to wash the clothes which were soaking wet with seawater. and then i went to bath. feel so refreshed after that. and chatted with jet for awhile. actually we didn't really chat. i just reading a book and he was playing his com game. so we went doing things at the same time but on the phone. we didn't really talk much. so i find it kind of waste money to not talk in the phone but you're in the phone. get it? haha. then i went to hang the clothes after that, which was pretty scary. cos i'm alot in the kitchen and it's late at night. scary right? haha. then i finished hanging the clothes and i wanted to off the washing machine switch but then one of the clothes i hanged drop after being hanged up. that scared the wit out of me so i ran to the com room where teng is and ask her to accompany me to the kitchen and hang the clothes that dropped up again and also switched off the washing machine. i was so scare. i'm such a scaredy cat. haha.
then i went to sleep.

that's all for today's entry. a msg to amy: hope you like the poster joanne and i made!!! ok now, i gtg. bye! oh you can see the photos of our bbq outing at
it's from amy. haha. ok gtg now. bye!

Friday, June 10, 2005


hey peeps. back to blog. jet bro want me to write an entry today. and i also wants to write one but i was too lazy just now so here goes.

well today was quite a somewhat boring day. was woken up by my dad to eat breakfast cum lunch. [cos it was already around 11 plus going to 12] and i slept at 5 plus going to 6am yesterday. so tired and yet was waken up by papa to eat my meal. haix... didn't want to get up at first, but i scare papa will get mad so i got up. so restless when i got up. haha.

well the skin that you're seeing now, is done by jet bro. he didn't like the previous one which only last for about an hour and they already say they don't like liao. so had to change. got jet bro to help me change. was too lazy to do that and he was very willing to do it for me so i let him do. was afraid that he was very tired but have to help me change template so he cannot sleep. so i kept telling him that if he is tired, i can make it myself but he said it was ok. and when he was done, it was very well done. thanks jet! i really like it! and da jie is jealous that my blogskin is nicer than hers. haha. shall not be boostful about it. haha.

ok back to my day. after eating my meal, i had nothing to do. so i just slack in front of the tv. the show was quite educational. it was about rice. different types of rice that the taiwanese eat. yup. after that, i went to wash the cups and dishes. and nag at ah boy to pack the house. he always play play station so i want him to help in the house instead of playing play station all the time. but he only make the bed and nothing else. so i kept nagging at him until i going to become old liao but he still never listen. make me wanna vomit blood. choy. haha. then watch tv again and helped mum to record her show. then went to cook dinner. only 2 dishes and rice. so little and it took me quite awhile to finish cooking. haha. slow cooker bahx... haha. i cooked egg with onions and tofu with sweet peas... was quite delicious. i'm not a bad cook after all... haha. self-praise. haha. and only me, mummy, ah boy and ah joy eat and all the food is gone. papa didn't even get to eat. haha. maybe i cook too little already. my family so big and only have 2 dishes and rice is abit too little. haha. must take note of that. haha.

anyway, now i'm competing with jet to see whose entry is the longest. so i shall make this entry super long to win him. haha. it's now around 3 plus in the morning. and i'm abit tired.

ok back to my day again. well at night watch the project superstar at channel U. was laughing at alot of them. abit too over already. haha. i mean can't blame them for their voice right? but some really is attention seeker. just a hole in the jean and have to make a big ribbon on the jean. spoil the whole image. haix... and got alot of the comtestants that got in have been to shows on tv before. so they already have experience so they have more advantage. but they also have talents lah. after watching the show, make me wanna sing. like i'm in the contest like that. haha. but i didn't sing lah. Joanne sis sms me just now to ask me whether i want to go her house to stay and learn how to make dumplings... then of course i want. but it's abit unfair to teng cos she always didn't get a chance to stay at Joanne's house. always i stay. then mum say if i stay then teng cannot stay. then if teng stay then i cannot stay. so is either me or teng. cos me and teng take care of the house quite good and can help mum so mum want one of us to stay at home. then ah boy can go there lor with one of us. i and Joanne sis have plans to give something to amy... shall not say... but i have to go her house and plan with her. haix... so it'a a hard choice whether i should go a not. haix... anyway i am very happy to hear from Joanne sis that we can go her house... haha. quite excited about it.

