Friday, March 23, 2007

the off people = problems

dear faeriefable

i've been feeling kind of moody these past 2 days. well, mostly it's beacuse of the situation of my present cg. i don't really want to talk about it. it's just too horrible to mention it. i just can't believe that i'm in it but i'll just have to get use to it. actually, i don't really want to care about my present cg anymore despite numerous attempts on trying to talk to them or get to know them more. apparently, they are just too dead to response or they are mute. i know i'm being mean saying all these stuff. but they just make me feel depress. maybe i'm making myself depress by thinking about it. -sigh-

the first few days of the week was orientation 2 and i'm so glad that i'm an OGL. atlas 4 was definitely a fun group to be around with. initially, i thought they will not be very enthusiatic. but luckily they were or i'll be such a loser being an OGL. orientation 2 was somehow a new experience to me. i get to know a few new people, namely sham, rebecca, aisyah, yong wen, and the whole of atlas 4. it's been great getting to know them although it's just a short period of 3 days. and the campfire for orientation 2 was totally awesome! it was in the hall because it rained. and we had the air-conditioners on! haha. everyone in the hall was so hype up! i love mass dancing now because i know how to dance! haha. i screamed my hearts out that night and i felt so much better after hearing news about atlas 5 (my present cg) being the most problematic og throughout the whole of orientation 2. but still, i think orientation 1 was better because atlas 7 was a group of super fun people! haha.

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)[?]


The Bottom Line

Someone with a very different lifestyle has something to teach you. Be open-minded.

In Detail

You know someone whose lifestyle is very different from yours, and you could learn a lot from that person right now. This iconoclast's free-spirited ways might not be very appealing to you -- but haven't you ever been just a little bit curious about her or his life? Get together with this person, and become acquainted with a radically different approach to living. And don't be afraid to debate things -- this person stands to learn something from you, too.

i got this from friendster a few days ago and i think it's quite true. maybe this is a hint for me to try to interact more with the people in my present cg and to try to improve the situation. i have to think positive and do what i think it's right! YES! I CAN DO IT! GO GO GO!!! JO JO, YOU CAN DO IT!!! haha.

my skin is getting from bad to worse, especially my nose! 2 big pimples and they are leaving scars on my face! plus, my face is starting to peel, probably because it's very dry. i think i'll be looking like a monster by tomorrow! i seriously need some help! i hate it when these problems happen. argh!

i think i gtg now. i have to start the mugging mood again or i won't be able to catch up during lesson time. bye!


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