Saturday, March 17, 2007

my fulfilling march holidays!

dear faeriefable

this holiday is seriously a fulfilling one! i've never been so busy during my holidays before but this time it was really jam-packed with loads of activities and fun! haha. i've really spent lots of precious times with my loved ones, friends and even school. although, it's just a short span of one week but i think it's all worth it and memorable.

well, i know i haven't been updating lately because of my "hectic" timetable and laziness. but i still do make an effort to come and update when i feel like it and when i'm free. haha. anyway, no one reads it so it doesn't matter. haha.

like what i've said from the start of this entry, this whole week has been a very busy but enjoyable one. i'm so happy that i've got stuff to do during the holidays and not rot at home, eating, sleeping and gaining weight. haha.

11 march 2007 - 13 march 2007
joanne called to ask me whether i wanted to go to sentosa with the cousins as a family outing. well, the outing was kind of a last minute thing because we didn't realised that everyone had nothing to do on that day. haha. so, joanne, jet, me, amy, xiang, steph, justin, wenna and yiting all went to sentosa just to spend time with one another and have fun together. it's the first time that the cousins went to sentosa together. and it's also our first outing at sentosa! haha. a pity that cindy can't go. and teng, joyce and boy didn't want to go, so they've missed out all the fun. haha.

jet was kind enough to offer me a ride to harbourfront. so i waited for him downstairs for his dad to fetch us there. actually, to be frank, i feel kind of awkward to talk to jet's mum. she's always asking me questions and finding common topics with me to talk to when it was very obvious that there is a generation gap between me and her. but i just played along with her. haha. when we reached harbourfront, we went to look for joanne, xiang and yiting near candy empire. we set off for sentosa without amy and wenna because they were super late. i was so excited! it's been ages since i went to sentosa. haha. so we took the monorail to sentosa and then sat on the tram to the very end of siloso beach. settled down and started playing volleyball. there was this boy who kept looking at the group of us, and we were wondering what he was he up to. then amy and wenna finally came and we proceeded on to get ourselves wet. i didn't want to get myself wet so fast but they dragged and thrown me into the sea. argh! haha. so after they got me wet, we started our plans of getting yiting and wenna wet because they just refused to get into the water. haha. eventually, we did the same thing as what they did to me to get them wet. [get it? haha.] then we started playing ball in the water and attempted to swim to the small island at the other side of the beach. unfortunately, we failed because it was pretty far from where we've settled down. moreover, the seabed was very gross. it was like mud plus algae on the seabed. jet and i find it very disgusting. we vowed never to step on it ever again! haha.

after all the fun, the boy, who kept looking at us from the very beginning, called his brother to approach the group of us, wanting to make friends with stephanie because that boy find steph cute?!?! haha. we were so surprised and made a joke out of it. somehow, i feel that we embarrassed the 2 brothers. haha. so we started teasing steph. finally, that boy took the courage to approach us and wanted to know steph more. steph went to chat with the boy alone while we continued our ball game. before the boys left, they chatted with the whole group of us, wanting to know where we're from and how are we related. obviously, we didn't gave them the real answers that they wanted and we somehow continued teasing them. however, they said something nasty to jet before they left which made jet fuming with anger. haha. [don't take their words to heart, jet! they don't know you. and to you, they are just nobody-s. so don't bother about their words.]

well, after all the drama, we left to bath and took the tram and monorail back to vivocity to have dinner at burger king. initially, we didn't plan to stay over at joanne's house, but after countless persuation from the cousins, i finally gave in and stayed over. i was somehow worried because i have school the next day but i ended up getting the flu virus from wenna and couldn't get up to go to school the next morning. so i messaged miao ying to tell her that i can't go because i was sick. seriously, i think wenna has the potential to spread germs to practically anyone. the whole group of cousins in the room all caught the flu virus! [thanks wenna! as if! haha.]

i planned to go home on monday but somehow or rather i got pressured by jet to stay over for another day. so i spent my sunday, monday and tuesday at joanne's house. we went to bugis on tuesday because joanne had a job interview there. but she was late and the office was already closed so it was a wasted trip for her. just to spend more time together, we went around bugis junction and took a few neoprints together. then we waited for joanne's mum to have dinner at food junction. after dinner, we bid goodbyes and left for home. so basically, i spent my first 3 days of the march holidays with my cousins. it's been quite some time since i had a stayover at joanne's house and i still enjoy staying over at her house with the bunch of cousins. haha.

