Saturday, June 09, 2007


dear faeriefable

i'm now at Joanne's house. Me, Jet and Steph went to her house yesterday to stayover. Our purpose: to make a surprise present for Amy and the June babies. However, as expected, we failed drastically. haha. We even made a hug mess in her kitchen. I feel so full now. I've been eating the surprise present non-stop, because it's looks too unpresentable to give her. Hence, in order not to waste food, we ate almost all the things that we made. haha.

Now, we're suppose to be at Amy's house to have steamboat with the rest of the family. But we're late due to the making of the unappetizing surprise gift. haha. I think we're intending to make it as the foul feet when we play games. haha. Or maybe, we'll be forcing Amy to eat them all. haha.

I so love sleepovers. A few days ago, thursday to be exact, i went to stay at Jet's place after wushu training. I went there with the intention to just relax and have fun with Jet. But time passes so fast that i forgot about it. Thus, I decided not to go home and stayed at Jet's place for one night. haha. i know i'm such a naughty girl. i've been playing too much, forgetting about my studies and the time i'm left with. now i'm feeling guilty not doing anything throughout the week. -sigh-

i'm going to bathe now. we're so late! haha.

to be continued...

well, i'm back home right now. Steamboat at Amy's house was quite fun actually. I somehow felt that i sabo-ed myself into eating the untasty sushi. I lost 4 times in the game of zhong ji min ma and was made to eat the sushi, which was made by myself, Joanne, Willow, Jet and Steph. haha. We wanted to sabo-ed Amy into eating those sushi that had wasabi in them but our plan failed and we (the people making the sushi) ended up eating most of the sushi because we kept losing. haha. but i think it was kind of fun and i enjoyed it a lot with my cousins. love them so much!

i guess by now, you readers should have known that the surprise present was the horrible sushi that we made. haha. there was also another surprise gift that we intended to give Amy but we have yet to complete it. haha. That gift was a little too last minute and couldn't get the cousins to contribute in it at such a short time. Moreover, we overslept at Joanne's house and were too lazy to go and get the needed materials for that special surprise gift. I bet Amy would be very touched if she was to receive the gift today. haha. but, oh well, we can't do much about it now. haha.

i'm so glad that i had all these sleepovers during this june holiday. although i know i odd to be studying during the june holidays, the temptation of spending time and having fun with my cousins was just too unresistable. i'm feeling so guilty not studying now. man! i'm so going to work hard and mug from today onwards. no more internet, no more msn, no more long chit chats and no more long tv programmes! i know this is going to be boring and stressful. but for the sake of getting good grades in my mid years, i'm willing to sacrifice. i hope i would be able to stick to all the restrictions i've given to myself. man! i'm doom!

i've found out quite a lot of things about my cousins in all these sleepovers and gatherings. i'm glad they told me things and trust me in keeping these things in secret. i feel so much more warmth from them, knowing that they trust me and are willing to share things with me. thank you lovelies! i trust you guys too!

ok. i've got to replenish my energy now. plus, it's very late already. so gtg! bye!


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