Saturday, April 21, 2007

i am mean. i know.

dear faeriefable

nothing much really happened in this week. it's somehow a reflective week for some of people in school, including myself. well, life and death can be very scary. it's like any moment, anyone might just leave you anytime. it just makes me feel so scared thinking about it. but ironically, i've been thinking about it these few days, ever since i sense some emotional mood swings from some of my classmates and read about the reason to it. well, life and death is something you can't predict so just cherish what who you've got now. it must been too shocking a news for yuheng. hope he can take it easy. cheer up, man! haha :P

i went to the airport to study these few weekends. and yes, i'm super daring this time to actually stayed over at the airport to study with them. unfortunately, it wasn't very productive. i dozed a few times and got caught by yu heng and miao ying for smiling while sleeping. i feel so embarrassed! haha. but it's ok. that just shows that i had a sweet dream but i can't remember what the dream was. i didn't even think i was dreaming! haha. luckily, i didn't talk in my sleep or i'm be hiding myself from them for now on. haha.

mum and pa weren't very happy that i went to the airport to stay over. but they allowed me. i feel kind of bad not listening to them when i know that it's all for my own good. maybe this is what people call as angst. i'm an angsty girl i guess. haha. (do they even have the word "angsty"? haha.) the stay over was a terrible one for me! my head was splitting and it wasn't really functioning properly, so i didn't really do much work there. but at least i got my PI done there and went to watch the planes at the runway. we (me, yuheng and miao ying) attempted to catch the meteor rain at the airport but we failed terribly. there was hardly a star there. haha. but i found one in the sky which is stationary. haha. man! i so want to watch a meteor rain! how could have missed it at east coast park?!?! argh!!! haha.

sunday morning, regina, rachel, moses and edwin came and studied together. it was kind of enjoyable and we had quite a lot of fun. haha. and yet again, edwin isolate himself from us. what's the problem with him! i just can't figure it out! first, he was ok hanging around with us for the first 3 months. now, he's telling us that he isn't comfortable hanging around with us! argh!!! what's the problem man! i mean we didn't do anything to him. we didn't bully him or anything. nothing serious to him at all! i starting to feel a little piss about he showing attitude and being such a uncooperative CG rep. argh! maybe i'm being mean here. but i'm just saying what i feel has to be said. no one dares to tell him all these. and he just refuse to tell us what's wrong with him. so i don't really care about him! in fact, i don't wish to talk to him like the way i talk to them others if he continues to be like this. he's really pissing me off! argh!

forget about edwin. overall, i think the airport trip was truely an experience for me. but i won't be staying over again! it's too exhausting and i don't think i can cope with my studies without sleeping. it's really draining me out. haha. after looking at me with the horrendous headache, mum doesn't allow me to stay over or go to the airport to study anymore. so i guess that was the last trip to the airport to study. i suggest that we should go somewhere else to study other than the airport. but i just can't think of anywhere else other than home sweet home. haha.

i've been slacking alot. i've got to redo my PI, research on biofuel and a whole lot of homework. plus, i can't cope with lectures especially chemistry and physics! they're a killer man! been telling myself to read up the lecture notes before hand but i'm always procrastinating, dilly dally-ing. i guess my lazy habit is still not corrected. but it's human nature to be lazy. haha. what an excuse! haha. oh, i'm trying to avoid my project partner for the moment because i haven't done anything to the biofuel project yet! i'm so dead! i've never put my msn status as "appear offline" but this time, i've got no choice. i'm pretty afraid that he'll just talk to me and ask me when will the next meeting be. haha. i feel so guilty not doing anything to the project. this project is deifinitely challenging me to be independent and be passionate of what i'm doing. it just shows that i'm not independent enough to start working on the project ever since the last meeting. i've got to start working and work myself to be the best! but this is all talk. i've got to make actions. AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! haha.

i guess this is it. it's getting late now. there's school tomorrow too, so i think i better finish up my tutorials and get some sleep. gtg now! bye!


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