had a dream yesterday... haha. kinda weird. but i forgot most of it. i can remember slightly only. and it was not completed cos of papa who woke me up. haix... was quite a nice dream actually. i remembr there is this guy who wants to make friends with me or something like that. i don't really remember much of it. but it was pretty weird. haha.

haix... had some plans for tmr. i need to sleep earlier than yesterday which is 5 plus going to 6am... and now its going to 4am. it doesn't make much a difference cos it's still very late in the night... or you can say EARLY in the morning. haix... tmr i'm going to the library to return a book then go and see ah gong then maybe go to Joanne's house if possible lor. long time never go and visit ah gong already. feel that i'm quite an unfilial grand-daughter. seen my ah gong never stay with me, i seldom go and visit him. he must be quite bored over in the elderly care and must have missed us alot. i intend to make a get well soon card for him cos his arm was injured when he fell down. but i didn't make. feel so bad about it. haix... i really wished that he hadn't left my house and continue staying with us... haix... let bygones be bygones bahx... haix... well, i have to say i really missed my ah gong... AH GONG, I LOVE YOU!!!

well, lately i've been short of cash. and amy's present is so ex. it's the most expensive present i ever bought for someone. haix... then still got the 2 kids present i haven't buy yet. must think of something man... but i'm out of cash... haix... shall go dig some out or find some... haix... so many things happen at one time then another time nothing happen... its like one time is very rushy and another time is very free and bored. it's so weird. and most of the time i''m so free and bored... can my friends ask me out or something? i'm rotting at home, can't you see?

ok i think this entry is long enough to beat jet's one. haha. ok i shall stop here... gtg. bye!

Thursday, June 09, 2005

.finally get to use blogskin.

hey peeps. finally get to use com le... my com is finally ok... only don't have MS office only... but da jie say she is going to lend me the cd... thanks da jie... i'll remind you want...

been kinda pissed lately with my friend, yiying. let me tell you why. it started off when i ask her whether she could helped me with my com because my com went for reformatting so we need to download those softwares back into the com again. but the MS office software i don't have. so i asked yiying whether she could lend me and help me to download in my com. and she say can. but when i ask her when she can help me, she say she dunno and will tell me an answer on sunday. so i waited for sunday. by then, she never answer me. so on tuesday, i saw her online and i asked her. but then after asking her, she immediately offline. so i went to call her house. her mum picked the phone so i ask whether yiying was in. so her mum went to call her. then i heard yiying saying : whose that? then she went to pick up the phone. and i ask her when she is free to help me, but she say she dunno. then there was like this very long pause then i say : you no need to help me lah. and i hang the phone.

maybe it is somehow my fault too for being too impatient. but she seems so unwilling to help me too. and she is always busy with other people's business and not hers. and she already agreed on helping me but she sisn't kept her words. she also know that i'm pissed but she has got no feelings about it. so that made me even more pissed. moreover, my mum's been like rushing me to ask her to download but she keep saying she not free or dunno. so might as well ask my cousin, da jie, to help me rather than waiting for her right?
let's not talk about this... it makes me pissed.

anyway, i've been chatting with da jie and jet lately... so fun to chat with my cousins. and there is this family bbq to celebrate some of our cousins' birthday... i'm so excited about it. hehe. i've been complaining to jet lately. and i feel that i'm a very lucky girl to have jet as my listener. he's always there to listen to my complains and problems... i'm so happy. thanks jet. i know i'm very nagging sometimes. just bear with it k? hehe. and i sometimes have this feeling that i take things for granted. it's like i have friends around me and i've been like talk things behind their back... all the things that i'm not happy with them... so i somehow feel so guilty about it. and jet, my listener cum cousin, always have to hear me nag... so somehow i also feel guilty about that... sorry jet... thanks for everything. :) hehe.

anyway, i just changed my skin. and i've got lots of comments from da jie and jet and some of my friends. they don't seem to like the blogskin that i like. it's somehow my ideal one. i don't get it why they don't like... they say it's too boyish... and i am a boyish girl. i seldom wear skirts. and i don't like to wear them too. but i will change the blogskin again... somehow... haha.

ok it's time to go. this entry is pretty long i guess. haha. ok. gtg. bye!