Tuesday, July 03, 2007

sacrifices for my goals

dear faeriefable

well, tomorrow or rather today is the last day of my break. i'll be having wushu training later at 4.30pm in school. man! i'm so dreading wushu training. i would rather use that time to go to the beach and cycle my whole life. haha. it just feels weird, isn't it? all of a sudden, i have the passion and desire to cycle and i really enjoy going to the beach. in fact, i love going to the beach and scream my heads out by the breakwaters. actually, my real desire is to blade. cycling would my second favourite after blading. now, i'm very determined to save up to buy myself a pair of blades and go to ECP every saturday to blade all the way to my favourite peaceful location by the beach. but for now, due to insufficient finances, i'll just go with my second favourite, cycling. haha.

i know i shouldn't be blogging right now, but i just felt like taking a break from e-learning. i'm still left with GP, which actually intended not to do, but after hearing what sherman and mr max was saying in the general office today, i decided to do it anyway. haha.

anyway, i had my A'level chinese oral today and it wasn't that bad, only that i kept saying the wrong words and stummer during my passage reading. the conversation question was quite alright. i hope the invigilators would be lenient to me. i really wish to get an A for my chinese in A'level! i'm putting high hopes on my chinese and i don't wish to disappoint myself and feel horrible in the end. so JO, YOU SHOULD BE WORKING HARD!!! JIA YOU!!!

i went to the bedok library today while waiting for teng to meet me to collect her new pair of spectacles. i found quite a number of books regarding knitting and crochet and once again, i'm starting to have interest in it again. teng helped me borrow one of the books. yay!!! haha.

so after borrowing the book, we went to the optician to look for my new pair of spectacles. it's so fun trying out the different kinds of spectacles. teng and i had a tummyful of laughter at the optician. haha. we tried the oldies, the modern, the plastic, the nerd and many others. haha. we really had a great time there. i found 3 pairs that i liked but in the end, i got the funky one cos i don't think mum would be please if i get the one with big lens. haha. i have to wait for another 2 days to collect my new pair of spectacles and totally change my image. haha.

i've been thinking about changing my hairstyle in school. i've been like wearing hairbands all my life and i was thinking of letting it go and put up a pin or something. but i'm afraid that it would turn out very childish looking so i'm trying to forgo that thought of mine. somehow or rather, i'm kind of loving my new hairstyle when i let my fringe down although i find the fringe a little too troublesome and irritating. haha. come to think of it, if i'm really going to change my image, i wonder what my friends and classmates would think about it. i think they'll be horrified from the way they reacted when i cut my hair short. sometimes, i really think they're very exaggerating. oh well, they're them and i'm me so i don't really want to care what they think about me although i know they think i'm dumb and simple minded. just let it be...

mr max just reminded the gang of us that promos are just 8 weeks away, which is equivalent to 2 months. man! sometimes, i really think the school is crazy. we just had our mid years and 2 months later, we're going to take our promos. and i know promos are super important. i cannot afford to fail any single one of my subjects and i'm aiming high. from today onwards, whether or not i'm going to have a life, whether or not my friends think i'm crazy, whether or not i'll be labelled as a nerd or a mugger, i will start working hard for my promos and score As, saved money for my pair of blades and achieve as much things as i can in life. this would mean forgoing outings, lunch and dinners with my classmates and all. it's an equivalent trade. i have to sacrifice something in order to gain something. and now, i've decided to sacrifice my time with my friends to achieve my goals. i know i'm being selfish and i hope they can understand my purpose. maybe once in while, i'll go out with them. just once in a while will do.

it's very late already. i'm suppose to be doing GP e-learning right now. gtg! bye!


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