14 march 2007
cg outing was on this day. we went to ecp to cycle, bowled and arcaded. i was pretty broke by them and initially didn't want to go. however, i feel bad about not going and was unsure whether i should or should not go so i ended up going. as expected, i was the latest to arrive because i woke up at 9am which was the time i was supposed to meet them at bedok interchange. so i called miao ying to tell her that i'll be going straight to ecp myself to meet them. we booked the bicycles at 11am and started cycling towards bedok jetty. i took a few breather there and was feeling kind of relax with the breeze and the sun. anqi started teaching me the mass dance moves at a shelter near the jetty. it was kind of embarrassing at first, to dance in public. but later on, i started to ignore the stares and just learn as much as i could from anqi. then we continued cycling towards the end of ecp, near safra. the scenery there was great so we decided to take a break over there. realising that we only got around 45 minutes to 1pm, we started leaving for the bicycle kiosk to return our bikes on time. regina and miao ying were singing while cycling and i realised they really have great vocals. maybe next year they can perform in mjc's soiree concert. haha.

we made it back to the kiosk on time, and proceeded to have lunch at mac's. siyi joined us as she promised. then we went to play arcade because marina bowl was packed and there wasn't any lane for us to bowl. we have to wait until 4.30pm to get a lane, so we played arcade until around 4.30pm before going back to marina bowl. well, i think playing arcade is a waste of time and money but we had quite a lot of fun playing photo hunt and DDR. haha. and i found out that miao ying is super good in DDR. she can really dance, man! i didn't want to bowl, so i just watched the few of them bowled. after bowling, they wanted to have dinner together but i was on budget and didn't want to spend any more money, so i left them for home. haha.

15 march 2007
i went to school in the morning for atlas OGL meeting. at the same time, i went to buy my uniform. CGs and orientation groupings were released and so i went to check the CG i was in. i didn't really do much in school because we have to wait for the materials. Anqi was feeling happy but also low at the same time, because one, calvin is in the same CG as her, and two, she's not in the same CG as the group of 07S201 PAE. [cheer up, anqi! we'll still stay in contact. and we're still going to see each other in school.]

i left at 12 noon with Azy, a new friend that i've made. i was kind of worried for the NRP interview at NTU. it was such a short notice. i only knew that there was an interview the day before. i was so stressed up that i didn't really sleep well and kept reading articles related to the project. papa fetched me to NTU and we somehow got lost there because the place was huge and complicated. i found my way there eventually and was kind of worried that i'm late but to my surprise, i was the first one to arrive. the hwa chong boy was very late. well, the interview was horrible and i asked plenty of stupid questions. i think i won't be settled to do the project. -sigh- guess i'll just have to let fate do the job. i've did my best and i'm still in a dilemma on whether i want to do the project or not. but since i've gotten myself this far to the project, i guess i'll just give it a go if i'm selected. after the interview, i realised that the competition for university admission is very intense. all the smart people like those students in VJC, HCI, TJC and NJC will all be competing with me. plus, they're all taking 4h2 subjects which gives them higher chances of getting a scholarship in the universities. i kind of regret putting 3h2 and 1h1 for my subject combination. i'll just pray hard that i can make it through JC and get myself a place in the university and get a well paid job after that. -sigh- i've got so many worries.

16 march 2007
SENTOSA OUTING! haha. well, i know this is the second time i went to sentosa for the week, [i've never went to sentosa for so many times before. haha.] but this time round i was with a different group of people.

well, i went to sentosa with the TKGS gang. [me, sheng, siying, calister, sooming and peck hong] we had a lot of fun and did quite a bit of catch up. i got tanner too but it was uneven. [argh!]

ok, i'm a bit too lazy to update already. and the entry is just too long! haha. plus, calister have already updated her blog with pictures in it. so i think i shall just use calister's entry as part of my update. haha. [oops! calister, lend me your entry ok? haha. thanks!]

so updates on the sentosa outing with the tkgians are in calister's blog. haha. there's more pictures than words in her blog so it's less tedious to view them. haha.
calister's blog :

i think i'm done with this entry. as you can see, this march holiday is indeed packed with fun activities. mum's been nagging me. to sum it all up, i'm broke, tanned and tired but still a much happier person. and i feel more loved from my family and friends than before. haha. well, i gtg now! bye!


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