Sunday, June 03, 2007

HOLIDAYS are boring.

dear faeriefable

how great can the holidays be? i have a whole lot of things to do and i've not started anything. i'm just so into holiday mood now. i keep wanting to go out, despite having no money to spend, and i keep wanting to use the com even though i know i shouldn't use it and i have no need to use it. i don't have self control!!! argh!!!

i think my right leg is somewhat healing already. thanks to mum for massaging for me when i asked her to. so nice! haha. and i think i'm a little sick in the mind. i think that bruises look cool and i think having bruises shows that i am able to endure pain. sick right? seriously, i think i'm really mad to think that way but i really think bruises are cool. haha.

i've been procrastinating a lot like always. i haven't even make a timetable to start studying for mid years and i know there isn't much time left. it's already the 2nd week of the holidays?!?! how fast time passes when you do things that you enjoy. actually, to be honest, i'm not really enjoying my holidays. i'm just lazing around at home, being such a sloth, watching tv, eat and sleep. i won't be surprise if i grow fatter after the holidays. i really need to work out. i've been yearning to go swimming. jet and i actually wanted to go swim on saturday but our plan failed and we went to east coast park to cycle instead. we chatted a lot and had some heart to heart talks too. i'm really grateful to have such a wonderful buddy who is always there when i need a listening ear. thanks jet!

oh ya. and guess what? we took the right bus at the wrong bus stop just like what we always do when we go to east coast park. but luckily, this time the bus actually u-turned to the right way or else we'll be dead meat! haha. we also went to parkway's KFC to have dinner after visiting joyce at her workplace. man! i really think it's very cool to work at a hair salon. maybe i'll work at a hair salon as a part time job next time. haha.

i'm looking forward to the outing that amy, joanne and i are going to have. even though we have not settled a date and time when everyone is free, i still think it's very heart-warming to know that i have my cousins to look up to when there's no one around me. i think i've grown much more feminine than i was last time. man! this must have been the works of entering into a co-ed school. i seriously think that JC has influence me a lot. just lately, mum keep scolding me for saying "shit" widely and unconsciously. i know i've used it when i was young and all but come to think of it, i've been using that word very often these few days. this is bad! i really need to be aware of my language and speech. now, mum thinks that the people in JC giving me negative influence because of the way i speak and my attitude. man! this is so bad!!! i'm going to give mum a good impression from today onwards!

i'm broke. i need money. and i want to get a hair cut. this time, i really mean it. i've realised that i'm always saying things and not taking actions. i better kick out this wrong behaviour. i must mean what i said or else eventually i might break a promise i made to people without knowing it, which is wrong. man! what hair cut should i get? an afro? haha.

i didn't really expect to have an argument with the JC people so soon, but it just happened recently. once again, it's about the class outing. i find it very meaningless to have it and i seriously mean it. it's just a waste of time to think of bonding the class. it takes time and i don't expect the class to bond so fast in just one outing. plus, the dates, time, activity are not settled and it's very troublesome and problematic. i'm super pissed with YH who just said that i was insensible and inconsiderate. hey! who are you to say those nasty words are me man! i can be nice when you are nice. but if you're being mean then i won't hold back at being mean at you too. moreover, you're not even in my class so why are you meddling into the class outing business? i know i'm mean by saying all these things but seriously, you've made me very angry. i know i was being a little too direct in saying that the class outing is meaningless but i am speaking the truth and i have my freedom of speech in wanting to let people know how i feel about having the class outing. i know you'll be pissed when you read this but I AM SERIOUSLY PISSED WITH YOU TOO!!! ARGH!

well, that let off a whole load of pent up feelings in my crest. i'm much calmer now. speaking of the class outing, i don't want to care about it anymore since my help is not appreciated and i'm no longer interested in helping out too. moreover, i've been thinking and asking my classmates umpteen times about the purpose of organising the class outing. why must we organise the class outing just when someone (who i wish not to be named in my blog) said so when he isn't even doing anything? i feel that his actions are super irresponsible and i'm getting super irritated with the way he does things. sometimes i just feel like telling him off straight in the face but i think it's pretty mean to do that and i'm pretty scared too. i admit that i'm not daring enough to tell people off in the face but i have the urge to do so. haha. what a weakling i am?! haha.

anyway, it's super late now. i gtg. bye!


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