Friday, October 20, 2006


dear faeriefable

i've been feeling very restless and unmotivated. it feels that i haven't been working as hard as last time. and i can't let this continue. but where do i start? i know where to start but the problem is when and how? i mean i want to start but i can't seem to bring myself working. i'm just being too complacent. i can't let this go on. someone's got to help me start cracking. box me or punch me! whatever you do, just get me starting!!!

well, i just chatted with da jie and she gave me lots of very useful advice. she told me that i shouldn't be bothered about what i will be doing in future, where i'll be going and so on. i'll just have to do my best in O's and score the best that i can. she said that last time she also don't know where to go or she will end up in a travel agency and be a secretary. so let things just flow naturally. eventually there will be a way for me to go. now the main thing i have to concentrate is to study for O's and do my best in O's. then i can lots of choices to choose. so i should not be worried about where i'll be going in future.
i'm really thankful that da jie gave me these advice. they somehow make me feel more at ease. but the main problem again is i have to get starting!!!
da jie said that i have to plan what i want to study and do. i know i have to do that but sometimes the things i plan just don't seem to finish in the end. i don't care!!! i have to listen to da jie!!! plan jo!!! plan!!!

mum, teng, boy and ying all went to the family chalet today. and i'm all left alone at home. mum didn't want me to go cos she said that i'll be wasting time there and travelling here and there would also waste time. so she didn't allowed me to go. plus tmr i have chinese tuition at 1030am. so even if i go, i can't stay. i know the chalet would be fun because the cousins will be there. and i know the place will be noisy and un-conducive to study but i feel like going cos the cousins are there. and i'm yearning to see them. i miss them so much. moreover jet didn't contact me for ages. guess he understands that i have O'level to prepare for so he didn't want to disturb me. but sometimes i have the urge to call him and talk... cos he's a good listener and i have lots to talk to him about. well, this is a critical period and i have to concentrate. so i'll just have to bear with it!!! jo, REN!!!

ok. i'm feeling restless, sluggish and slothy. haha. i feel like a pig. just keep taking food and stuff it in my mouth wheneven i have these feelings. and now i'm having a tummyache. good for you, jo. haha. this sounds so sarcastic... haha. ok i have to straighten things out and be the nerdy jojo again!!! JIA YOU JO!!!

hope i can survive this period. kk. gtg now. bye!!!


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